Ήμουν παίκτης στο καζίνο για μερικούς μήνες, ίσως 6 μήνες για την ακρίβεια, ο λογαριασμός μπλοκαρίστηκε λόγω μιας πορτογαλικής έκφρασης που νόμιζαν ότι ήθελα να αποκλειστώ και αυτόματα μπλόκαρα τον λογαριασμό χωρίς νόημα, το υπόλοιπο αποκτήθηκε στο αρκετούς κουλοχέρηδες και δεν είχα ποτέ δικαίωμα σε μπόνους.
I was a player at the casino for a few months, maybe 6 months to be precise, the account was blocked because of a Portuguese expression they thought I wanted to be self-excluded and automatically blocked the account without sense, the balance was obtained in several slots and I was never entitled to any bonuses.
Fui jogador do casino alguns meses, talves 6 meses para ser mais preciso,a conta foi bloqueada pois devido a uma expressão portuguesa pensaram que queria ser autoexcluido e bloquearam automaticamente a conta sem sentido,o saldo foi obtido em várias slots e nunca tive direito a nenhum bónus.
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