Αρχική σελίδαΑξιολόγηση Rolling Slots Casino
Αξιολόγηση Rolling Slots Casino
Δέχεται παίκτες από την Ελλάδα
Μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση:
Δεν διατίθεται
Μπόνους κατάθεσης:
100% έως και 500 € και 100 επιπλέον περιστροφές (0,1 €/περιστροφή)
Rolling Slots Casino Logo
Rolling Slots CasinoΔείκτης ασφάλειαςΕπίσκεψη
Μέθοδοι πληρωμής
  • Skrill
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Revolut
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Τραπεζικό έμβασμα
Όρια ανάληψης
 το μήνα
10.000 €
 ανά ημέρα
500 €
GBL Solutions N.V.
> 5.000.000 €
  • Curaçao (Curaçao Gaming Control Board)
ΕπισκόπησηΜπόνους6Αξιολογήσεις χρηστών61Επεξήγηση του Δείκτη ΑσφάλειαςΣυζήτηση201Μέθοδοι πληρωμής34

Αξιολόγηση Rolling Slots Casino

Εξετάσαμε αναλυτικά το Rolling Slots Casino και του δώσαμε πολύ υψηλό Δείκτη ασφάλειας, που είναι η ανώτερη βαθμολογία που δίνουμε στα καζίνο. Στην αξιολόγησή μας, λάβαμε υπόψη μας τα παράπονα των παικτών του καζίνο, τα εκτιμώμενα έσοδα, την άδεια, τη γνησιότητα των παιχνιδιών, την ποιότητα της εξυπηρέτησης πελατών, το πόσο δίκαιοι είναι οι όροι και οι προϋποθέσεις, τα όρια ανάληψης και κέρδους, καθώς και άλλους παράγοντες. Καθώς το Rolling Slots Casino σχετίζεται και με άλλα online καζίνο, τα οποία παρατίθενται παρακάτω, η αξιολόγησή του επηρεάζεται από αυτά. Διαβάστε την πλήρη αξιολόγησή μας παρακάτω, για να μάθετε περισσότερα σχετικά με αυτό το καζίνο.

Σύμφωνα με τις έρευνες και τους υπολογισμούς μας, το Rolling Slots Casino είναι ένα online καζίνο μεσαίου μεγέθους όσον αφορά τα συνολικά έσοδα. Ανήκει σε μια ομάδα συσχετιζόμενων καζίνο. Ωστόσο, η ομάδα αυτή είναι ακόμη μεσαίου μεγέθους, ακόμη και όταν αξιολογείται σε συνολικό επίπεδο. Τα έσοδα ενός καζίνο είναι ένας σημαντικός παράγοντας, καθώς τα μεγαλύτερα καζίνο δεν έχουν συνήθως πρόβλημα να πληρώνουν τα μεγάλα κέρδη, ενώ τα μικρότερα καζίνο ενδεχομένως να μην μπορούν να σας πληρώσουν αν καταφέρετε να κερδίσετε ένα μεγάλο ποσό.

Δεν βρήκαμε κανένα σχετικό παράπονο για αυτό το καζίνο.

Με βάση όλες τις πληροφορίες που αναφέραμε σε αυτήν την αξιολόγηση και τον πολύ υψηλό Δείκτη ασφάλειας αυτού του καζίνο, μπορούμε συμπερασματικά να πούμε ότι το Rolling Slots Casino είναι ένα εξαιρετικό καζίνο για παιχνίδι. Αν ψάχνετε για ένα ιδανικό online καζίνο, σας προτείνουμε να δοκιμάσετε το συγκεκριμένο.


Μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση:
Δεν διατίθεται
Μπόνους κατάθεσης:
100% έως και 500 € και 100 επιπλέον περιστροφές (0,1 €/περιστροφή)

Μέθοδοι πληρωμής

Μέθοδοι πληρωμής
  • Skrill
  • VISA
  • Mastercard
  • Neteller
  • PaySafeCard
  • Revolut
  • Bitcoin (BTC)
  • Τραπεζικό έμβασμα
Όρια ανάληψης
 το μήνα
10.000 €
 ανά ημέρα
500 €


Όχι στοιχήματα
Βίντεο πόκερ
Παιχνίδια Τζακπότ
Ζωντανά παιχνίδια
Όχι πόκερ
Παιχνίδια με ζάρια
Όχι αθλητικά στοιχήματα
Παιχνίδια Crash

Επιλογές γλώσσας

Ιστότοπος στα Ελληνικά
Υποστήριξη πελατών στα Αγγλικά
Live Chat στα Αγγλικά

Πάροχοι παιχνιδιών

  • NetEnt
  • Big Time Gaming
  • Play'n GO
  • Nolimit City
  • TaDa Gaming
  • Betsoft Gaming
  • Pragmatic Play
  • Playtech


  • Καταθέσεις και αναλήψεις μέσω κρυπτονομισμάτων
  • Τεράστια γκάμα παρόχων παιχνιδιών
  • Απλός και καθαρός σχεδιασμός ιστοσελίδων
  • Η εξυπηρέτηση μέσω ζωντανής συνομιλίας είναι διαθέσιμη 24 ώρες το 24ωρο, 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα
  • Τεράστια γκάμα παιχνιδιών που περιέχει μεγάλη ποικιλία παιχνιδιών με ζωντανούς κρουπιέρηδες


  • Περιορισμένες επιλογές υπεύθυνου παιχνιδιού
  • Δεν μεταφράζονται όλοι οι όροι και προϋποθέσεις στην επιλογή γλώσσας που παρέχεται στον ιστότοπο

Ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία

  • Μικρό διεθνές καζίνο
  • Μεσαίο μηνιαίο όριο ανάληψης
Συντάκτης και Εγγυητής: Ayberk Ayan Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 24/10/2024 Υπάρχει κάτι λάθος ή λείπει κάτι; Ενημερώστε με
Μπόνους καζίνο (6)

Μπόνους στο Rolling Slots Casino

Δείτε όλα τα μπόνους που προσφέρονται από το {1}, συμπεριλαμβανομένων των προσφορών μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση και των μπόνους καλωσορίσματος πρώτης κατάθεσης.

Casino Guru

Θέλουμε να κατανοείτε τα τυχερά παιχνίδια.

Αξιολογήσεις χρηστών (61)

Αξιολογήσεις χρηστών για το Rolling Slots Casino

Εδώ μπορείτε να μοιραστείτε τις εμπειρίες σας σχετικά με το Rolling Slots Casino. Διαβάστε τι έχουν γράψει οι άλλοι παίκτες ή γράψτε τη δική σας αξιολόγηση και περιγράψτε τις θετικές και αρνητικές ιδιότητές του με βάση την προσωπική σας εμπειρία.

