Καλό απόγευμα,
Δείτε τι συνέβη στις 12 Φεβρουαρίου. Έπαιζα έναν κουλοχέρη που λεγόταν Santa Fruits, ένα παιχνίδι που έπαιζα εδώ και πολύ καιρό. Είχα την πεποίθηση ότι όσο περισσότερο παίζω, τόσο μεγαλύτερη είναι η πιθανότητα να σημειώσω μια σημαντική νίκη.
Λοιπόν, τη συγκεκριμένη μέρα, στο συγκεκριμένο slot, έκανα τη συνηθισμένη μου περιστροφή. Το παιχνίδι χρειάστηκε περίπου 45 δευτερόλεπτα για να σταματήσει να περιστρέφεται, αλλά μπορούσα ήδη να πω ότι τα σύμβολα είχαν ευθυγραμμιστεί ευνοϊκά. Σε αυτό το παιχνίδι, τα σύμβολα του Άγιου Βασίλη (σύμβολα scatter) ονομάζονται Wild. Φαινόταν σαν να ήταν όλοι παραταγμένοι, κάτι που ήταν εμφανές ακόμα και όταν το παιχνίδι συνεχιζόταν. Ωστόσο, όταν τελικά σταμάτησε, παρουσίασε τέσσερις συνεχόμενες σειρές Wilds. Ακριβώς τη στιγμή που η τελευταία σειρά επρόκειτο να ολοκληρώσει την ακολουθία Wild, το παιχνίδι βγήκε απότομα στην κύρια διεπαφή, εμφανίζοντας ένα μήνυμα που έλεγε "αυτή η συνεδρία είναι ήδη ανοιχτή".
Έκανα ξανά σύνδεση, αλλά η νικητήρια σειρά δεν απονεμήθηκε. Φυσικά, ήλπιζα σε μια επανάληψη της ίδιας σειράς. Με ό,τι μου είχε απομείνει να στοιχηματίσω, προσπάθησα για άλλη μια φορά αλλά χωρίς αποτέλεσμα. Η νικητήρια σειρά δεν εμφανίστηκε ξανά, και καμία άλλη δεν εμφανίστηκε. Ανέφεραν αμέσως το θέμα στην τεχνική ομάδα του καζίνο.
Με διαβεβαίωσαν μια τεχνική ανάλυση. Ο πάροχος του παιχνιδιού πραγματοποίησε επίσης ανάλυση, αλλά η απάντησή του παρέμεινε αμετάβλητη - δεν μπόρεσε να βρει κανένα σφάλμα. Ρώτησαν αν τράβηξα ένα στιγμιότυπο οθόνης. Αλλά πώς έπρεπε να ήξερα ότι έπρεπε να τραβήξω ένα στιγμιότυπο οθόνης όταν το παιχνίδι έβγαινε απότομα; Υποτίθεται ότι έπρεπε να προβλέψω μια επικείμενη μεγάλη νίκη και ένα επακόλουθο σφάλμα;
Σας ευχαριστώ για την προσοχή σας. Αυτό είναι ένα σοβαρό ζήτημα για κάθε καζίνο και ειδικά για μένα ως τακτικός πελάτης 3 ετών χωρίς προηγούμενα ζητήματα.
Good evening,
Here's what transpired on the 12th of February. I was playing a slot game called Santa Fruits, a game I've been playing for a long time. I had this belief that the more I play, the higher the probability of scoring a major win.
So, on that particular day, on that specific slot, I made my usual spin. The game took around 45 seconds to stop spinning, but I could already tell that the symbols were aligned favorably. In this game, the Santa symbols (scatter symbols) are called Wild. It seemed like they were all lining up, which was evident even as the game continued spinning. However, when it finally stopped, it presented four consecutive rows of Wilds. Just as the last row was about to complete the Wild sequence, the game abruptly exited to the main interface, displaying a message saying "this session is already Open".
I logged back in, but the winning sequence wasn't awarded. Naturally, I hoped for a reoccurrence of the same sequence. With whatever I had left to wager, I attempted once more but to no avail. The winning sequence didn't reappear, and none other did. I immediately reported the issue to the casino's technical team.
I was assured a technical analysis. The game's provider also carried out an analysis, but their response remained unchanged - they couldn't find any error. They asked if I took a screenshot. But how was I supposed to know I needed to take a screenshot when the game exited abruptly? Was I supposed to predict an impending major win and subsequent error?
Thank you for your attention. This is a serious issue for any casino and especially for me as a regular customer of 3 years with no previous issues.
Boa noite,
O que aconteceu foi que no dia12.02.24, estava a jogar numa slot chamada Santa Fruits, slot essa que há muito tempo que já jogo nela, porque sempre tive a expectativa se jogar muito na mesma, a possibilidade de sair uma boa sequência aumenta.
Então nesse dia, nessa slot, carreguei normalmente para rodar a jogada, tive cerca de 45 segundos para que ela parasse mas já dava para perceber que tinha os símbolos Wild( que naquele jogo são o Pai Natal) todos juntos, porque quando rodava e não parava dava para perceber. Quando finalmente parou , as 4 primeiras filas tinham tudo wild , quando na última fila estavam a parar os Wild também, sai o jogo para fora , para a parte quando se está a entrar no jogo e aparece a informação: " this session is already Open" . Voltei a entrar, a sequência não foi premiada. Evidentemente tive esperança que voltasse a cair a mesma sequência, joguei o pouco restante que tinha, não voltou a dar , evidente, nem essa nem mais nenhuma e fiz o reporte da situação de imediato
Foi para análise técnica, análise do provedor do jogo, tudo , sempre com a mesma resposta, não encontram erros e se eu tirei screenshot. Como podia tirar screenshot se saiu automaticamente do jogo? Tinha que adivinhar que me ia sair uma grande sequência e que ia dar erro?
Obrigado pela atenção, isto é muito grave para um casino e para um cliente de há 3 anos de lá, que nunca deu problemas
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