Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΣυζήτηση ΠαραπόνωνHow to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority

How to contact the Antillephone N.V. (Curaçao) licensing authority (σελίδα 8)

 από Daniel
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I do not have an answer to this question, unfortunately. I saw your complaint and Nick will be able to continue investigating shortly. Just try to be patient, please, as we experience a lot of complaints right now.

I never write to support of casino Tritium about gambling addicted. They dont have that messages or e-mails.

Have you ever written to ANY casino or regular about addiction? Have you ever used any of the safe gambling options that are available on these sites?

Unfortunately, these tools that are available to help players who may have gambling problems end up getting used AGAINST the very players it's supposed to be helping.

With a heavy heart, we must inform you that your Tritium Casino account will be permanently closed with immediate effect. Additionally, any pending winnings associated with your account will be voided as per the terms and conditions outlined in our gaming license agreement.

The above contradicts the following..

..we are obligated to adhere to strict guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of all our players.

How exactly does confiscating a players' winnings ensure their safety and well-being? If a player has an gambling addiction, those winnings might be the only funds they have to their name. It could be the difference between having your rent paid in advance for the next six months or being homeless and on the street.


It is never okay to steal someone's hard-earned winnings!!

You guys basically have a license to print cash. All casino games have a built-in house edge, so if you have to resort to robbing the poor just to stay afloat, then I'd suggest for you to cut costs instead of being the bizzaro Robin Hood.


Thanks for that answer.May you send it to this unfair casino support support@tritiumcasino.com , please. I think they locked my email so I cant self send it.I use daily deposit limit from time to time. I use self exclude 24 hours too. I thought that I can use it without problems during withdrawal.


Unfortunately, I do play at numerous Versus Odds/Mirage casinos, so I can't send them an email without fear of being banned from their entire network. Very sorry about that.

That being said, if you haven't already, open a ticket with Guru support. They'll be much more help than I could possibly be.

Best of luck to ya!

Επειδή δεν λαμβάνω καμία απάντηση από την Antillephone ο ίδιος, αναρωτιέμαι:

ποιος είναι πάνω από αυτή την εξουσία; Ποιος ρυθμίζει το Antillephone και το ελέγχει;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

These are cyber criminals all together,Antille,Curacao especially..They will never give you your money.

All their casinos should be avoided,especially Dublinbet which stole me 5000 euros without any explanation.


Realistically? Nobody.

The master license holders care about one thing: collecting their licensing fees.

Αλλά πρέπει να υπάρχει τρόπος να τους κάνει να ανταποκριθούν. Δεν με ενδιαφέρουν πια τα χρήματα, είναι απλά η αρχή. Ως κάτοχος άδειας δεν μπορείς να κάνεις ό,τι θέλεις. Δεν πρέπει να είναι έτσι!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

How do I contact licence called Miomedia?

If that does even exist?

It is regarding RTBET casino -

I received this response from Aboutslots members :

Hello there, they do have a license ( Miomedia ), they have a license for multible different casinos to operate. But, I see that they don't show the badge on their website, I will contact them now about this.

However, on their page is written :

RTbet Casino is owned by Rabidi N.V., a well-established name in the online gambling industry. Rabidi N.V. is known for its high-quality casinos, and RTbet is a licensed operator under Curacao regulations.

and they don't have any seal or anything on site.. please help me to get the bottom of this.. they are cheating people


Γεια, ο Rabidi είναι επίσης μέρος του Antillephone nv. Μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε μαζί τους στο info@gaminglicences.com Απαντούν αν είναι γενικό θέμα. Εάν γίνει προβληματικό και θέλετε επιστροφή χρημάτων, δεν λαμβάνετε ποτέ απάντηση. Δοκίμασε την τύχη σου.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Rabidi filed bankruptcy


That is why RTBET changed license to miomedia

Έχω μεγάλο πρόβλημα με τα καζίνο με άδεια από την Antillephone NV και το Curacao... Έχω ένα ποσό άνω των €4300 για να λάβω πίσω από το Roku/BetTilt και κανείς δεν μου απαντά! Ο Roku λέει μόνο ότι η υπόθεση έχει παραδοθεί στη ρυθμιστική αρχή, αλλά κανείς δεν μου απαντά! Είναι κρίμα αυτό που κάνουν τα καζίνο με άδεια από την Antillephone NV! Είναι ένα μάτσο εγκληματίες, τόσο τα καζίνο Abudantia BV όσο και όποιος τους δίνει άδεια! Ο Roku λέει ότι η υπόθεση έχει παραδοθεί στη ρυθμιστική αρχή και στο νομικό τμήμα, αλλά υποτίθεται ότι είχαν 7 ημέρες για να απαντήσουν και έχουν περάσει περισσότερες από 2 εβδομάδες! Συμπέρασμα, τόσο το Roku Casino όσο και η άδειά του είναι απάτη! Μείνετε μακριά από όλα τα καζίνο που διαθέτουν άδεια από την Antillephone NV.


Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

If someone could help me getting an answer from the regulator it would be great! I have done everything I can… just starting to lose my hope.. Curaçau and Antillephone NV license is the biggest fraud and scam I have ever seen.

