Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνο7Bets.io Casino - γενική συζήτηση

7Bets.io Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 16)

 από Teddc675
55.073 προβολές 372 απαντήσεις |
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I firmly believe the case will be treated the same as all the others ... they will have blocked his gaming and halted verification while they search or add a violation on the T&Cs exactly the same as they did to me amd everyone else .. all these cases are just being dragged out with the same end result

Unfortunately we are not able to do much, whenever a casino is not willing to communicate. If the complaint is unresolved it'll lower the safety index of the casino and this way we believe that players will try to avoid playing there. That is a purpose of our site, actually, to somehow inform and warn players.

That is correct, they are running a firm. If firm means a company. Firma -> slang word for company in Finnish language. A firm needs to act in firms favour with polite manners, even if they are dealing with thiefs.

I have found Radkas responses somewhat aggressive, not on just this topic, but on all complaints in general.

That being said, all the staff from Guru writes really long replies, and if they really do it manually, its a lot of work.

Plus they have to read all the nonsense from someone who doesnt speak english very well. It takes nerves of the cow, or nerves of steel to do it everyday.

Well, yes, we do write all the posts manually. We do not see it as a nonsense from the players, as you called it, we see it as "not enough knowledge", I could say. We always try to help with every issue at online casino, even though sometimes it is not really possible. As you know there is always the second part needed to the conversation and investigation, let's say. Whenever a casino doesn't communicate with us, we are unable to get the issue, any issue solved.

Radka doesn't solve complaints, as she is not a part of our complaint team. It is your point of view, how you see all of our posts, of course, and no one is going to take your opinion, just understand please, that we are here to help and inform all the users about everything regarding the online world of casinos, we are not a magicians, though. I hope you can understand my meaning. And also, players do not need to speak any English, actually, as we use an auto translator on our website.

Μου μπλόκαραν τον λογαριασμό μαζί με όλες τις καταθέσεις μου. Δεν έλαβα εξηγήσεις. Δυστυχώς, συνάντησα απατεώνες.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hi, I saw that you have a complaint regarding this for some time. I'm sure you could use some kind of answer as to why the casino did this, but from what you say you didn't get one. 

We are also waiting for a response from the casino so I would like to hear from them on the current situation. 

Also, I have to say, this casino is not the best choice seeing how low the safety index is, so I hope this can be resolved and not a case of you learning your lesson. 

Feel free to let me know if something new comes up.

Anyone who has won and doesnt get money out. You wont get your money. They dont process withdrawals to anyone. They are just trolling. See the photo. Not one single withdraw has ever paid to anyone. This is just pure scam operation.


Arguing 1 case because they think they have a point . Still ignoring all the cases that have knocked their score down to the floor . Cant defend the indefensible. Even their replies are pretty rude . I hope these people get paid alot to treat people like rubbish

7 bets rep I am sure you read all this forum . You are a scam . Your support reps lie and ignore . You limit access to games relying on people playing your huge list of " forbidden games knowing the odds are they will meet one and if they dont you will add it . You delay verification relying on the fact that by the time they are verified they will have spent their funds . When they dont you look for another way . I was lied to for weeks . I reached top vip level with the " real" funds I had won and when you couldnt hold me off any longer you froze my account and " found " a violation and didnt even email me to inform me of why my funds had left my account . I go to work every day and earn my money honestly . I have worked all my life . But I guess some people are happy to sit and take honest peoples money because I guess liars and cheats have to work somewhere . You are labled scammers because you have earned that title by all the people you have scammed . Deal with it and dont talk down to the people you have scammed !


Anyone who has won and doesnt get money out. You wont get your money. They dont process withdrawals to anyone. They are just trolling. See the photo. Not one single withdraw has ever paid to anyone. This is just pure scam operation.


Hm, I see you are still monitoring the situation regarding this casino. I also see this complaint, where I wouldn't say it's quite fair of the casino towards the player, so I'm curious to see how they handle this case. I'll keep an eye on it, and I feel sorry for everyone who lost their money here. Probably best to avoid them.

i won 3k no bonus money or anything they kept rejecting my withdrawals6-7 times till I lost all my money and their excuse was they have had que etc lie on lies how do I get my deposit back as their intention wasn’t to pay me out I have all the evidence pictures etc of them scamming other people


This is a scam site, there is not much you can do, loot at the amount of unsolved complaints regarding withdrawals. These "casinos" only exist to take your deposits but never let you withdraw, this is what makes a casino a scam site. Sadly there is nothing to do except warning others to not put their money there

The casino doesnt care about the score or the complaints. There are millions of potential "victims" out there that do not know what they do and there are also a number of clear affiliations that wont be acknowledged .. they will continue to probably take in millions of pounds from their numerous scam sites so I doubt they care about low scores and the few " in comparison " complaints so long as the cash keeps coming in .. surely unregulated sites should be able to be shut down otherwise what is the real point in regulators if unregulated can continue to function and scam people???


Yeah it also makes me irritated that scammed customers keep flowing here regularly on weekly basis. People writing here always have the bad news. You get use to it, the stories i read flow through without me able to put a thought, but rather just a moment of frustration.

The international crime has pumped in the last 20 years. Criminals are getting more and more savage.

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i won 3k no bonus money or anything they kept rejecting my withdrawals6-7 times till I lost all my money and their excuse was they have had que etc lie on lies how do I get my deposit back as their intention wasn’t to pay me out I have all the evidence pictures etc of them scamming other people

Well, I don't want to disappoint you too much, but since you've lost your money, it's probably impossible to help you. I'm sorry you had to go through all this, because it's certainly not what a casino should be doing, and certainly not behaving like this. 

I'm going to show you the safety index, which is pretty low, and I would definitely avoid this casino, because they don't even address complaints and they don't even answer us. 

I'd like to tell you something more positive, but you have to look at it realistically, so there's probably not much you can do. 

As much as I hate to say it, I think the only thing we can take from all this is a lesson. 😥

Stopped me from gambling so I think that's a definite positive 😊

Νομίζω ότι θα ήταν καλό για όλους να γνωρίζουν αυτό το καζίνο και πώς λειτουργεί.

Όταν πληρώνετε με κάρτα, οι πληρωμές πηγαίνουν κυρίως στη Νιγηρία, σε έναν άγνωστο έμπορο. Αυτός ο έμπορος έχει έναν ιστότοπο, αλλά είναι ψεύτικος, το email δεν είναι διαθέσιμο, ο αριθμός τηλεφώνου δεν είναι διαθέσιμος.

  1. Το καζίνο έχει παρακάμψει τον κωδικό του εμπόρου μέσω εταιρειών κελύφους που αναφέρονται ως διαφορετικά καταστήματα στις συναλλαγές μου. Παραδείγματα περιλαμβάνουν λουλούδια, περιοδικά, διαφημιστική υπηρεσία Βρυξέλλες, φωτογραφίες, παραδόσεις και κρυπτονομίσματα, αν και δεν έχω αγοράσει ποτέ τίποτα από αυτά τα καταστήματα.
  2. Σκιώδεις δραστηριότητες, ξέπλυμα μαύρου χρήματος; Αποφασίστε μόνοι σας.

Το BETILUS λειτουργεί ως μεσάζων για την υπηρεσία πληρωμών του καζίνο, ο καθένας μπορεί να επισκεφτεί τον ιστότοπό του, ο ιστότοπος είναι εντελώς ψεύτικος. Το email δεν λειτουργεί, υπάρχουν φωτογραφίες της «ομάδας» που δεν μπορείτε να βρείτε αυτά τα άτομα πουθενά, άρα οι φωτογραφίες είναι απλώς bots και το ίδιο και αυτοί οι άνθρωποι.

Ο ίδιος έχω ήδη ενημερώσει τη δική μου τράπεζα καθώς και τη Visa ότι υποπτεύομαι ότι αυτά τα περιστατικά είναι ξέπλυμα βρώμικου χρήματος.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Έρευνα ιστορικού σχετικά με αυτό το καζίνο από τη δική μου εμπειρία:

  1. Το καζίνο έχει παρακάμψει τον κωδικό του εμπόρου μέσω εταιρειών κελύφους που αναφέρονται ως διαφορετικά καταστήματα στις συναλλαγές μου. Παραδείγματα περιλαμβάνουν λουλούδια, περιοδικά, διαφημιστική υπηρεσία Βρυξέλλες, φωτογραφίες, παραδόσεις και κρυπτονομίσματα, αν και δεν έχω αγοράσει ποτέ τίποτα από αυτά τα καταστήματα.
  2. η υπηρεσία πληρωμών του καζίνο γίνεται με τη μεσολάβηση της BETILUS, μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε ελεύθερα τον ιστότοπό τους και θα καταλήξετε στο ίδιο αποτέλεσμα με εμένα. Οι σελίδες είναι ψεύτικες, το email δεν λειτουργεί, οι άνθρωποι και οι φωτογραφίες είναι bots.

Μόνο οι δικές μου πληρωμές σε αυτό το καζίνο πήγαν στη Νιγηρία.

Έχω ήδη αναφέρει στην τράπεζά μου και στη Visa ότι οι πληρωμές που κάνατε στο καζίνο δεν είναι νόμιμες και υποπτεύεστε ξέπλυμα χρήματος.

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Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Stopped me from gambling so I think that's a definite positive 😊

It certainly is, I think it's the best way, because basically you always lose more than you gain by gambling, so I admire your thinking. 😉

Έρευνα ιστορικού σχετικά με αυτό το καζίνο από τη δική μου εμπειρία:

  1. Το καζίνο έχει παρακάμψει τον κωδικό του εμπόρου μέσω εταιρειών κελύφους που αναφέρονται ως διαφορετικά καταστήματα στις συναλλαγές μου. Παραδείγματα περιλαμβάνουν λουλούδια, περιοδικά, διαφημιστική υπηρεσία Βρυξέλλες, φωτογραφίες, παραδόσεις και κρυπτονομίσματα, αν και δεν έχω αγοράσει ποτέ τίποτα από αυτά τα καταστήματα.
  2. η υπηρεσία πληρωμών του καζίνο γίνεται με τη μεσολάβηση της BETILUS, μπορείτε να επισκεφτείτε ελεύθερα τον ιστότοπό τους και θα καταλήξετε στο ίδιο αποτέλεσμα με εμένα. Οι σελίδες είναι ψεύτικες, το email δεν λειτουργεί, οι άνθρωποι και οι φωτογραφίες είναι bots.

Μόνο οι δικές μου πληρωμές σε αυτό το καζίνο πήγαν στη Νιγηρία.

Έχω ήδη αναφέρει στην τράπεζά μου και στη Visa ότι οι πληρωμές που κάνατε στο καζίνο δεν είναι νόμιμες και υποπτεύεστε ξέπλυμα χρήματος.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

if you're talking about this, you might be interested in this topic. People here are discussing exactly what you've described, so feel free to look at it and get involved: https://casino.guru/forum/complaints-discussion/question-about-gambling-websites-with-curacao-license-using-incorrect-merchant-category-code/106#post-113559


There is 107 pages, and no cliffs. But many operators do this, but still pay winnings.

Besides, you need to 3D verificate each card payment, once you do that, it doesnt matter where you have sent the funds. They are not returnable under any circumstances. ie crypto scams or any bank credential frauds.

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