Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοJackTop Casino - γενική συζήτηση

JackTop Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 11)

 από C078
38.730 προβολές 233 απαντήσεις |
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I ask for my player id

και αν συμβαίνει αυτό, πρέπει επίσης να είναι ειλικρινείς στο Trust Pilot

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I'm sorry, but I'm still quite convinced you expect the casino to pay for the issue described in your previously rejected complaint. It almost seems the casino agrees with the rejection and is not willing to discuss the issue further, even with you.

May I know what makes you believe the casino is still obliged to press this matter forward, please?

I'm referring to this situation:

"If a casino allows players from a certain country to deposit and play, they should pay their legitimate winnings. By the same principle, if a player deposits in a casino and loses, the player is not eligible for a refund.

We can't penalize casinos if they lack any particular license.

After gathering all the information, this complaint will now be rejected."

Perhaps the first one👈 holds the explanation?

"As I explained previously, casinos can close players' accounts whenever and for whatever reason as long as no funds have been confiscated in the process. We would really like to help, but it is impossible for us under these circumstances.

Due to the aforementioned reasons, this complaint will now be rejected. "

Under these circumstances, I would love to understand what kind of response you're expecting. Help me understand that, please.

θα πρέπει να είναι ειλικρινείς, επίσης στον πιλότο εμπιστοσύνης

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

But there are situations where both the player and the casino interpret things in their own way, so sometimes I wouldn't be surprised if things were different on Trustpilot. I guess nobody can force them to do anything and if you send some evidence that is relevant and it still doesn't turn out well, then I guess you know what to think.


I think they make jokes


I don't know what they're up to, but it would certainly be appropriate if both the players and the casino were always honest. I probably wouldn't play in one where that's not the case.

Geen reactie via de support live chat support email vip mail vip manager en whatsapp na een jaar aleen reactie hier van neem contact op aleen werkt dit niet 

Datum van ervaring: 04 juli 2024


Antwoord van Jacktop Casino

2 uur geleden

Dear Collyn Daamen,

Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. We sincerely apologize for any difficulties you've experienced in reaching our support channels. Your feedback is crucial to us, and we're committed to resolving any communication challenges promptly.

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience caused. We encourage you to try reaching out to us again through any of these channels, as we are eager to assist you and ensure a positive resolution to your concerns.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to hearing from you and resolving this matter promptly.

Kind Regards,

Jacktop Casino Team

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Romi
Αιτία: Made the link passive.

Okay, so you reached out to them ? Did they try to work something out with you or not ? 


Ήδη προσπαθώ να έρθω σε επαφή με διάφορους τρόπους, ίσως έρθουν στο IGB Live στο Άμστερνταμ, η μόνη επιλογή που βλέπω είναι να επικοινωνήσω με τους συνεργάτες του boomerang.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Δεν αστειεύομαι ούτε λέω ψέματα για αυτό γιατί δεν το τηρούν

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

You mean you're going to go to the conference and you're going to confront them there ? Quite interesting, I'd say. The best thing would be if they could resolve this problem with you once and for all because I know we have had a history of correspondence in the past and several complaints have been lodged by you against this casino. 

I wish it had all turned out well.


ναι, το έχω βαρεθεί πραγματικά

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I understand, I just don't know if it's the best idea and if you could do something with it. But I'll be here for any news. 

I see al good reviews from visitors whit pictures and perfect english lol. do you even check if they are real people? casino Guru give this casino a 6.5 i know for a facts book af dead is a fake slot.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

Hello, yes we always check user reviews to make sure they are not fake.

However, do you think so just because the players speak good English? 

About the slots, why do you feel they are fake? 

Hello, yes we always check user reviews to make sure they are not fake.

However, do you think so just because the players speak good English? 

About the slots, why do you feel they are fake? 

No i understand most users speak perfect English.........

A picture and perfect in english telling the same group of casinos that they had some great experience on it bonus are great instant withdrawals come on do you belief this? and then you have players like me not so great in English some NOT AL. giving honest experience on slots withdrawals verification and casino Guru thinking its just frustration from them?

