Καλημέρα ,
Έστειλα ένα βίντεο με email, όπου μπορείτε να δείτε καθαρά το email που στάλθηκε στο οποίο εμφανίζονται τα τρία email.
Έβαλα και την Kristina σε αντίγραφο, όπως και προφανώς τους εκπροσώπους του cobra casino.
Πραγματικά δεν ξέρω πια τι να κάνω για να αποδείξω ότι αυτό είναι αληθινό.
Για να καλύψω τις ανάγκες του καζίνο, είμαι επίσης πρόθυμος να μειώσω το ποσό που πρέπει να επιστραφεί κατά 30%, πηγαίνοντας έτσι από 2.450,00 € σε 1.715,00 €.
Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για τη βοήθεια
Good morning ,
I sent a video by email, where you can clearly see the email sent in which the three emails appear.
I also put Kristina in copy, as well as obviously the representatives of cobra casino.
I really don't know what to do to prove this is real anymore.
To meet the needs of the casino, I am also willing to reduce the amount to be repaid by 30%, thus going from € 2,450.00 to € 1,715.00.
Thank you very much for helping
Buongiorno ,
ho inviato un video tramite mail , dove si vede chiaramente la casella di posta elettronica inviata in cui appaiono le tre mail.
Ho messo anche Kristina in copia, oltre che ovviamente i rappresentanti di cobra casino.
Io veramente non so piu' cosa fare per dimostrare che tutto questo e' reale.
Per venire incontro alle esigenze del casino' , sono disposto anche a ridurre del 30% la cifra da rimborsare, passando quindi da 2'450.00 euro a 1'715.00 euro.
Grazie mille per l'aiuto
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