Γνώμη χρηστών:
Πολύ κακή

Βαθμολογήθηκε από 61 χρήστες

Πολύ θετικήΘετικήΟυδέτερηΑρνητικήΠολύ αρνητική

Έχετε εμπειρίες με αυτό το καζίνο;

Γράψτε μια αξιολόγηση

Casino Guru

Θέλουμε να κατανοείτε τα τυχερά παιχνίδια.

• πριν από 1 εβδομάδα
I recently started playing at this casino, and I have to say, it's quickly become one of my favorites! The unique bonuses they offer are pretty nice. I've had a few questions while playing, and the support team has been great - always quick to respond and very helpful
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Honyhony85,

Thank you for sharing your experience! We're thrilled to know that our casino has quickly become one of your favorites. It's wonderful to hear that the unique bonuses have been a highlight for you and that our support team has been responsive and helpful.

Be sure to check out our amazing email promotions and join our Telegram channel for even more exclusive offers available: https://t.me/RollingSlots_Official.

Your positive feedback motivates us to continue delivering a top-notch gaming experience. Should you ever have any more questions or need assistance, we're always here to help.

Enjoy your time at the casino, and best of luck with your future games!

Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
• πριν από 2 εβδομάδες
Το ίδιο το καζίνο είναι πραγματικά καλά σχεδιασμένο και προσφέρει μεγάλη ποικιλία παιχνιδιών. Η υποστήριξη είναι επίσης εντάξει. Αλλά δυστυχώς δεν είναι το μόνο που έχει σημασία. Ένα μεγάλο μείον είναι η πληρωμή.
Την περασμένη εβδομάδα ήθελα να γράψω κάτι θετικό εδώ γιατί κέρδισα, ζήτησα ανάληψη, ολοκλήρωσα την επαλήθευση και είχα τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου μετά από τρεις ημέρες. Τρεις μέρες είναι μια χαρά, νομίζω.
Ωστόσο, έχω αρκετές αναλήψεις σε εκκρεμότητα. Στην πραγματικότητα περίμενα τη δεύτερη απόσυρσή μου εδώ και εννέα μέρες. Το πρόβλημα είναι ότι έχω και άλλες τρεις αναλήψεις σε εκκρεμότητα. Η αναμονή είναι πραγματικά κουραστική - ειδικά επειδή η πρώτη ανάληψη διεκπεραιώθηκε τόσο γρήγορα.
Είμαι περίεργος αν τα χρήματα θα φτάσουν στον τραπεζικό μου λογαριασμό. Θα ήταν πραγματικά κρίμα, γιατί βρίσκω το καζίνο αρκετά ευχάριστο. Μα καλά, είναι αυτό που είναι. Δυστυχώς, δεν υπάρχει καλή βαθμολογία για αυτό.
Εάν γράψετε στην υποστήριξη, λαμβάνετε μόνο την τυπική δήλωση ότι έχουν πολλά αιτήματα ανάληψης.
  • Υποστήριξη εντάξει
  • Μεγάλη ποικιλία παιχνιδιών
  • Ωραίος ιστότοπος
  • Υψηλό ελάχιστο ποσό ανάληψης
  • Η πληρωμή διαρκεί πολύ πολύ
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Sprite2022,

Thank you for sharing your detailed feedback.

It’s wonderful to hear that you appreciate our game selection, design, and overall platform experience. Our team also values your understanding that the first withdrawal was processed smoothly within three days.

Regarding your current pending withdrawals, we understand the waiting time can be frustrating. Please note that our withdrawal system operates on a queue basis. Once a withdrawal request is placed, it is processed in turn according to its position in the queue.
A kind reminder that repeatedly canceling and re-requesting withdrawals may, unfortunately, lead to delays as this resets their position in the queue.

Moreover, our Financial Department operates from 9:00 to 18:00 GMT+2 on business days, excluding weekends. Processing times may vary depending on the department’s workload. Please keep an eye on your inbox, as you will receive an update from them during the working week.

Last but not least, we can see that today one of your withdrawals has been processed by our team and is currently being sent to you. Please keep in mind that it usually takes no more than 3-5 business days for the transaction to arrive if the transaction is sent by our casino.

Your feedback is truly appreciated, and Rolling Slots Casino remains dedicated to providing a smooth and transparent gaming experience.

Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 3 εβδομάδες
I am telling you guys never play here, they don't respect your money, if you ask for withdraw maybe if you are lucky you get money some of it . They making so difficult to withdraw and the minimum amount is 120 euro. Don't play hete is a scam. There's much better casino out there
  • Easy to navigate
  • Withdrawal is impossible
  • The gambling tools are not exist
  • A casino which is out there only for take money not at all
  • The live chat has no idea about anything
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Vkaisis,

Thank you for sharing your feedback.

It’s great to know that the platform’s navigation has been helpful. Regarding withdrawals, we would like to clarify the following:

According to Point 9.3 of the Terms and Conditions, the minimum withdrawal amounts vary depending on the payment method:

Bank Transfers: 100 EUR
Crypto Methods: 50 EUR
Other Payment Methods: 20 EUR
You can check out more information and see the full table with other currencies here: https://rollingslots.com/en/terms-and-conditions

A kind reminder that for security purposes, withdrawals are required to be processed using the same payment method as the initial deposit.

Last but not least, the Financial Department operates from 9:00 to 18:00 GMT+2, and processing times depend on the department’s workload. Please note that the department is unavailable on weekends, which may sometimes result in slight delays. Players are encouraged to check their inboxes for updates during the working week.

Rolling Slots Casino is committed to enhancing its services and values player input to guide improvements.

Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 μήνα
The difference between casino and scam casino is when it comes to withdrawl. They deserve scam casino reputation. All is good with this casuno until it comes to withdrawl. Then they start to act like their financial dep. has 1000s of withdrawls to execute per day and you are in the queqe. They have a lot withdrawl methods but then they ask you for the third which u actualy dont own or have and was never used for deposit. They suck. Stay away, and their genreated replys to critics just say what they are. a scam, and they manage aproxx one mail per week. With no answers. Just want you to loose money back.Big Scam casino. With fake reviews. Im still waiting for cashout and answers.
  • Slow withdrawals
  • Finances guy works 20 min per week
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear jvqx86smdr,

Thank you for sharing your feedback. We apologize if your expectations were not met.

Upon reviewing your account, we can confirm that your withdrawal request has been successfully processed, and a confirmation email was sent to you. We kindly suggest checking your mail inbox.

We would like to clarify that all withdrawal requests are processed in an orderly manner during the working hours of our financial department.

Additionally, please note that canceling a withdrawal request results in the queue placement being postponed, as it restarts the processing sequence. To ensure timely processing, we recommend keeping your withdrawal request active until it is completed.

We appreciate your understanding.

If you have any further concerns or require additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 μήνα
I deposit 100 euro and the deposit wager was X3 so I have to bet 300 before withdraw. I make winnings about 305 euro and my bet wager was 320 euro. I still cannot make a withdrawal so I send email and live chat. Jasmine at live chat say that my wager was 0/300. I ask how my balance go from 100 to 305 without bet and they still answer that my wager is 0/300. Don't play this scam casino you have to loose only. If you win you don't take money
  • Deposit wager
Rolling Slots Casino
Thank you for sharing your concerns.
We understand your frustration and would like to provide clarity regarding your situation.

Our team has already received your request regarding the wagering progress of your deposits and winnings. To ensure an accurate resolution, your inquiry has been escalated to the relevant department for a detailed investigation.

Once we receive an update from them, we will reach out to you via email with the findings and next steps.
Rest assured, we are committed to addressing this matter thoroughly and fairly.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve this issue.
Should you have any further questions in the meantime, our support team remains available to assist you.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
• πριν από 2 μήνες
Το καζίνο είναι καλά κατασκευασμένο, αλλά δυστυχώς ο ιστότοπος μερικές φορές αργεί πολύ να φορτώσει. Οι κουλοχέρηδες έχουν περιστασιακά σφάλματα διακομιστή και η πληρωμή θα μπορούσε να είναι καλύτερη, οι καταθέσεις δεν πιστώνονται σε πραγματικό χρόνο και καθυστερούν από μικρή έως εξαιρετικά μεγάλη. Γι' αυτό δεν μπορώ να δώσω στο καζίνο πλήρεις βαθμούς, αλλά εξακολουθεί να είναι ένα καλό καζίνο. Η υποστήριξη είναι πολύ καλή και δεν χρειάζεται να περιμένετε πολύ για απάντηση.
Το καζίνο είναι αξιόπιστο και θα ήθελα να δοκιμάσω ξανά την τύχη μου εδώ.
  • Γρήγορη ανταπόκριση από την υποστήριξη
  • Μεγάλη ποικιλία παιχνιδιών
  • δωρεάν περιστροφές στο σπίτι
  • σφάλμα διακομιστή στο παιχνίδι
  • Οι καταθέσεις καθυστερούν
  • Δεν υπάρχει επιλογή επαλήθευσης στον ιστότοπο
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Gehtdixhnixan,

We appreciate your positive feedback!

Moving forward, our team is eager to solve everything for you anytime.

Talking about your deposit case, please be informed that payment providers are third-party and do not belong to our casino.

With that being said, delays are commonly caused on the payment provider's side.

Moreover, switching to another deposit method might help you to have smoother transactions.

Last but not least, Rolling Slots Casino is eager to assist you with your website cases.

Feel free to reach out to our support team 24/7 via email at support@rollingslots.com or Live-Chat with some additional details for further assistance.

Providing some screenshots would be extremely helpful in such cases.

Thank you so much for choosing us.
Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
• πριν από 2 μήνες
Rolling Slots is a solid online casino with a wide range of slots and a sleek, functional website. The user experience is mostly positive, especially for players who appreciate a smooth and enjoyable gaming interface. The selection of games is impressive, and everything works well until it comes time to withdraw your winnings. Unfortunately, this is where the casino falls short.

Despite having a fantastic personal account manager, the withdrawal process is incredibly slow and frustrating. In my experience, even withdrawal amounts under 6k took an unreasonable amount of time to process, often taking several days with no updates. The verification process is cumbersome and time-consuming, which makes withdrawing your funds an extremely painful experience.

This slow and inconsistent withdrawal system is a dealbreaker for me. Even though I wagered significant amounts—over 15k in a week—the delays and frustration around getting my money have made me decide not to return. For any online casino, fast and reliable withdrawals are essential, and Rolling Slots fails in this area.

If Rolling Slots can improve their withdrawal times and make the process more efficient, it could easily be a top-tier casino. However, until that happens, I cannot recommend it, especially for those who prioritize quick and hassle-free payouts. This is a classic example of a casino that could be great if they fixed their withdrawal process.
I urge casino reviwers to re visit casinos that they praised. When revies form active players are far from the recomandation.
  • Personal Account Manager (Mary): Mary, the VIP manager, is excellent. She is attentive and helpful, offering great customer service and support when needed
  • Slow Withdrawal Process: Withdrawals take an excessive amount of time, often up to 3-5 days for verification, and in some cases even longer. This can result in delays of over a week or more before receiving funds in your bank account.
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Soulfly,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We are sorry for any inconveniences caused. Our team acknowledges your request and would like to address it.

Your praise for our games, user-friendly interface, and customer support means a lot. We're glad your personal account manager has met your expectations, and she remains fully committed to assisting you whenever you need help.

Regarding the withdrawal process, it’s important to note that our KYC department operates Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 18:00 (GMT+2). The withdrawals are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, a queue system is in place to ensure fairness and order.

Our ultimate goal is to create a seamless and enhanced experience for everyone who interacts with our platform, and we take immense pride in our ongoing efforts to grow and improve together.

If you need any more questions, please contact us by our Live-Chat or email address of the Support Team.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 4 μήνες
Γεια σας, εγγράφηκα στο καζίνο και έλαβα δωρεάν περιστροφές και κέρδισα κάτι. Η επαλήθευση πήγε καλά. Έλειπαν μερικά έγγραφα, αλλά μου το είπε η ομάδα υποστήριξης. Στη συνέχεια, μια μέρα αργότερα τα χρήματα ήταν στον λογαριασμό μου. Δεν μπορώ να πω κάτι αρνητικό για το καζίνο. Αυτό που πιστεύω ότι είναι υπέροχο είναι ότι όταν παίζεις με μπόνους, τα παιχνίδια μπλοκάρονται και δεν μπορείς να τα παίξεις καθόλου, κάτι που είναι πολύ καλά.
Είμαι απόλυτα ικανοποιημένος.
  • Καλή επιλογή παιχνιδιών, φιλική υποστήριξη
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear davidmikalo,

Thank you so much for your fantastic feedback!

We're thrilled to hear that you had a smooth experience with our verification process and that you enjoyed your time at Rolling Slots Casino.

It's wonderful to know that our support team was able to assist you and that your winnings were promptly transferred.

We’re especially happy to hear you appreciate our bonus system and game restrictions, designed to make your gaming experience both fun and responsible. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we look forward to continuing to provide you with great experiences.

Thanks again for choosing Rolling Slots Casino. We're excited to welcome you back soon for more thrilling gameplay!

If you need any more questions, please contact us by our Live-Chat or email address of the Support Team. Our support agents are 24/7 available to assist you!

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Support Team.
• πριν από 4 μήνες
I had really bad experience. I deposit 400€ and I lost the money , the slots have really low RTP . I deposit again 200€ and I won and had total 600€, I tried to cashout but they told I have to play x3 my 200€ to make a withdrawal.
  • minimum withdrawal €100
  • you have to play the deposit x3
  • Unfair at all
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Chrisskp911,

Thank you for sharing your experience with us. We are sorry to hear about your recent experience and would like to address your concerns.

It is important to note that the RTP rates are set individually by each game provider. Respectively, we do not have control over game outcomes or the performance of specific slots.

Regarding the wagering requirement, this is an industry-standard practice designed to maintain fairness for all players in accordance to AML policies.
Additionally, please keep in mind that the withdrawal amount that can be placed depends on the selected payment option.

Should you have any further questions or need assistance, our support team is available 24/7 and happy to help.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 11 μήνες
Μπορώ να συμφωνήσω μόνο με τις κριτικές. Η επιλογή του παιχνιδιού είναι εξαιρετική και η επαλήθευση ήταν επίσης απλή, επειδή είχα ήδη έτοιμα όλα τα έγγραφα από άλλα καζίνο. Αλλά τώρα στο αρνητικό σημείο, η πληρωμή...

400 ευρώ σε πληρωμή για σχεδόν 32 ώρες. Η ζωντανή συνομιλία αναφέρεται στο email kyc, αυτά απαντούν μόνο για να ειδοποιηθείτε. Έτσι, η διαδικασία πληρωμής όπως περιγράφεται πολλές φορές, δυστυχώς δεν είναι καλή.

Ενημέρωση: Η πληρωμή πραγματοποιήθηκε σήμερα ή ολοκληρώθηκε. Τώρα απλώς περιμένω να φτάσουν τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό μου καθώς δεν έχω εμπειρία με το RabbitTransfer
  • Πολλά παιχνίδια
  • Κορυφαία απόδοση
  • Κέρδη
  • Σχεδιασμός κινητού
  • Υποστήριξη πελατών
  • Μεγάλος χρόνος πληρωμής
  • Όριο ανάληψης
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Sp1n1991,

Thank you for sharing your feedback with us. We're glad to hear that you've enjoyed our wide selection of games and found our verification process smooth and convenient.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the payout process. Please know that we take withdrawal requests seriously and process them diligently.

Rest assured, our financial department reviews each request during their working schedule to ensure accuracy and security.
As soon as a request is processed, you are updated with an email regarding the results.

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we strive to provide the best possible experience for our players.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer support team.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Έχω τον λογαριασμό μου εδώ για πάνω από ένα χρόνο και μάλλον έχω ήδη καταθέσει αρκετές χιλιάδες ευρώ και δεν είχα ποτέ πληρωμή.
Κάποτε κέρδισα πάνω από 500 € και όλα κράτησαν πάνω από 2 εβδομάδες, οπότε συνέχισαν να ζητούν πολλά έγγραφα και στο τέλος έπαιξα στον τζόγο τα χρήματα!
  • Πολλά παιχνίδια
  • Το RTP δεν είναι κανονικό, απλά κάνει deadspins ανεξάρτητα από το παιχνίδι
  • Αδύνατη η πληρωμή
  • Αδύνατον να κερδίσεις
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Rolexesh,

thank you for sharing your experience with us.

We are sorry in case there were any inconveniences caused, and we understand that the withdrawal process might be longer than expected.

Please, be informed that before receiving a pay-out, players need to undergo the verification process.

Rolling Slots would like to inform you that the KYC verification process is a standard procedure, which takes place in casinos, and we are not an exception.

After providing all the requested documents and successfully passing the verification, your withdrawal request will be processed, and you will be notified via email regarding the results.

Also, please be informed that our Financial Department acts in accordance with our Terms and Conditions, where it is mentioned that the withdrawal request might be postponed due to additional verification. In this case, the relevant department can ask you to provide additional information or documents in higher quality.

We understand that this procedure might be exhausting, however, please note that the requested documents by our Financial Department represent a proof of establishing your identity. In this way, we are making sure to protect you and your account in the future.

In case you have other questions related to the verification or financial processes, you can always reach directly our KYC department via email.

If you need any clarifications, please contact us by our Live-Chat or email address of the Support Team. Our support agents are 24/7 available to assist you!

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
• πριν από 1 έτος
Η VIP manager μου Mary top😍 τώρα είχε 7800€ σε πληρωμή, τα πρώτα 700 πιστώθηκαν στον λογαριασμό μου χθες, αν συνεχίσει έτσι και τα υπόλοιπα 7100 πιστωθούν στον λογαριασμό μου τακτικά σε 700 προσαυξήσεις, θα είμαι ικανοποιημένος! (Θα σε ενημερώσω). Ακόμη και μια νίκη σε κυλιόμενους κουλοχέρηδες με 25.000 € σε μια δωρεάν περιστροφή!
  • Υπεύθυνη VIP Μαρία
  • μεγάλες περιόδους πληρωμής
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Trumpfheller,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience at Rolling Slots Casino.

Firstly, we would like to congratulate you for the fact that luck was on your side, and you won while playing in our casino

However, please note that the requests are reviewed in orderly fashion by our Financial Department, in its working schedule.

Please, do not worry, as once your request is processed, the Financial Department will notify you via email regarding the results.

As regards the maximum amount for withdrawing funds, please note that this information is specified openly in our Terms and Conditions. Moreover, this is a common feature in casinos and we are no exception.

In case you have any questions regarding your withdrawal request, we kindly ask you to contact our Live-Chat. Our agents are there 24/7 to help you.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative.
• πριν από 1 έτος
Good casino, you have fun but you need to reads T&C for withdraw before you play, good games and providers. But it is good, but doesn't stand out from other casinos
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear lplrivier,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback on Rolling Slots Casino. We greatly appreciate your kind words and are thrilled to hear that you had a good time enjoying our games and providers.

