ΦόρουμΚαζίνοSuprabets Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Suprabets Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 2)

πριν από 1 έτος από prgambet
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πριν από 1 έτος

all casinos/bookmakers dont give answer and explanation to players. Even in rules they have "we can close you account without explanation" xD if players deserve some explanation why you dont flagged this kind (close account without explanation) as unfair terms and conditions? 🙂

πριν από 1 έτος

Είναι εξαιρετικά άδικο να μπλοκάρουν τον λογαριασμό και ακόμη περισσότερο να κατάσχουν τα χρήματά μου χωρίς να δώσουν περαιτέρω εξηγήσεις. Αυτό είναι απάτη, κύριοι.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 1 έτος

all casinos/bookmakers dont give answer and explanation to players. Even in rules they have "we can close you account without explanation" xD if players deserve some explanation why you dont flagged this kind (close account without explanation) as unfair terms and conditions? 🙂

πριν από 1 έτος

Because every company has a right to strip its business from you. It's a standard. 🙂

As you probably know, we evaluate each situation separately and focus on how the term is applied. Not just on the fact that it has been written.

πριν από 1 έτος

Είναι εξαιρετικά άδικο να μπλοκάρουν τον λογαριασμό και ακόμη περισσότερο να κατάσχουν τα χρήματά μου χωρίς να δώσουν περαιτέρω εξηγήσεις. Αυτό είναι απάτη, κύριοι.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 1 έτος

Casinos, or rather sportsbooks in your case, do this if they encounter fraud actions. That being said, we don’t have enough insight to take on this kind of issue related to sports betting. Try a site focusing on the subject, please.🙏

πριν από 1 έτος

I discovered the Suprabets betting house after seeing it advertised on some websites, so I used the Casino Guru analysis to assess whether the casino is fair or not, it has a high security rating at Casino Guru. So I decided to create my account on August 2nd, since then I have been betting on the sport that I like to follow "table tennis", going through good times and bad. Today, September 19th, I performed my account verification correctly and shortly after requesting my withdrawal of 50% of my winnings I received an email from their support stating: "Your account has been flagged for violating our terms and conditions point 11.5 . According to our terms we will close your account." My account currently has a balance of approximately $615. I really need your help so that I don't get robbed like this. My wife is pregnant, we will have our son on October 31st, I really need access to my money.

πριν από 1 έτος

Hi, I'm sorry for the situation you're in. But I have to add right at the beginning that we are not dealing with sports betting, because we don't have experts in this field, so we don't have enough knowledge in this area. Therefore, I will provide you with links where you can try to lodge a complaint. You can find them here: https://www.bookmakers.bet/submit-a-complaint/



Did you also ask the casino what exactly you violated and why they closed your account? 

Anyway, I hope that they can help you and you will get your money back. Let us know how it went.

πριν από 1 έτος

Γεια σε όλους και την ομάδα Γκουρού του Καζίνο,

Δεν καταλαβαίνω, πώς είναι δυνατόν η βαθμολογία Casinoguru της Suprabets να είναι 8,2/10;

Απλώς κοιτάξτε λίγο τα παράπονα παντού που κλείνουν συνεχώς λογαριασμούς χωρίς να πληρώνουν τα χρήματα στον λογαριασμό. Μπορείτε πάντα να βρείτε τα ίδια παράπονα στα trustpilot.de, trustpilot.com, rebelbetting.com, askgambelers.com.

Άρα 2 βαθμοί είναι απίστευτοι:

- κλείσιμο λογαριασμού παικτών

- κρατήστε τα χρήματα που υπήρχαν στον λογαριασμό χωρίς συνέπειες

Δεν έχω δει ποτέ κάτι τέτοιο, καθυστερήσεις και αποτυχίες επαλήθευσης, αλλά το κλείσιμο του επαληθευμένου λογαριασμού και η κλοπή των χρημάτων είναι κάτι που κάνει μόνο η Suprabets, σύμφωνα με την εμπειρία μου.

Δυστυχώς, με επηρέασε και αυτό πριν από περίπου μια εβδομάδα, αλλά νομίζω ότι η περίπτωσή μου είναι λίγο πιο ιδιαίτερη.

Ξεκίνησα εκεί πριν από ένα χρόνο, ολοκλήρωσα με επιτυχία την επαλήθευση και έπαιξα μαζί αθλήματα και καζίνο. Έχανα συνεχώς χρήματα στο καζίνο και μετά τα χρηματοδοτούσα ξανά μέσω καταθέσεων ή κερδών σε αθλήματα. Αυτή την περίοδο είχα καταθέσεις πάνω από 4000€ και αναλήψεις περίπου 400€.

Έπαιζα σύμφωνα με την ίδια αρχή όλη την ώρα, ο αθλητισμός κέρδιζε περισσότερα, το καζίνο πάντα έχανε, αλλά οι απώλειες του καζίνο ήταν πολύ μεγάλες και αυτός ήταν ο λόγος που απέκλεισα τον εαυτό μου.

Μετά από 1-2 μήνες ήθελα να επιστρέψω, έγραψα το email στο info@suprabets.com μπορώ να επιστρέψω, η απάντηση ήρθε γρήγορα, Μπορείτε να αναγνωρίσετε ότι δεν έχετε θέμα τζόγου, ναι, αναγνωρίζω, εντάξει συνεχίστε παίζοντας, χωρίς περαιτέρω δοκιμές.

Στις αρχές Σεπτεμβρίου ξεκίνησα ξανά, έπαιξα τα πάντα όπως πάντα, μόνο που δεν ξεκίνησα ακόμα με το καζίνο, απλά έπαιζα αθλητικά στοιχήματα και έκανα ωραία κέρδη.

Την ημέρα που ήμουν πραγματικά τυχερός και κέρδισα μερικές εκατοντάδες ευρώ με γυναικεία υδατοσφαίριση, ο λογαριασμός μου μπλοκαρίστηκε, είχα αρκετά ανοιχτά στοιχήματα, οπότε περισσότερα από 1000 ευρώ για το καθένα, επίσης και μερικά στοιχήματα, δεν έχω ιδέα αν είχα κάτι κερδισμένο. .

Σίγουρα, το μπλοκ ήρθε περίπου 1 ώρα αφότου ζήτησα ανάληψη 200€.

Θεωρητικά μπορεί να έχω και 1 εκατομμύριο ευρώ δεσμευμένο στον λογαριασμό. Απλώς δεν ξέρω γιατί είμαι μπλοκαρισμένος.

Δεν ήθελαν να με περιμένουν να συνεχίσω να παίζω ξανά παιχνίδια καζίνο και απέκλεισαν τον λογαριασμό.

Ο λόγος είναι απλά 11.5 Κανόνες όπου όλα είναι γραμμένα, μεταφράζεται λέει αν δεν χάσεις τα χρήματα και αν προσπαθήσεις να κάνεις ανάληψη, θα μπλοκάρουμε τον λογαριασμό σου.

Γιατί είναι το θέμα του καζίνο, γιατί στατιστικά έπαιζα πολύ περισσότερο καζίνο, και ο λογαριασμός μου ήταν εντάξει όταν είχα απώλειες, και αυτή η απερίσκεπτη σκέψη έδειξε ότι δεν είναι σοβαροί και είναι απλώς απατεώνες.

Παρακαλούμε προσαρμόστε τη βαθμολογία σας!

Δεν πρέπει να πάρουν νέο παίκτη μέχρι να τελειώσει αυτή η πρακτική.

Σας ευχαριστούμε για την ευκαιρία να υποβάλετε καταγγελία.

ΥΓ Πρέπει επίσης να το ξαναγράψω στην αγγλική έκδοση του Casinoguru.com ή μεταφράζεται αυτόματα και μεταφέρεται εκεί;

Θέλω να ενημερώσω όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο τους παίκτες ότι οι απατεώνες της Supra δεν θα πρέπει πλέον να λαμβάνουν χρήματα.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη πριν από 1 έτος
Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 1 έτος


Don't worry one post is enough 😀 you don't have to create another one in English our forum supports "auto-translate" feature.

I will start with the rating process; feel free to learn how it works here.

"Our casino review team browses the internet to find all relevant complaints, which give us a good idea of how casinos treat their players. We enter all complaints into our database and assign them a classification based on our perception of the complaint (whether we think that the casino has actually done something wrong or not) and other factors (such as whether the player played with real money or bonus money, etc.). Taking into account the disputed amount in each complaint and the aforementioned classification, we get a number of black points for each complaint, which are then used in the Safety Index calculation."

We got that covered. If you check out the safety index directly, you'll find this:

"No player complaints or very low value of withheld winnings in complaints in relation to the casino's size"

Since the score is based mainly on an algorithm and sensitive adjustments supported by pieces of evidence, we just can't somehow adjust the rating solely based on this post. How would we even determine the correct value?

No, it does not work like this. First, we investigate.

If you ever encounter anyone who suffers unfairness from the hands of this casino, please send them all here to create complaints.

Alternatively, submit your own, showing your experiences, please.

This guide should give you a good start.

This link leads to the complaint creator.

Please send a note as soon as the complaint is ready.

Sadly, Casino Guru does not engage in sports betting, so I guess there is not much I can add.

If you think the casino scammed you through sports betting, please find a more suitable forum.

Thank you.

πριν από 1 έτος

Hello Radka,

Thanks for the answer.

No, casino didn't scam me through sports betting or through casino games, as I mentioned, they scammed me unrelated to the games they offer by simply closing my account without allowing me to withdraw my funds. They offered no real explanation and that is it.

I just think this is also casino issue since I played and had so much bigger turnover in casino there as in sports betting, and it was all well for them until I tried the small withdrawal of 200€.

I was fully verified and I had successful withdrawals before, only always 20-30€.

I also think the number one thing in rating the casino has to be if they pay out their customers or not and what is the successful withdrawal rate. It can't be great software rating 10, good offer of games - rating 10, they refuse to pay out and block the winning accounts - rating 1, overall rating 7. 😀

I did play casino there because the software is great and quick and doesn't block, but what is it good for, if I play for imaginary winings that can never be payed out.

I will also file the complaint, thanks for the explanation.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη πριν από 1 έτος
πριν από 1 έτος

Hi, if your case is not related to sports betting and you say that the casino closed your account for no reason, it is probably best to open a complaint. 

As far as your evaluation is concerned, it is an interesting idea, but I think it is difficult to implement, because some players may have no problem at all and some may encounter problems right at the first withdrawal. However, I think that when you play in casinos it is best to stay with the ones where you don't have problems. 

On the other hand, I am glad that you mentioned the positive sides of the casino, although probably the negative aspects prevail in this case.

Regardless, when you file a complaint, let us know how it is going so that we or other players can see your experience. Good luck 🙂

πριν από 11 μήνες

Είναι κάτι παραπάνω από σαφές ότι η Suprabets είναι μια απάτη, αυτό που με εκπλήσσει είναι ότι αυτός ο πολύ έμπειρος ιστότοπος δεν αγνοεί τον αριθμό των ατόμων που επηρεάζονται επειδή αναμφίβολα θα συνεχίσουν να επηρεάζονται εκατοντάδες άτομα

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 11 μήνες

Αυτό το καζίνο είναι απάτη, διαβάστε όλους τους νικητές, κλείνουν τον λογαριασμό σας χωρίς λόγο, θωρακιζόμενοι με την υπόθεση ότι παραβίασατε το tyc, δεν θα είμαι ο τελευταίος που θα εξαπατηθεί μέχρι να κλείσουν αυτό το μέρος, έκλεψαν 450 δολάρια από εγώ αλλά το επόμενο μπορεί να είναι περισσότερα

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη πριν από 11 μήνες
Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 11 μήνες

Hey, I can see you've got yourself into an uncomfortable situation and I'm sorry. However, could you elaborate a bit more on what happened to you in the casino and why they took your $450 ?

I'll wait for your answer.

πριν από 11 μήνες

I am really struggling to understand the intentional ignorance that is administration of site showing in this case. Just browse a bit on specialized casino/betting sites, reddit, benchmark and trust sites, there must be more then a hundred cases where people complained on a same situation on suprabets.

The answer is always the same, nobody did anything except that they made some money and tried to withdraw some part of it. Then they revoke the 11.5 generic nothing and everything rule, if you sneazed in a wrong way you are in violation of something, we take your money.

There must be hundreds of people more with smaller sums, that don't bother to complain and write.

They are doing this scam for let's say 5 years, if the average withheld sum is some 500$/€ I think they basically took hundreds of thousands up to this point.

And then the admin says something like: I see you've gotten yourself in an uncomfortable situation!!! 🙃

Try this:

Hey I am sorry they stole your money too, we are finally going to contact someone there and try to get some answers.

Or at least write a realistic review that keeps new players from making a same mistake.

πριν από 11 μήνες


Informing others is the same thing we aim to do here too. I feel the main issue is that we should learn to distinguish between information shared elsewhere and real complaints.

The first case means people visit other forums or discussions and complain about casinos there. Well, that is not enough for us to lower our rating since such information is not a verified source of information.

When I say, here and now - for instance, "I will never again use best.booking.com because I was somehow scammed!" Do you think some other website focusing on reviving booking companies will lower its rating?

So, the scenario means the player comes here to complain on the forum, and through our page, he or she will submit a real official complaint against the casino. Because, in most cases, our player is ready to present proof to us - later on, we can reach out to the casino with something in our hands.

I hope the difference is noticeable. 🙏

Additionally, complaints result in changes in the safety index value.

The whole review process is transparently available here.

Aside from the review process, learn more about the consequences of the complaint process:

"What will be the consequences of your complaint?

Let's start by stating that not all complaints are justified. Therefore, if the circumstances and evidence show that the casino has not done anything that we consider to be unfair, the complaint will be closed and categorized as being 'rejected'. The same happens if you stop communicating with us after submitting your complaint.

If the complaint is justified and the casino has done something unfair, the ideal scenario is that we resolve the complaint to your liking. In this case, the complaint will be closed and categorized as being 'resolved'.

If the complaint is justified and we are unable to resolve it, it is closed and categorized as being 'unresolved'. This happens when the casino either does not respond to us or refuses to do what we consider to be fair in that specific situation. You will not get your desired outcome but the complaint will be saved in our system, the casino will be punished with a lower rating from us and our review of the casino will warn other players of what happened. What's more, if the casino wants to improve its rating in the future, it will be forced to address the complaint, so there is a chance that your complaint will be resolved at a later date."


Thus, it is always good to submit one.

Can you do that, please? If so, use this link: https://casino.guru/complaints/create

Thank you.

πριν από 11 μήνες

Ευχαριστώ φίλε, έτσι είναι, μου φαίνεται κάπως απίστευτο ότι αυτός ο ιστότοπος, όταν πρόκειται για περιπτώσεις αθλητικών στοιχημάτων, η μόνη του απάντηση είναι ότι δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε τίποτα όταν γίνεται ξεκάθαρα μια απάτη, ανεξάρτητα από το αν είναι για παιχνίδια ή αθλήματα. Το SUPRABETS είναι ένα καζίνο απάτης και είναι απίστευτο ότι ένας ιστότοπος που είναι υπεύθυνος για τον έλεγχο τους δεν θέτει αυτό το καζίνο απάτης ως προτεραιότητα

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
πριν από 11 μήνες

Since we have no experts in the field of sports betting, it is logical that we cannot deal with it. I think it takes understanding and there are other sites where you can file a complaint in sports betting. It's not that we wouldn't try to help, but we certainly wouldn't give an objective opinion. 

I also see that you took the time to write a post, but you haven't replied to Veronika yet. And then you ask for help. So if it were possible, could you answer the questions she is asking ? You can do so here

πριν από 10 μήνες

As expected my complaint made zero difference, the Casino simply took the easy way out and blamed it all on sports betting knowing that puts them immediately to closed case and they can continue their policy and keep their rating.

Casino Guru provides the same generic answer with a few links and everybody's happy, the overall rating remains good.

I repeat, I played on almost 100 casinos and sport betting online houses and this is the only time my account was flagged and my funds stolen.

I got payed out regularly and fair from each and every one, sometimes with more hustle for the verification, but in the end always paid. Some of them have much lower rating here then Suprabets.

What rating does someone who keeps your funds without explanation deserve? 1? 0?

The credibility of your site is affected here.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη πριν από 10 μήνες
πριν από 10 μήνες

Hi, I'm sorry to hear how your situation and complaint ended up with us. I noticed that it was closed because the reason why your account was flagged was related to sports betting, which as already outlined we do not deal with at CasinoGuru because we do not have experts in this field and therefore we would not have an objective view of the situation. However, I also saw that you were provided with links where you could try it with a complaint and where they deal with this area. Will you try there ? If so let us know how it went for you. I'm sad that it all ended up like this. 

πριν από 10 μήνες

Hello Jaro,

thank you for your answer, but the matter of my complaint is still not closed, since I believe this the casino matter, I also provided additional evidences to that regard.

The answer from the Casino was as I expected, and they gave out one additional important information about my total losses in Casino.

This makes it a text book example of the predatory Casino behavior, we allow the player back expecting further playing as before, when it doesn't happen we flag the account.

I have more to say to the matter once my complaint is reopened.

Also, to the generic links for sports betting, sportbets.com doesn't have Suprabets.com under the possible betting providers on the list, and no other option to add the random provider.

The second link also doesn't show the complaint option, should I contact the support directly?

The third link is the most interesting, it is full of unslovable complaints about Suprabets closing the accounts of winners after they try to withdraw some part of funds, and others making fun of them for falling for that fraud again. I can provide you with the links if you'd like?

The only place that seems to matter to Suprabets management is here, and I am persistent to show that their rating is not deserved and that you need to correct that.

Or they can unlock my account, return the funds, and I will admit I was wrong about them!

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