Είχα μια νίκη και έκανα συνολικά 6 αναλήψεις
1 ανάληψη 1000 και 1 από 500 ΠΙΣΤΩΘΗΚΑΝ ΣΩΣΤΑ, έκανα άλλες 4 αναλήψεις, η τελευταία στο GG. 27.
1 ανάληψη 1000 (επιστράφηκε στον λογαριασμό μου στο καζίνο) Δεν μου εξήγησαν γιατί
1 ανάληψη 500 (επιστράφηκε στον λογαριασμό μου στο καζίνο) Δεν μου είπαν γιατί
1 ανάληψη 500 ΔΕΝ ΠΙΣΤΩΘΗΚΕ
1 ανάληψη 500 ΔΕΝ ΠΙΣΤΩΘΗΚΕ.
Τους έστειλα τις δύο καταστάσεις λογαριασμού μου για να επαληθεύσω τις πιστώσεις που λείπουν, αλλά ισχυρίζονται ότι τις έλαβα, αλλά είναι οι δύο πρώτες.
Πρέπει ακόμα να πιστώσουν δύο αναλήψεις των 500, μία στις 22 και μία στις 27
Θα ήθελα να λυθεί μια για πάντα αυτή η δυσάρεστη κατάσταση.
I had a win and made a total of 6 withdrawals
1 withdrawal of 1000 and 1 of 500 were CORRECTLY CREDITED, I made 4 more withdrawals, the last one on GG. 27.
1 withdrawal of 1000 (returned to my casino account) I was not explained why
1 withdrawal of 500 (returned to my casino account) I was not told why
1 withdrawal of 500 NOT CREDITED
1 withdrawal of 500 NOT CREDITED.
I sent them my two account statements to verify the missing credits but they claim that I received them, but they are the first two.
They still have to credit two withdrawals of 500, one on the 22nd and one on the 27th
I would like this unpleasant situation to be resolved once and for all.
Ho avuto una vincita ed effettuato un totale di 6 prelievi
1 prelievo di 1000 e 1 di 500 sono stati CORRETTAMENTE ACCREDITATI, ho effettuato altri 4 prelievi, l'ultimo il GG. 27.
1 prelievo di 1000 ( rientrato nel mio conto casinò) non mi è stato spiegato perché
1 prelievo di 500 ( rientrato nel mio conto casinò) non mi è stato spiegato perché
1 prelievo di 500 NON ACCREDITATO
1 prelievo di 500 NON ACCREDITATO.
Ho inviato loro i miei due estratti Conti a verifica dei mancati accrediti ma sostengono che li ho ricevuti , ma sono i primi due.
Devono ancora accreditare due prelievi da 500 uno del 22 e uno del 27
Vorrei che questa spiacevole situazione sia risolta una volta per tutte
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: