Ναι, αυτό ακριβώς συνέβη. Καθώς οι αναλήψεις υπερβαίνουν ήδη τις καταθέσεις, αφαιρούν τα προνόμια VIP.
Κανείς, αυτό είναι το πρόβλημα. Οι άνθρωποι που κερδίζουν δεν θα καταθέσουν και αυτό το σχέδιο καζίνο είναι πραγματικά για να «παγιδέψει» τους ανθρώπους και να προσπαθήσει να εξαναγκάσει τις απώλειες.
Ναι, ήμουν στο επίπεδο 4 και τώρα είμαι στο χαμηλότερο δυνατό επίπεδο, 1. Έχω 2 αιτήματα ανάληψης που έκανα ενώ ήμουν ακόμα στο επίπεδο 4, αλλά περίμενα 4 εργάσιμες ημέρες και τους όρους και οι συνθήκες λένε 3 μέρες.
Το θέμα είναι ότι τώρα θα είναι πάντα έτσι, συνεχείς καθυστερήσεις, χωρίς επεξεργασία, ήδη προβλέπω...
Yes, that's exactly what happened. As the withdrawals already exceed the deposits, they take away the VIP privileges.
Nobody, that's the problem. People who win won't deposit and this casino scheme is really to "trap" people and try to force losses.
Yes, I was at level 4 and now I'm at the lowest possible level, 1. I have 2 withdrawal requests that I made while I was still at level 4, but I've been waiting for 4 working days and the terms and conditions say 3 days.
The point is that now it's always going to be like this, constant delays, no processing, I'm already predicting...
Sim foi exatamente isso, como os levantamentos já ultrapassam os depósitos, eles tiram os privilégios VIP.
Ninguém, é esse o problema. Quem ganha não vai depositar e este esquema do casino é mesmo para "prender" as pessoas e tentar forçar as perdas.
Sim, estava com o nível 4 e agora estou no menor nível possível, o 1. Tenho 2 pedidos de levantamento que fiz ainda com o nível 4, mas já estou à espera à 4 dias úteis e nos termos em condições referem 3 dias.
Aqui a questão é que agora vai ser sempre isto, atrasos constantes, sem processamentos, já estou a prever..
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: