Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοSpinaro Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Spinaro Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 2)

 από Roberta
5.358 προβολές 51 απαντήσεις |
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Γεια σε όλους! Έκανα αίτημα ανάληψης μέσω Skrill σε αυτό το καζίνο την Κυριακή, 12 Μαΐου, στις 4 μ.μ. Το αίτημά μου δεν έγινε ποτέ αποδεκτό, επικοινώνησα αρκετές φορές με την υποστήριξη πελατών και πάντα μου έλεγαν ότι πρέπει να περιμένω, γιατί είναι φυσιολογικό να διαρκέσει έως και 72 ώρες. Πολύ κοντά στην αναμονή 3 εργάσιμων ημερών για την παραγγελία, ΑΚΥΡΩΘΗΚΕ, επικοινώνησα με την υποστήριξη πελατών για 20η φορά ζητώντας αιτιολόγηση και μου είπαν μόνο ότι αυτή τη στιγμή αυτή η μέθοδος ανάληψης είναι ανενεργή και ότι πρέπει να ζητήσω την ανάληψη μέσω Τράπεζας ΜΕΤΑΦΟΡΑ.

Ποτέ σε κανένα άλλο καζίνο δεν χρειάστηκε τόσος χρόνος για να ζητήσω ανάληψη χρημάτων, μου ζητήθηκαν πολλά έγγραφα για την επικύρωση του λογαριασμού μου, ασυνήθιστα έγγραφα ακόμη και, είχα πολλά προβλήματα με την επικύρωση του λογαριασμού, και τελικά ολοκληρώθηκε και Μπόρεσα να ζητήσω ανάληψη των χρημάτων μου από τη Skrill και μετά από 3 ημέρες αναμονής ακυρώθηκε. Νομίζω ότι είναι ντροπή για ένα καζίνο να παίζει τέτοια παιχνίδια με τους πελάτες του.

Αναζητώ βοήθεια, γιατί μέχρι στιγμής, δεν έχω ακόμα τα χρήματά μου, είτε επειδή μου λείπουν έγγραφα είτε επειδή δεν λειτουργούν οι μέθοδοι ανάληψης.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hello. I am sorry about the situation at this casino. May I ask if your account has been fully verified by now? Do not understand it completely, because you were saying there were some missing documents.

Did the casino actually explain why Skrill is unavailable?🤔 Please tell us any updates you have regarding your withdrawal, so we can help you out if needed. We'll wait for your reply.

Έχω ζητήσει ανάληψη 205 ευρω εδώ κ κάποιες μέρες κ ακόμα περιμένω....ο λογαριασμός μου έχει πιστοποιηθεί....δεν απαντάνε σε email..... Μείνετε μακριά....

I have asked for a withdrawal of 205 euros a few days ago....still waiting...my account is verified....i have sent them email but they dont even answer..... probably i lost my money..... Is anybody have same problems with Spinaro Casino?


hey there!

I suppose you should try to take it easy. Have you seen the casino Safety Index 👈? It is quite high because this casino is considered to be among the safer. Thus, even though it is frustrating to wait for the winnings more that is neccessary, I would not worry that much so early.

Instead, try to do something else to prevent further gambling so you don't lose the money. Remind the casino of your situation; let's say once per day. Preferably through the chat. Speaking of which, do you know whether they proceed with withdrawals during weekends? Considering it is a big casino, they might.

In any case, in what stats is your withdrawal now - is it pending?


Yes its on pending status.... i will wait ....but they dont answer the emails ....on chat they told me that they will examine my withdrawal soon.....

The problem persist....in the chat i still always the same answer that my withdrawal is on priority.....but no money in my bank account.....


Hold on a second. If your withdrawal is in pending status, do not expect payout, please.

Moreover, if the casino says they are going to review your request very soon, I bet you will notice that once its status changes. Do you know what I mean, please? Anyway, have you asked about the weekend withdrawals? Maybe you're under false expectation and they are not handling withdrawals during the weekend. That's why I suggested asking them.

One way or another, be patient, please.

I will wait ....if any news i will contact again


We'll be here to read the news.

Now, after the weekend, there could be some movement. Right?


No news, no movement till now

I sent them an email and i get the usual answer that they promote my subject to their finance department.....


So, when exactly did you request the withdrawal, and is the status still the same in your account?

Hopefully they will deal with it soon, so our complaint team won't need to intervene. We give casinos 14 full days before we step in, you know.


It was 7 days on pending status....today they cancel my withdrawal without explaining why....i send them an email asking the reasons of the cancellation....i m waiting for the answer

I have news .....they answer me they told me that a document wasnt visible enough....so i resend it to them and they assured me that the next days the withdrawal will be completed


This is happening quite often, to tell you the truth, that players send documents that are not of the best quality or even in the wrong format, and the casino is not able to proceed with the payment because of it. They are not able to finish the verification process like this, and it is really understandable that they won't send the payment before that.🤷‍♀️

So, I'm glad that the situation got explained, at least, and now you know what to do and what to expect.

Please let us know how it goes and if everything is ok in the next few days.

Unfortunately my withdrawal is still on pending status and now we are at the 4rth day after their last email that confirms that my account is fully verified......


That's too bad, I thought it would be easier when you pass the verification. If you are waiting more than 14 days for the whole process, then I would think about lodging a complaint. Communication, especially in these situations, is important and if you have nothing and the casino won't even tell you anything, then I would probably go through the process I suggested. 

What do you think?

Thank you for your assistance....i sent them an email on Friday and they told me that they will inform their department .... today i retold them the problem via chatroom and i had the same answer with exact the same words as in the email they sent me....i will wait for one two days .....if nothing happens i will ask for your help and assistance.....in any case i will inform you.... thank you again


I think it's a reasonable approach, I probably wouldn't want to hear the same thing over and over again. So let's wait and see if something changes and if not I'll be here. 

Fingers crossed.🤞

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