Γεια σας παιδιά. Έχω παρατηρήσει ότι αυτό το καζίνο έχει καλές κριτικές και πολλά θετικά σχόλια, αλλά αυτό με έχει μπερδέψει λίγο. Επιτρέψτε μου να εξηγήσω: αυτό το καζίνο δεν εκπληρώνει τις πληρωμές του. Περίμενα τα λεφτά μου σχεδόν δύο μήνες. Όλα ξεκίνησαν όταν ζήτησα ανάληψη και, παρόλο που το καζίνο το επισήμανε ως πληρωμένο, δεν έχω λάβει τίποτα. Επικοινώνησα μαζί τους και, αφού τους έστειλα το τραπεζικό μου ιστορικό, μου ζήτησαν να περιμένω 10 ημέρες, αλλά τα χρήματα επέστρεψαν στο καζίνο. Έκανα άλλο αίτημα ανάληψης και αυτή τη φορά τα χρήματα απλά εξαφανίστηκαν. Όταν επικοινώνησα ξανά με την υποστήριξη, μου είπαν να περιμένω. Σχεδόν δύο μήνες, και τώρα μου είπαν ότι υπήρξε σφάλμα στη μεταφορά και ότι δεν μπορούν να ολοκληρώσουν τη λειτουργία από τον τραπεζικό μου λογαριασμό. Ζήτησαν τη διεύθυνση για κατάθεση με άλλη μέθοδο, όπως κρυπτονομίσματα ή ηλεκτρονικό πορτοφόλι. Έστειλα τα δεδομένα για τη μεταφορά σε κρυπτονομίσματα, αλλά τώρα ο λογαριασμός μου έχει κλείσει, η υποστήριξη email έχει εξαφανιστεί και τα χρήματά μου έχουν φύγει. Λοιπόν, κάνω μια καταγγελία εδώ. Εάν είστε νέος και σκοπεύετε να παίξετε σε αυτό το καζίνο, να είστε προσεκτικοί γιατί δεν πληρώνει και η καλή βαθμολογία μπορεί να μην αντικατοπτρίζει την πραγματικότητα. Αυτή η καλή εικόνα μπορεί να είναι αποτέλεσμα ενός παρελθόντος όταν το καζίνο λειτουργούσε σωστά, αλλά η εμπειρία μου ήταν εξαιρετικά αρνητική. Η υποστήριξη είναι παραπλανητική, οι απαντήσεις μέσω email είναι ανεπαρκείς και, μετά από μακρά αναμονή, ζητούν συγγνώμη λέγοντας ότι έγινε λάθος. Έχω στιγμιότυπα οθόνης για να το αποδείξω. Σας συνιστώ να αποφύγετε αυτό το καζίνο, καθώς αυτές οι καλές κριτικές μπορεί να είναι ξεπερασμένες. δεν πληρώνει και είναι ανέντιμο. Πριν το καζίνο σχολιάσει παρακάτω λέγοντας ότι με πλήρωσε για να εξαπατήσω άλλους χρήστες, θα σας πω ότι δεν θα λειτουργήσει κύριε run4wim, γιατί θα δημοσιεύσω στιγμιότυπα οθόνης των τελευταίων συνομιλιών μας μέσω email και του τραπεζικού μου λογαριασμού αποδεικνύοντας ότι δεν με έχουν πληρώσει.
Hi guys. I've noticed that this casino has good reviews and lots of positive comments, but that's got me a bit confused. Let me explain: this casino is not fulfilling its payments. I've been waiting for my money for almost two months. It all started when I requested a withdrawal and, although the casino marked it as paid, I haven't received anything. I contacted them and, after sending them my bank history, they asked me to wait 10 days, but the money went back to the casino. I made another withdrawal request, and this time the money simply disappeared. When I contacted support again, I was told to wait. Almost two months, and now they've told me that there was an error in the transfer and that they can't complete the operation from my bank account. They asked for the address for a deposit by another method, such as cryptocurrencies or an e-wallet. I sent the data for the transfer in cryptocurrency, but now my account has been closed, email support has disappeared, and my money is gone. So I'm filing a complaint here. If you are new and intend to play at this casino, be careful because it doesn't pay and the good rating may not reflect reality. This good image may be the result of a past when the casino worked properly, but my experience was extremely negative. The support is misleading, the email responses are insufficient and, after a long wait, they apologize saying there was a mistake. I have screenshots to prove it. I recommend that you avoid this casino, as these good reviews may be out of date; it doesn't pay and it's dishonest. Before the casino comments below saying that it has paid me to scam other users, I'll tell you that it won't work Mr. run4wim, because I'll post screenshots of our latest email conversations and my bank account proving that they haven't paid me.
Olá, pessoal. Notei que este cassino possui boas avaliações e muitos comentários positivos, mas isso me deixou um pouco confuso. Deixe-me explicar: este cassino não está cumprindo com os pagamentos. Estou esperando meu dinheiro há quase dois meses. Tudo começou quando solicitei um saque e, apesar de o cassino ter marcado como pago, não recebi nada. Entrei em contato e, após enviar meu histórico bancário, me pediram para aguardar 10 dias, mas o valor retornou para o cassino. Fiz outro pedido de saque, e dessa vez o dinheiro simplesmente desapareceu. Quando contatei o suporte novamente, fui informado que deveria esperar. Quase dois meses, e agora me disseram que houve um erro na transferência e que não podem concluir a operação pela minha conta bancária. Solicitaram o endereço para um depósito por outro método, como criptomoedas ou carteira eletrônica. Enviei os dados para a transferência em criptomoeda, mas agora minha conta foi encerrada, o suporte por e-mail sumiu, e meu dinheiro desapareceu. Portanto, vou registrar uma reclamação aqui. Se você é novo e pretende jogar neste cassino, tenha cuidado, pois ele não paga e a boa avaliação pode não refletir a realidade. Essa boa imagem pode ser resultado de um passado em que o cassino funcionava corretamente, mas minha experiência foi extremamente negativa. O suporte é enganoso, as respostas por e-mail são insuficientes e, após muita espera, se desculpam dizendo que houve um erro. Tenho capturas de tela que comprovam tudo isso. Recomendo que evitem esse cassino, pois essas boas avaliações podem estar desatualizadas; ele não paga e é desonesto. Antes do cassino comentar logo abaixo dizendo que já me pagou para enganar outros usuários, já vou dizer que não vai funcionar senhor run4wim, porque eu vou postar capituras de tela nossas ultimas conversa emails e minha conta bancaria provando que não me pagaram.