You've highlighted an essential point regarding the importance of reviewing our Terms and Conditions before playing, and we couldn't agree more. We believe that transparency and responsible gaming are crucial, and our T&C help ensure a fair and secure gaming experience for all our players.

While we're glad to have met your expectations, we also strive for continuous improvement. We're dedicated to enhancing our services and features to stand out even more in the competitive world of online casinos.

We value your input and are committed to providing you with an even better gaming experience in the future. If you ever have any suggestions or ideas to make your experience with us even more outstanding, please feel free to share them with us.

Once again, thank you for choosing Rolling Slots Casino, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more exciting gaming sessions.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
I’ve had one of the best experiences playing at Rolling Slots casino. My VIP account manager Nicole has been providing the best assistant I’ve ever received from any account manager, at Rolling Slots I have for sure been experiencing the VIP treatment.
  • Active winning casino
  • Excellent customer service
  • Excellent, VIP account representative
  • Huge variety of games
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Jaenmarie,

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your wonderful experience at Rolling Slots Casino.

We're thrilled to hear that you've had one of the best experiences while playing at our casino, and we truly appreciate your kind words.

It's fantastic to know that our VIP account manager, Nicole, has provided you with exceptional assistance. We take great pride in offering a VIP treatment to our valued players, and it's heartening to see that you've experienced it firsthand.

Your feedback motivates us to continue providing top-notch service and ensuring that our players have a incredible time at Rolling Slots Casino. If you ever need any assistance or have further feedback to share, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to make your gaming experience exceptional.

Thank you for choosing Rolling Slots Casino, and we look forward to welcoming you back for more exciting gaming moments.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Sending out spam via SMS, it is of course reported. Extremely frivolous. How can an online casino sink so low?
  • Nothing
  • Frivolous
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear rifat62,

First and foremost, thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. Your input is invaluable, and we take your concerns seriously.

We would like to clarify that we do not endorse or engage in sending out promotional messages via SMS. We understand the importance of respecting our users' preferences and maintaining a high standard of communication.

It is possible that you may have received such messages from third-party sources who are not associated with our official channels. We do not have control over their actions, but we take your report seriously, and we appreciate you bringing it to our attention.

To ensure a comfortable experience for all our users, we primarily use email for communication, and you have the option to manage your communication preferences easily. Moreover, all our bonus offers can be checked only on our official website in the "Promotions" section.

Please rest assured that your comfort and satisfaction are important to us, even before you join our platform. We strive to provide a secure and enjoyable gaming environment for all users.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out via Live-Chat, which is available 24/7 for assistance.

Kind regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Good support with VIP, quick payment, trustworthy, quick access
  • Fulfils all wishes as far as the joy of playing is concerning
  • withdrawal requests can be withdrawn and as the payment lasts at least 24 hours, the player has the possibility, after the joy of having won, to lose all his winnings.
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Chanceuse,

we are excited to see that you are enjoying our platform.

We take great pride in providing top-notch support, quick payment, and maintaining the trust of our valued players.

Your feedback motivates us to continue offering quick access to our user-friendly platform.

If you ever have any questions or need assistance in the future, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team. We look forward to continuing to serve you with excellence.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Έχασε 950€ χωρίς καμία αξιοσημείωτη νίκη. Η μία κατάθεση μετά την άλλη που περνούσε. Αυτό είναι ένα καθαρό rip-off, μπορείτε μόνο να χάσετε εδώ.
Επιπλέον, όταν οι υποστηρικτές της ζωντανής συνομιλίας δεν στέλνουν αυτοματοποιημένες απαντήσεις, είναι αρκετά εχθρικοί και γενικά δεν βοηθούν. Σε αυτό προστίθενται τα συνεχή crashes του παιχνιδιού και οι ξαφνικές αποσυνδέσεις.
Μην καταθέτετε εδώ!
  • Τίποτα
  • Από πού να ξεκινήσω;
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear HGG95,

First and foremost, we want to express our regret that you did not have a positive gaming experience with us.

We understand that losing a substantial amount of funds can be extremely frustrating, and we want to emphasize that our games are designed to be fair and based on random outcomes. Hence, we have no influence upon the game results.

Regarding your interactions with our live chat support, we are deeply sorry to hear that you did not encounter with a smooth experience. Our team strives to maintaining a high level of professionalism and helpfulness, and our agents aim to offer personalized replies to our customers' needs.

Please, note that technical difficulties can occur from time to time, however, but playing at an online casino can be affected by various factors, including internet connectivity. Moreover, we are continuously working to improve the stability of our platform to provide a seamless gaming experience for our players.

We would like to invite you to our Live-Chat in order to offer more details about your experiences so that we can investigate the case, as your feedback is instrumental in helping us achieve that goal.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Rolling slots ripped me off for 50 dollars after multiple emails to the financial department claiming my bank statement proves I sent and fulfilled payment they claim it was accredited and successfully played but it was not. Rolling slots is a SCAM
  • Rip you off
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear jhodare,

thank you for sharing your opinion. We are sorry to hear that your gaming experience was not as smooth as expected.

At Rolling Slots, we strive to maintain the highest standards of service and ensure our players enjoy a fair and enjoyable gaming journey.

We understand your concern and would like to clarify that as a casino, we do not have the ability to charge money directly from a player's account. Therefore, please be informed, that the payment methods, that are displayed on the website, do not belong to our casino, and are a third-party service.

We understand your frustration, and rest assured that we thoroughly investigate each and every payment-related request that comes our way. The appropriate department meticulously reviews all the relevant information and after that contacts you via email regarding the results.

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you have faced, and we hope to restore your faith in our casino as a reliable and enjoyable gaming platform.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Ευχαριστούμε για τις πολλές αρνητικές κριτικές. Μπορώ να το επιβεβαιώσω μέχρι στιγμής!

Δεν θα προσπαθήσω να εγγραφώ άλλο εδώ, τα προβλήματα που είχα ήδη ήταν πολύ ενοχλητικά...

"Ωστόσο, σημειώστε ότι η επαλήθευση είναι μια τυπική διαδικασία στα καζίνο και δεν αποτελούμε εξαίρεση."

Αυτό το απόσπασμα από το καζίνο είναι ένα αστείο σχετικά με τις μεγάλες διαδικασίες επαλήθευσης και τους χρόνους πληρωμής. Υπάρχουν πραγματικά πολλά καλά καζίνο που το εφαρμόζουν δίκαια. Ντροπή στο καζίνο να δικαιολογεί κάθε είδους καθυστερήσεις πληρωμών με τέτοιες δηλώσεις.

Λοιπόν, αναζητήστε ένα φιλικό προς τον πελάτη καζίνο που ξεχωρίζει για τη σοβαρή του συμπεριφορά. Και όχι όπως εδώ με πολλές κενές υποσχέσεις!
  • - - - 0,0 - - -
  • ένα καζίνο που δεν θέλει να πληρώσει είναι ένα κακό καζίνο και δεν του αξίζει το όνομα
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear SimonC,

Thank you for sharing your experience. We are sorry to hear that you did not have a smooth experience in our casino, and we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We totally understand your frustration, and we know that the waiting time for a withdrawal processing can be tiring. However, please bear in mind that the verification process is a mandatory procedure, which every player shall pass before withdrawing their funds. Also, the verification time is mentioned in our Terms and Conditions, but, sometimes, this procedure might be delayed due to requesting additional documents in higher quality.

Regarding the quote you mentioned, we apologize if it came across as dismissive or trivializing. Our intention was simply to communicate that verification is a standard procedure in the industry, aimed at ensuring the security and safety of our players and their accounts.

Also, please note that the requests are reviewed and processed in an orderly fashion, based on a waiting queue, and during the working hours of our Financial Department. Once your withdrawal request is processed, you are notified with a letter regarding your payout.

We genuinely appreciate your feedback and encourage you to reach out to our customer support team directly so that we can address your specific concerns. We are committed to resolving any outstanding issues and restoring your faith in our casino. Our support agents are 24/7 at your disposal.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Παράλογο έχω ανάληψη 1500 και 1900 που περιμένουν να ολοκληρωθεί η πρώτη...δεν μου λένε τίποτα πια για το timing...το chat ή το Ve δεν μπορεί να μου δώσει απαντήσεις...το email η βοήθεια λέει ότι θα με ενημερώσουν πότε θα κάνουν την απόσυρση ... παράλογο περιμένω εδώ και μια εβδομάδα
  • Δεν υπάρχουν πλεονεκτήματα
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear beretta,

thank you for providing your opinion.

We would like to apologize in case your experience in our casino was not as smooth as expected. Please, be assured that we take your concerns seriously and we understand your frustration.

However, please be informed that the withdrawal requests are processed in due course during the working hours of our Financial Department. Moreover, we kindly ask you to note that the appropriate department notifies you via email regarding the results, once the payout transaction is successfully completed.

Our Financial Department acts in accordance with the Terms and Conditions displayed on our website. For more information, you can access there the "Withdrawal Policy" section and read all the relevant information regarding this process.

Please, note that we aim to provide great customer service and ensure the satisfaction of our players. We regret that those standards were not meant in your case.

If you have any questions, we will be happy to assist you by Live-Chat or email address. Our support team is there 24/7 to help you!

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Great games,
But when it comes to verification it took over a week even with my Passport.
Also paying out your system is the worst 4 weeks to get paid 1600.00 that is insane but you will take our money in seconds
I have got my pay out and I have emailed to close this account. I play in the UK I get payed with in 48 hours in Canada the same day. Why you take the time you like is beyond me. And i know there is many casinos that will pay and have great games so your loss Rolling
  • Good games
  • Pay out sucks
  • Verifications takes for ever
  • Do not put your money here.
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear lyndasmith836,

thank you for providing your experience with us.

We completely understand your frustration regarding the verification and withdrawal processes.

However, please note that verification is a standard procedure made in casinos, and we are no exception.

We would like to inform you that the withdrawals requests are processed during the working hours of our Financial Department and in due course. More information regarding the Withdrawal Policy can be found in our Terms and Conditions.

Please, be informed that our Financial Department notifies you via email regarding each pay out made.

We apologize for any inconvenience and for the fact that your experience was not smooth as expected.

In case you need help regarding your withdrawal request, we kindly ask you to contact our support team and our agents will make sure to assist you.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Horrible site they promise you free spins when you make a deposit and don’t give them to you . Don’t waste your money free spins wins you a dollar a joke Scammers
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Lilp,

thank you for providing your opinion.

We are sorry in case your experience in our casino was not a smooth one.

We kindly ask you to contact our Live-Chat or email address, and come with more details regarding your experience, so that our support team would be able to assist you further with this matter.

However, please note that all our bonus offers are displayed on our website in the "Promotions" section, along with their Terms and Conditions.

Also, in case you have found any promotions through a third party website, we cannot guarantee that the advertised offer can be claimed. Therefore, we suggest you to check our bonus offers on our website, by accessing the "Promotions" tab.

Thank you for your understanding and feel free to contact us,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Do not use this casino. They make it a complete run around and take forever to give you your money if you withdrawal. They will only do a withdrawal of $700 a day and then you can only do 3 In a row but you can’t even do that because the first one takes so long to process and you can’t ask for another while one is processing. Then after 3 they make you take a break. They have tied up $18000 of mine for a long time and at this rate it will take months for me to get my money.
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Kwlichti,

thank you for sharing your experience with us.

We completely understand that it is difficult to wait for a pay-out processing.

However, please be informed that according to our Terms and Conditions, the maximum withdrawal amount per transaction is 700 CAD, while the maximum withdrawal requests are 3 at a time. After the requests are processed, you are able to place a new one.

Also, we kindly ask you to note that the withdrawal requests are being reviewed in due course and during the working schedule of the Financial Department. This information can be found in our Terms and Conditions → "Withdrawal Policy" section. Once your withdrawal is completed, the Financial Department notifies you per email regarding it.

We kindly ask you to contact us via Live-Chat or email address in case you have any inquiries. Our support agents are available at any time to assist you.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
It’s oneof the worst casinos I’ve been to. Their KYC is the worst, they keep asking for more and more documents. Their website has wrong information regarding their chat. Their chat can’t help with anything, they do not respond to emails (1 month reponse time)
• πριν από 1 έτος
I have been playing at this casino for the last 3 days. After many emails proving that the documents I sent were valid for verification I finally had my account verified. I was then emailed saying it is a fast withdrawal process. It has been almost 3 days and I have withdrawals pending. Not to mention there is a limit on withdrawals. I think this casino is a rip off and is just holding off on releasing the money I won. Wouldn’t recommend to anyone to play it. Horrible.
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear gssqxsn8tb,

thank you for expressing your opinion.

Firstly, we would like to congratulate you for the fact that luck was on your side, and you won while playing in our casino, and also for the fact that your account has successfully passed the verification process!

We kindly ask you to understand that during the verification procedure, you are asked to provide high-quality documents, so that your identity is established, which leads to protecting you and your account in the future.

