Όχι, δεν έχω επικοινωνήσει μαζί σας ακόμα, ήλπιζα ότι θα λυθεί χωρίς να χάσω πολύ χρόνο, αλλά δεν φαίνεται έτσι. Έστειλα ένα email χθες το βράδυ στο aams. Ωστόσο, έχω διαβάσει αναρτήσεις από ανθρώπους που παραπονέθηκαν για την ίδια κατάσταση πριν από δύο χρόνια, αν πλήρωσαν μέχρι τον Αύγουστο σημαίνει ότι θα έχουν λύσει την κατάσταση πριν από δύο χρόνια, υποθέτω... Ελπίζω λοιπόν ότι, αντί να απάτη, δεν πληρώνουν γιατί τους τελείωσαν τα χρήματα και αφιερώνουν χρόνο για να επαναφέρουν τον ισολογισμό κάπως...
No, I haven't contacted you yet, I was hoping it would be resolved without wasting too much time, but it doesn't seem like that. I sent an email last night to aams. However, I have read posts from people who complained about the same situation two years ago, if they paid up until August it means that they will have resolved the situation from two years ago, I suppose... I therefore hope that, rather than a scam, they are not paying because they have run out of money and are taking time to restore the balance sheet somehow...
No, non ho ancora contattato, speravo si risolvesse senza perderci troppo tempo, ma così non sembra. Ho inviato una mail ieri sera ad aams. Comunque ho letto post di persone che due anni fa si lamentavano della stessa situazione, se fino ad agosto hanno pagato vuol dire che avranno risolto la situazione di due anni fa, suppongo... Mi auguro quindi che, più che una truffa, non stiano pagando perché hanno finito i soldi e stanno prendendo tempo per risanare il bilancio in qualche modo...
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