Χρειάζομαι μερικές πληροφορίες.
1) Έχω πολλές συναλλαγές υπέρ του CP-Wallet (Creapay.cz). στον ιστότοπό τους λένε ότι είναι πάροχος πληρωμών εξουσιοδοτημένος από την τσεχική τράπεζα. Πήγα να ελέγξω, και όντως έχουν την άδεια? Ποιες είναι οι πιθανότητές μου να είναι επιτυχής η αντιστροφή χρέωσης; Έχει δοκιμάσει κανείς ήδη και είχε επιτυχία; Προφανώς κανείς δεν απαντά στα email.
2) Mystake/Santeda Group: Ποιος είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να λάβετε επιστροφή χρημάτων με το mystake; Η Elegro αρνείται τη συμμετοχή της στις συναλλαγές και δεν τις επιστρέφει. Ο Mystake δεν ανταποκρίνεται. Πώς μπορώ να επικοινωνήσω με τη Santeda;
I need a couple of pieces of information.
1) I have several transactions in favor of CP-Wallet (Creapay.cz); on their website they say they are a payment provider authorized by the Czech bank; I went to check, and indeed they have the license; What are my chances of the chargeback being successful? Has anyone already tried and had success? Obviously no one responds to the emails.
2) Mystake/Santeda Group: What is the best way to get a refund with mystake? Elegro denies its involvement in the transactions, and does not refund them; Mystake doesn't respond; How do I contact Santeda?
Ho bisogno di un paio di informazioni.
1) Ho diverse transazioni a favore di CP-Wallet (Creapay.cz); sul loro sito dicono di essere un fornitore di pagamento autorizzato dalla banca ceca; sono andato a verificare, ed effettivamente hanno la licenza; quante probabilità ho che il chargeback vada a buon fine? Qualcuno ci ha già provato e ha avuto successo? Alle mail ovviamente non risponde nessuno.
2) Mystake/Santeda Group: Qual è il modo migliore per ottenere un rimborso con mystake? Elegro nega il suo coinvolgimento nelle transazioni, e non le rimborsa; Mystake non risponde; come faccio a contattare Santeda?
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