Έχω μεγάλο πρόβλημα με τα καζίνο με άδεια από την Antillephone NV και το Curacao... Έχω ένα ποσό άνω των €4300 για να λάβω πίσω από το Roku/BetTilt και κανείς δεν μου απαντά! Ο Roku λέει μόνο ότι η υπόθεση έχει παραδοθεί στη ρυθμιστική αρχή, αλλά κανείς δεν μου απαντά! Είναι κρίμα αυτό που κάνουν τα καζίνο με άδεια από την Antillephone NV! Είναι ένα μάτσο εγκληματίες, τόσο τα καζίνο Abudantia BV όσο και όποιος τους δίνει άδεια! Ο Roku λέει ότι η υπόθεση έχει παραδοθεί στη ρυθμιστική αρχή και στο νομικό τμήμα, αλλά υποτίθεται ότι είχαν 7 ημέρες για να απαντήσουν και έχουν περάσει περισσότερες από 2 εβδομάδες! Συμπέρασμα, τόσο το Roku Casino όσο και η άδειά του είναι απάτη! Μείνετε μακριά από όλα τα καζίνο που διαθέτουν άδεια από την Antillephone NV.


Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


Normally, I would say that the Team will do its best to find a fair solution through the complaint process that you're currently undergoing with both casinos. On the other hand, if the casino uses the regulator as an excuse for further ignoration, I certainly hope they won't treat the complaint in the same way.

Besides, do you think you can at least briefly describe the nature of your complaints against the casino? I think that would be handy for the rest of the community.

I'll leave that to you.

If someone could help me getting an answer from the regulator it would be great! I have done everything I can… just starting to lose my hope.. Curaçau and Antillephone NV license is the biggest fraud and scam I have ever seen.

I'm not aware of any good advice I could pass on 🙁. I'm sorry.

can’t Casino Guru help to contact Roku/BetTilt or Abudantia B.V.?


I can see that our specialists will certainly try to do this if you have open complaints, but whether the casinos will cooperate and whether they will reply back I don't know. So you just have to be a little patient. 😕

Ναι, το κάνω, και υποτίθεται ότι η υπόθεση έχει παραδοθεί στη ρυθμιστική αρχή, αλλά αυτό λέει η Roku Bet... Δεν έχω κανένα email από την Antillephone NV που να το επιβεβαιώνει. Αλλά η Roku Bet έχει άδεια από την Antillephone, αλλά τώρα «ελέγχεται» από την ομάδα συμμόρφωσης του eMoore NV, την οποία βρήκα ότι είναι πιο αξιόπιστη οντότητα. Τουλάχιστον ο ιστότοπος eMoore NV έχει διευθύνσεις, email και μέρη για παράπονα.

Επισυνάπτονται φωτογραφίες της ιστοσελίδας Roku και η απάντηση που δόθηκε στο πορτογαλικό Queixa Portal.

Μπορεί το CasinoGuru να με βοηθήσει με αυτά τα δεδομένα; Επικοινωνήστε με την ομάδα συμμόρφωσης του eMoore NV; Παρεμπιπτόντως, αν και η άδεια Roku Bet και BetTilt προέρχεται από την Antillephone, είναι δευτερεύουσα άδεια, δεν πρέπει ο όμιλος Abudantia BV να ακολουθεί τους κανόνες των νόμων της Master License Curaçao; Σε παρακαλώ βοήθησέ με.



Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
..whether the casinos will cooperate..

And this is the problem with online gambling.

Licensed, unlicensed. Curacao, Malta, UKGC. At the end of the day, none of it means a damn thing, as the only person deciding if you get paid, is whoever is in charge of casino finances.

If a casino doesn't want to pay you, they won't. It's as simple as that. For most people, there's absolutely nothing you can do to get your money, because there's nobody in charge of making sure players get paid.

The commissions and regulatory bodies are all a farce. They exist solely to make players feel "comfortable" giving their money to these shady businesses. They'll also take a big chunk of change from every operator so they can line their own pockets. As long as that money keeps coming in, they don't give a single Fudgsicle.

Let's use Blazzio as a recent example.

One day, they just decided to pull the plug on their operation. No warning was given to players. No responses have been sent out. All they did, was change their website to look like a geo-block.

Try to look up information about this, and you'll find next to nothing. You'll see complaints that people have sent to affiliate sites such as this one. You'll even see some sites still recommending it as a safe place to play! Painfully missing, is any actual NEWS relating to their shutdown. Nobody seems to know a damn thing about what happened.

In this "regulated" industry, how is it possible for a casino to just pull the plug - taking (very likely) millions of dollars of players funds along with them - yet it doesn't even make a single news headline. Not even the affiliate sites had much to say about it.

There are people that lose their life savings to places like this and yet nothing ever happens to the people responsible. At the VERY LEAST, the regulator should be investigated by the Government of Curacao, but that won't happen. They're in the midst of new regulations, which is only making things more confusing, as they're too busy enjoying their Carribean beach lifestyle to give a flying phuck about the players.

/End rant

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