Oke the slots the slot book of dead i have been playing this this slot for years at this casino the last real the scatter just missing slowly passing by 50 times the same . if you play that slot you just know.RTP is also missing on the slots.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

I believe the matter of forum posts and user reviews is accordingly flowing in the other thread, so if you don't mind, I won't repeat myself here.

On the other hand, we believe that gambling is a way to exchange money for the thrill of the game, so if players tend to write negative reviews because they keep losing and hence the games must be fake, it actually says very little about the casino's qualities since the games are just a bought product. Gambling is very much about losing.

The same goes for situations where the player writes a negative review to say the casino is fraud because the withdrawal is taking more than 24 hours.

We consider a delay to start by the 4th day. Despite that, though, we also consider the complexity of the review and do our best to approve most of them. Every review providing at least some information worth sharing is very likely to be approved. However, we had to set at least a few concrete guidelines to ensure the reviews will be approached more or less the same way. I agree with you; it is a very delicate matter.

In my opinion, it is not a good idea to play slots without visible RTP; this could partially be the reason for the lowered Safety Index, by the way. Have you heard the recommendations we present for fair casinos?

https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#transparency 👈

If you have doubts regarding the games fairness, I suggest you contact the licensing authority. That's the only competent ruling body in that particular matter.

I believe the matter of forum posts and user reviews is accordingly flowing in the other thread, so if you don't mind, I won't repeat myself here.

On the other hand, we believe that gambling is a way to exchange money for the thrill of the game, so if players tend to write negative reviews because they keep losing and hence the games must be fake, it actually says very little about the casino's qualities since the games are just a bought product. Gambling is very much about losing.

The same goes for situations where the player writes a negative review to say the casino is fraud because the withdrawal is taking more than 24 hours.

We consider a delay to start by the 4th day. Despite that, though, we also consider the complexity of the review and do our best to approve most of them. Every review providing at least some information worth sharing is very likely to be approved. However, we had to set at least a few concrete guidelines to ensure the reviews will be approached more or less the same way. I agree with you; it is a very delicate matter.

In my opinion, it is not a good idea to play slots without visible RTP; this could partially be the reason for the lowered Safety Index, by the way. Have you heard the recommendations we present for fair casinos?

https://casino.guru/fair-gambling-codex-for-casinos#transparency 👈

If you have doubts regarding the games fairness, I suggest you contact the licensing authority. That's the only competent ruling body in that particular matter.

You dont have to repeat yourself im not atacking nobody.how can i discusse a casino without giving my own experience

I close the account on this casino 1 year ago lost maybe 50 euro on the casino no frustration....Slot book of dead is fake you can defend it al you want.If i ask my friends do you look at the RTP wen playing they dont even know what im talking about.

And Playboom casino i lost 2500 i think its a great casino got a great review here from me i have a lot of positive reviews here on casino Guru

And last its a discussion why would i have to go to licensing authority ?

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

μεγάλη απάτη αυτός ο ιστότοπος δεν λειτούργησε σωστά στην αρχή έπεσα στο νερό λόγω καλών κριτικών, αλλά συχνά είναι απλώς ψεύτικες

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Κάθε φορά που στον πιλότο εμπιστοσύνης έρχονται με ολόκληρες τρομακτικές ιστορίες, με αγνοούν στη ζωντανή συνομιλία

την τελευταία φορά που ήμουν σε αναμονή για 3 ώρες για έναν VIP manager που μπήκε στο chat για 2 δευτερόλεπτα και μετά το έκλεισε αν αυτή η εταιρεία βρισκόταν στην Ολλανδία, θα ήμουν ακόμα εκεί σήμερα το απόγευμα

αλλά δυστυχώς αυτή είναι μια ουγγρική εταιρεία που πιθανότατα ανήκει σε Ρώσους, δεν πληρώθηκα ποτέ, κρατούν τη βαθμολογία ψηλά στον πιλότο εμπιστοσύνης δίνοντας στους ανθρώπους δωρεάν περιστροφές για 5 αστέρια

Ως Ολλανδός είστε ο μόνος που μπορείτε απλά να επισκεφτείτε αυτοπροσώπως αυτούς τους ανθρώπους

και πείτε μια ιστορία

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
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