Once your account has been verified, your withdrawals requests are processed faster. However, please note that the requests are reviewed in orderly fashion by our Financial Department, in its working schedule.

Please, do not worry, as once your request is processed, the Financial Department will notify you via email regarding the results.

As regards the maximum amount for withdrawing funds, please note that this information is specified openly in our Terms and Conditions. Moreover, this is a common feature in casinos and we are no exception.

In case you have any questions regarding your withdrawal request, we kindly ask you to contact our Live-Chat. Our agents are there 24/7 to help you.

Thank you for understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Περιμένω εδώ και 7-8 μέρες μια ανάληψη 500 ευρώ και το μόνο που λένε είναι ότι θα σας ειδοποιήσουμε με εμαιλ μολής μπούνε τα χρήματα..όριο στης ανάληψης έχουν 500 ευρώ την ημέρα αλλά νωμηζο ότι είναι 500 την εβδομάδα στην ουσία κάπως έτσι...
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Theopistos21,

thank you for expressing your opinion.

We would like to apologize for any inconvenience caused.

We understand that the verification procedure and waiting for the withdrawal to be processed might be difficult.

It is true that the withdrawal limit amount per day is 500 EUR, and this information can be found in our Terms and Conditions. However, we kindly ask you to understand that the withdrawal requests of our customers are reviewed in due course.

After an investigation, our team established that your withdrawal transaction was successfully completed today, congratulations! Also, our Financial Department has notified you via email regarding this payment. We kindly suggest you to check your email inbox.

Our Customer Support Team is always available to assist our customers. You can just open our website and place your request in the chat, and one of our support agents will take care of your request.

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 1 έτος
Scammers. Like everyone else here I cannot withdraw. I'm actually recording how many times I've sent the information in and will put the video up for people to see these predatory withdrawal practices.

They have my docs over 5 times now and they stop replying or say they are not correct some bs. I run a dealership....I know how to do paper work and simple Iad verification if I was sleeping.

You wanna know why it takes 2 eons to get your money out? PSYCHOLOGY




Honestly bet 365 has been the most fair, even OLG app in ontatio.
  • Games variety
  • Games options
  • Game selections
  • Predatory practice
  • Withdrawals
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Skhan8298,

thank you for sharing your experience with us. The feedback of our customers regarding our services and products means a lot to us.

We would like to apologize in case you faced difficulties during the verification process. However, please be informed that this is a standard procedure in casinos, which aims to protect you and your account in the future.

Sometimes, the verification process takes longer than expected, due to the fact that in order to establish your identity, it is necessary to provide a set of documents and in high quality. This is also stated in our Terms and Conditions section.

After a closer check up, our team identified that one of your withdrawal requests was successfully completed today, and we would like to congratulate you!

Also, please note that the withdrawal requests are reviewed in orderly fashion and during the schedule of our Financial Department. Once the request has been processed, our customers are notified via email regarding the results.

In case you need assistance, we kindly ask you to contact our Support Team, which is available 24/7 for our customers!

Thank you for your patience and understanding,
Rolling Slots Casino Representative
• πριν από 2 έτη
Μείνετε μακριά από αυτό το καζίνο, αυτή είναι η συμβουλή μου. Θα σας πω για την πολύ αρνητική μου εμπειρία. Κέρδισα το άθλιο ποσό των 100 ευρώ αφού έκανα την πρώτη κατάθεση με προπληρωμένη πιστωτική κάρτα. Ζητώ κατάθεση με τραπεζικό έμβασμα. Δεν είναι δυνατό να γίνει αυτό γιατί πρέπει πρώτα να κάνετε κατάθεση με το ίδιο σύστημα που χρησιμοποιείται για την ανάληψη. Κάνω δεύτερη κατάθεση με τραπεζικό έμβασμα για να ενεργοποιήσω τον ίδιο τρόπο ανάληψης. ΤΙΠΟΤΑ. Ανοίγω έναν λογαριασμό Astropay μετά από πρόταση του αντιπροσώπου εξυπηρέτησης πελατών και καταφέρνω να κλείσω ένα αίτημα ανάληψης. Από εδώ ξεκινά μια πραγματική οδύσσεια επαλήθευσης λογαριασμού. Μου ζητάνε τα στιγμιότυπα της κατάθεσης του Astropay, τα στέλνω αλλά θέλουν να αποδείξω ότι έκανα την κατάθεση στο astropay την προηγούμενη μέρα (δηλαδή την κατάθεση που έκανα με την προπληρωμένη χρεωστική μου κάρτα). Τους εξηγώ ότι έχω κάνει μόνο μία κατάθεση στο astropay και ότι η κατάθεση στην οποία αναφέρονται έγινε με προπληρωμένη χρεωστική κάρτα. 9 email για να τους εξηγήσουμε ότι το όνομα του ιδιοκτήτη δεν υπάρχει στην προπληρωμένη κάρτα. Τους στέλνω στιγμιότυπα οθόνης του τραπεζικού μου λογαριασμού αποδεικνύοντας ότι είμαι ο ιδιοκτήτης. Τίποτα. Email μετά από email συμφωνώντας με όλα τα παράλογα και εννοώ ΠΑΡΑΛΟΓΑ και ΑΝΤΙΘΕΤΙΚΑ αιτήματα. Μεταξύ άλλων, το τμήμα επαλήθευσης δεν διαβάζει μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου και στέλνει αυτοματοποιημένα μηνύματα ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου, επομένως οποιαδήποτε εξήγηση δίνετε δεν τη διαβάζει. Το ηθικό δίδαγμα της ιστορίας: το επίπεδο απογοήτευσης εκτοξεύεται στα ύψη. Τα χρήματά μου εξακολουθούν να υπάρχουν και παρόλο που έχουν προσκομίσει όλα τα απαιτούμενα έγγραφα, δεν απαντούν πλέον και δεν θα επαληθεύσουν ποτέ τον λογαριασμό μου. Είναι ένας ιστότοπος απάτης. Πήγαινε αλλού.
  • Είναι απατεώνες
  • Μετά την εγγραφή, οι περισσότεροι πάροχοι κουλοχέρηδων εξαφανίζονται
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear exiterex1,

Thank you for sharing your experience that you had in our casino.
We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
We would like to notify you that all financial procedures are reviewed in due course.

Please note, our Financial Department is working from 9:00 to 18:00 GMT+2, from Monday till Friday.
If you have a letter that has gone unanswered, it means that you will get a reply to it in orderly fashion from our Financial Department from Monday.

