Προσωπικά βρίσκω αυτόν τον ιστότοπο πολύ πολύ σωστό, επαγγελματικό στο μέγιστο, με υψηλού επιπέδου συνεργάτες, όπως ο Tom ακριβώς, τον ονομάζω γιατί έχω επικοινωνήσει συχνά μαζί του μέσω whatsapp, ζητάω και το παραμικρό που δεν μου είναι ξεκάθαρο , και είναι έτοιμος να απαντήσει με πολύ ευγενικό, ξεκάθαρο και απλό τρόπο, οπότε είναι περίεργο αυτό που διάβασα, σίγουρα υπάρχει κάτι ασαφές από την πλευρά του συγγραφέα, σας εγγυώμαι ότι από την πρώτη στιγμή που ήμουν μέρος αυτού site και μέχρι σήμερα δεν μου έχει συμβεί τίποτα, όντως είμαι ικανοποιημένος με τα πάντα, ακόμα και τα κέρδη, ειδικά οι αναλήψεις, κάτι πολύ σημαντικό, σε χρόνο ρεκόρ και σας δείχνω εδώ με στιγμιότυπα οθόνης, και μετά τα μπόνους που από αυτό site, είναι πολλά, έχω κερδίσει και με το μπόνους, το έχω μετατρέψει σε πραγματικά χρήματα, και μετά πάντα με αυτά έχω κερδίσει και το τζάκποτ, οπότε όλα μπορούν να συμβούν, όπως επίσης έχω χάσει, αλλά εσείς ξέρετε, είναι μέρος του παιχνιδιού, αλλά σας εγγυώμαι ότι οι ήττες και τα κέρδη είναι μια καλή ισορροπία, χρειάζεται λίγη υπομονή, εμπιστοσύνη και λίγη τύχη.. Το συνιστώ... αντηχώ τη μικρή κατάθεση που έκανα και το κέρδη που είχα, τότε οι αναλήψεις είναι στις ημερομηνίες, ακριβείς και γρήγορες και πολύ σωστές Ικανοποιημένος
I personally find this site very very very correct, professional to the max, with high level collaborators, such as Tom precisely, I name him because I have often contacted him via whatsapp, I ask for even the smallest thing that is not clear to me, and he is ready to answer in a very kind, clear and simple way, so it is strange what I read, surely there is something unclear on the part of the writer, I guarantee you, that from the first moment that I was part of this site and up to today nothing inconvenience has happened to me, indeed I am satisfied with everything, even the winnings, especially the withdrawals, a very important thing, in record time and I show you here with screenshots, and then the bonuses that from this site, are many, I have also won with the bonus, I have converted it into real money, and then always with these I have also won the jackpot, so anything can happen, as well as I have also lost, but you know, it is part of the game but I guarantee you that losses and winnings are a good balance it takes a bit of patience, trust and a pinch of luck.. I recommend it.... echo the small deposit I made and the winnings I had, then the withdrawals are on the dates, precise and fast and very correct Satisfied
Io personalmente l'ho trovo questo sito molto molto molto corretto, professionale al massimo,con collaboratori di alto livello,come precisamente Tom,nomino lui perché con lui ho spesso contato via whatsapp, chiedo per ogni anche piccola cosa che non mi è chiaro,e lui si, pronto di rispondere in modo molto gentile chiaro e semplice, quindi è strano ciò che leggo, sicuramente ce qualcosa di non chiaro da parte di chi scrive,vi garantisco,che dal primo momento che ho fatto parte di questo sito e fino oggi non mi è successo nulla di inconveniente, ansi sono soddisfatto di tutto, anche delle vincite, soprattutto dei prelievi,una cosa molto importante,in tempo record e velo dimostro qui con screenshot,e poi i bonus che da questo sito, sono tantissimi,io ho vinto anche con il bonus, l'ho convertito in soldi reali,e poi sempre con questi ho vinto pure il jeackpot, quindi può succedere di tutto,come pure ho anche perso, però si sa,fa parte del gioco ma vi garantisco che perdite e vincite è un bel balanciamento ci vuole un po' di pazienza,fiducia e il pizzico di fortuna.. l'ho consiglio.... eco il deposito piccolo che ho fatto e la vincita avuta,poi i prelievi ci sono le date, precisi e veloci e molto corretti Soddisfatto
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