Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοRoboCat Casino - γενική συζήτηση

RoboCat Casino - γενική συζήτηση

 από petitgamer
2.717 προβολές 71 απαντήσεις |
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Αν θέλετε να συζητήσετε οτιδήποτε σχετικό με το RoboCat Casino, όπως τα παιχνίδια του, τα μπόνους του, τις μεθόδους πληρωμής του, τα ζητήματα με τον λογαριασμό σας, τις δυνατότητες υπεύθυνου στοιχηματισμού, ή οτιδήποτε άλλο, μπορείτε να το κάνετε εδώ.


Games do not load, or freeze


Free-spins bonus are a bad joke. check the price per spin. 10 cents.



Hello! 👋

Hmm, has the support somehow responded to the game issue? I imagine it may also be more of a game provider's or interent lagging issue.

Many free spins are of the same value, so have you been commenting about the win from free spins, or do you consider the free bet amount low? Of course it is low though; that's the point of free spins.

Add the win limit or withdrawable amount limit + wagering—that's the formula, I'd say... Have you ever come across a free sin bonus that would allow you to bet 1 euro, for instance? I have not, I guess.

Hello! 👋

Hmm, has the support somehow responded to the game issue? I imagine it may also be more of a game provider's or interent lagging issue.

Many free spins are of the same value, so have you been commenting about the win from free spins, or do you consider the free bet amount low? Of course it is low though; that's the point of free spins.

Add the win limit or withdrawable amount limit + wagering—that's the formula, I'd say... Have you ever come across a free sin bonus that would allow you to bet 1 euro, for instance? I have not, I guess.

So far no reply to my emails and the online chat its the infinite waiting list.

i did not bother on the wagering section, i find no sense to offer a player freespins when the price per pet do not offer a reasonable amount to allow the player to continue player. unless this is a teaser to encourage the player to give more money to the casino.

About the lag on the games, i have played the same games here on the freegames section and, other online casinos and the game open fast.

I guess they need to put more money for their NEtwork infrastructure to handle the traffic.


Maybe they will really improve it so players are satisfied. Let's see how it'll go.

When it comes to the bonus, I surely understand your point; just not everyone is as experienced as you, and maybe others will find it okay. Everyone needs are different, I believe.

But thank you once more for your contribution, of course.

Maybe they will really improve it so players are satisfied. Let's see how it'll go.

When it comes to the bonus, I surely understand your point; just not everyone is as experienced as you, and maybe others will find it okay. Everyone needs are different, I believe.

But thank you once more for your contribution, of course.

I was able to reach them yesterday because i have found other problems in their platform, like the games from Pocket games provider do not open. They said -we will investigate this, thankyu...-

I have requested some withdrawal will see how long takes to get the email asking ton verify ID (Because you cannot verify your ID upfront).

Is going to be a juicy review about this merchant.


Received the funds. No extra emails requesting for ID verification. I remember that all that was done upfront when i made a deposit using my Visa Card, it seems they have a different Identity verification system. and i was able to withdrawal using Interac(last deposit was made using that method, so i got everything covered). what remains is the review.

will send it this monday or tuesday.

PS> I did not use their welcome bonus, I played with my own money all the time.


So I believe that went pretty well. Right?

Did you get any reply regarding the issue with that game provider, perhaps?🤔

Κάνοντας προσπάθεια ανάληψης και μετά από δύο μέρες μου έκαναν ακύρωση ανάληψης και τα έβαλαν ξανά στον λογαριασμό.

Όταν ρώτησα γιατί έγινε αυτό μου είπαν ότι φταίει η τράπεζα....κάτι που δεν ισχύει...

Προσοχή στην εταιρεία Robocat....ακόμα δεν έχουν κάνει κάτι και περιμένω εκ νέου.


Have you checked with your bank regarding this, though? Did they confirm that they didn't receive anything and declined the payment?


Μου τα έβαλαν σήμερα κανονικά.

Απλά είναι τακτική να τους τα δώσουμε πίσω μπας και τα χάσει.


I'm sorry, what does it mean? Have you gotten the money back on your bank account, or was it added to your casino account? Frankly, I can't use Greek; I wish Romi was there to help me out.

Well let me know, please.

Αυτό το καζίνο πληρώνει ή όχι; Κατέθεσα χρήματα και τώρα έχω 3 αναλήψεις σε εκκρεμότητα. Και κάπως έχω την αίσθηση ότι δεν συμβαίνει τίποτα. Δυστυχώς, έχω διαβάσει μόνο μερικά καλά πράγματα και τώρα ανησυχώ λίγο για τα χρήματά μου. 🙁

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hello, I would say patience will be important in this whole process. How long are you waiting for your money? Was it necessary to verify or anything like that?

According tho what I've seen the casino is trying to solve the problems and so if they don't pay you, you can contact us and we will try to help. 

So please let me know. 

Περιμένοντας την 3η ΜΕΡΑ τώρα. Αλλά λέει 1-3 μέρες. Άρα φοβάμαι ότι είναι απάτη

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Ω, δεν έπρεπε και δεν έπρεπε να έχω επαληθεύσει ακόμα τον εαυτό μου

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I don't think you have to be skeptical right away at 3 days and it doesn't mean the casino is a scam. I would take the fact that they say on their website that they send withdrawals to players within three days with a grain of salt. It may also depend on the payment method you use to withdraw. What is it then? 

If you didn't have to verify, just wait and see what stage your withdrawal is at.

Απλώς νόμιζα ότι κάποιος εδώ είχε εμπειρία 🙂 χθες η εξυπηρέτηση πελατών είπε ότι έπρεπε να περάσουν 3 ημέρες και η πληρωμή θα γινόταν στις 4. Έτσι προφανώς σήμερα. Είμαι περίεργος. Χρησιμοποίησα πιστωτική κάρτα, όπως κατά την κατάθεση

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Sure, definitely no problems, I didn't want it to sound like you can't ask or share anything, so I apologize if that was the case.

As for the withdrawal, we'll see if it comes or not. We give casinos 14 days to resolve this situation.

If they can't, then we'll try to help you if you ask for it.🙂

Εντάξει ευχαριστώ. Αλλά έχετε κάποια γενική εμπειρία με αυτό το καζίνο;😀

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
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