Kindly ask you to follow all the instructions of our Department to be able to withdraw your funds quickly and efficiently. As soon as all the documents will be provided, you will get a confirmation email from the Financial Department and the withdrawal will be processed in 24 hours after successfully verification.

Please keep in mind that account verification procedure is a common for all casinos.

We truly apologize that your experience didn’t go smooth, however these steps are necessary to protect your account and to be sure that is belongs to you and used only by you.
• πριν από 2 έτη
Good looking, and well working casino but payouts are awful.

My account was verified and I was told by the finance team that I can make deposits and withdrawals without ANY delays.

5/2/2023 I put in 3 withdrawal requests for 500€ each

6/2/2023 I was verified.

On the site it says you can withdraw 500€ per 24 hours.

8/2/2023 I got my first payment of 500€

9/2/2023 I got an email saying that Rolling Slots has the right to pay me whenever and how much they want to.

So it seems I'm not even getting the 500€ a day they promised.

I will keep this review updated

Rolling Slots responded to me.
"Today, you have already received your second withdrawal by our Financial Department."

Simply not true. Only one of have withdrawals ever have been accepted.
Also my approved withdraw and the next one were created 18 seconds apart from each other.
  • Good looking
  • Works well bug wise
  • Stalling with withdrawals
  • Live chat can barely help with anything
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear nocandopapi,

Thank you for sharing your experience that you had in our casino.

We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
We would like to notify you that all financial procedures are reviewed in due course. Therefore, cancellation of your withdrawal request can lead to your payout to be postponed.

Please note, that previous request have been cancelled by you, thus influenced it withdrawal process.
In reference to the circumstances, RollingSlots has the right to determine its own payment and withdrawal terms for each procedure, which may differ depending on the withdrawal method, account status, and other possible factors affecting the withdrawal process.
Today, you have already received your second withdrawal by our Financial Department.
Your next withdrawal requests will be processed by our Financial Department during their working hours and in an orderly fashion.
Keep in mind that you can always check the status of your withdrawal in the History tab.

Best regards,
Rolling Slots Casino
• πριν από 2 έτη
Κρίμα που πρέπει να δώσεις ένα αστέρι!
Χθες (6 Φεβρουαρίου) κατέθεσα κάποια χρήματα, τα οποία χρεώθηκαν αμέσως (!) από τον λογαριασμό μου, αλλά υποτίθεται ότι δεν έφτασαν ποτέ στο καζίνο. Έστειλα τότε την απόδειξη μεταφοράς στο καζίνο, αλλά ακόμη και σήμερα (7 Φεβρουαρίου) δεν υπήρχαν χρήματα στον λογαριασμό. Επιπλέον, η πληρωμή «εξαφανίστηκε» από το ιστορικό συναλλαγών στο καζίνο. Η υποστήριξη λέει μόνο ότι το οικονομικό τμήμα εξακολουθεί να ελέγχει και ότι έχουν ειπωθεί όλα για την υπόθεση και ότι το chat θα κλείσει. Τι μάγουλο, τι έπαρση!!!
  • Εξωφρενική υποστήριξη
  • Η κατάθεση εξαφανίζεται στο τίποτα
  • Χωρίς επιστροφή χρημάτων, χωρίς χρήματα στον λογαριασμό
  • Υπόγεια εξυπηρέτηση πελατών
  • Το chat απλά τελείωσε "όλα έχουν ειπωθεί για την υπόθεση"!
Rolling Slots Casino
Dear Pappnase999
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Please note, since every casino use third parties payment methods, it is out of our hands to influence on this process.

Sometimes delays may cause, and we always contact payment systems to investigate the case.

Furthermore, we always train our customer support agents to bring the excellent experience to our valued clients. Your case highlighted us spots where we need to make improvements.

Since we have checked, deposit was credited to your account and was used by you.

We are truly sorry about this unpleasant experience, and hope that we can improve it in the future.
Επεξήγηση του Δείκτη Ασφάλειας

Επεξήγηση του Δείκτη Ασφάλειας του Rolling Slots Casino

Ρίξτε μια ματιά στις επεξηγήσεις των παραγόντων που λαμβάνουμε υπόψη μας όταν υπολογίζουμε τη βαθμολογία Δείκτη Ασφάλειας του Rolling Slots Casino. Ο Δείκτης Ασφάλειας είναι η βασική μέτρηση που χρησιμοποιούμε για να περιγράψουμε την αξιοπιστία, τη δικαιοσύνη και την ποιότητα όλων των online καζίνο στη βάση δεδομένων μας.

Καζίνο μέτριου μεγέθους, βάσει της έρευνας και των εκτιμήσεών μας
Θεωρούμε τους όρους και τις προϋποθέσεις του καζίνο δίκαιους
Δεν βρέθηκε σε καμία σχετική μαύρη λίστα καζίνο
Κανένα παράπονο παίκτη ή πολή χαμηλή αξία των παρακρατηθέντων κερδών στα παράπονα παικτών σε σχέση με το μέγεθος του καζίνο
Λάβαμε επίσης υπόψη μας άλλους παράγοντες, που είχαν μια θετική επίδραση στον Δείκτη Ασφάλειας του καζίνο
Ο Δείκτης ασφάλειας αυτού του καζίνο υπολογίστηκε με βάση την έρευνα που κάναμε και τα δεδομένα που συλλέχθηκαν από την ομάδα μας για τις αξιολογήσεις καζίνο. Μάθετε περισσότερα για τη μεθοδολογία αξιολόγησης καζίνο

Αυτό το καζίνο σάς συμπεριφέρθηκε άδικα;

Υποβολή παράπονου

Παράπονα για το Rolling Slots Casino και σχετικά καζίνο (119)

119Όλα4Ανοιχτά0Μη επιλυμένα42Επιλυμένα73Έχουν απορριφθεί

Παράπονα άμεσα για το καζίνο Rolling Slots Casino

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Εμφάνιση (+10) περισσότερων παραπόνων

Συζήτηση για το Rolling Slots Casino

Συζητήστε οτιδήποτε σχετικό με το Rolling Slots Casino με άλλους παίκτες, μοιραστείτε τη γνώμη σας ή λάβετε απαντήσεις στις ερωτήσεις σας.

Casino Guru

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Μέθοδοι πληρωμής

Τρόποι πληρωμής στο Rolling Slots Casino

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Εγγραφείτε στο ενημερωτικό δελτίο μας για μπόνους χωρίς κατάθεση, νέους κουλοχέρηδες και άλλα νέα