Έχω παίξει εδώ μερικές φορές και μου άρεσε στην αρχή! Στην αρχή δεν είχα κανένα κέρδος, αλλά καθώς έπαιζα έπαιρνα μερικά, αλλά κάθε φορά που το μπόνους βγαίνει στη μέση ενός παιχνιδιού, η οθόνη κλειδώνει και επιστρέφει στο μενού έναρξης με σφάλμα 404;!
Αν πας στο chat να εξηγήσεις, ακόμα κι αν στείλεις τα στιγμιότυπα, αξιολογούν τη συνεδρία και ισχυρίζονται ότι πήρες κέρδη !!! Γελοίος
Εκτός από αυτό, έχω παίξει σπάνια εκεί.
I've played here a few times and I liked it at first! At first I didn't get any winnings, but as I played I got a few, but every time the bonus comes out in the middle of a game, the screen locks up and goes back to the start menu with error 404 ?!
If you go to the chat to explain, even if you send the screenshots, they evaluate the session and claim that you got winnings !!! Ridiculous
Apart from that, I've rarely played there.
Já joguei aqui algumas vezes no início até gostei !! Até que no início não obtive ganhos mas fui jogando aí obtive alguns mas sempre que no meio de um jogo sai o bónus a tela trava e volta ao menu inicial com o erro 404 ?!
Se fores ao chat explicar mesmo enviado os prints avaliam a sessão e alegam que obtiveste ganhos !! Ridículo
Tirando isso raramente tenho jogado lá