Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοSuperBoss Casino - γενική συζήτηση

SuperBoss Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 7)

 από Freudstein
32.532 προβολές 143 απαντήσεις |
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ΔΕΝ ΣΥΝΙΣΤΩ αυτό το καζίνο, έχουν παραπλανητικούς και μερικές φορές κακώς μεταφρασμένους όρους, δεν φαίνεται ασφαλές να παίζετε. Τα μπόνους έχουν πολύ υψηλά rollover και εξαιρετικά χαμηλά όρια μετατροπών. Είχα ενεργό μπόνους 2,5 ευρώ, ωστόσο δεν έπαιξα ποτέ με αυτό, κέρδισα περίπου 200 ευρώ με το πραγματικό μου υπόλοιπο και μου πήραν όλο το κέρδος. Αυτό το καζίνο είναι πραγματικά παραπλανητικό. Ήταν μια πολύ κακή εμπειρία, η υποστήριξη δεν σε βοηθάει καθόλου, λέγοντας ότι όλα είναι μέσα στους όρους, όταν αυτά μεταφράζονται πολύ κακώς και δεν προσδιορίζουν τα πάντα. Επιπλέον, δείχνει ότι το καζίνο είναι αποδιοργανωμένο, έχουν λάθη στις προσφορές, μηχανές με το υπόλοιπο που έχουν παραβιαστεί για τη Χιλή μεταξύ άλλων. Αν δεν θέλετε άσχημες στιγμές, αναζητήστε άλλο καζίνο.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


Sorry to hear about your trouble!

If I'm not mistaken your balance was deducted because of 2,5€ left behind from a previously taken bonus. Is my guess correct?

Now, where does the poor translation go in, please? Could you help us understand what mislead you, please? I bet others would like to be warned.


Έπαιζα σε αυτό το καζίνο για λίγο και είχα πάρει στο παρελθόν αρκετά μπόνους, τα οποία είχαν όλα ένα όριο μετατροπής, σχεδόν πάντα 10x. Συνήθως τα ενεργοποίησα αφού έπαιζα το πραγματικό μου υπόλοιπο και το αποσύρω (αφού έκανα τουλάχιστον 1 φορές το πραγματικό μου υπόλοιπο). Ωστόσο, όταν είχα μικρά μπόνους όπως 0,5 ευρώ - 3 ευρώ, τα ενεργοποίησα πριν και έκανα το rollover με την κατάθεσή μου, με το πραγματικό μου υπόλοιπο. Το είχα ξανακάνει και δεν είχα κανένα πρόβλημα, είχα ενεργοποιήσει μπόνους 0,5 ευρώ έχοντας πραγματικό υπόλοιπο και κατά την ολοκλήρωση του μπόνους δεν έχασα το υπόλοιπό μου, γιατί δεν άγγιξα ποτέ αυτά τα 0,5 ευρώ, πρώτα παίχτηκε το πραγματικό υπόλοιπο και μετά το δώρο. Αυτή την τελευταία φορά που έπαιξα, δεν πρόλαβα να παίξω ούτε με 2,5 ευρώ, από το πρώτο μου στοίχημα άρχισα να κερδίζω και έφτασα τα 200 ευρώ, αλλά όταν ολοκλήρωσα το στοίχημα μου άφησαν 35 ευρώ υπόλοιπο δήθεν λόγω του ορίου μετατροπής. Πράγμα που ούτε άθροισμα, επειδή κατέθεσα 15 ευρώ και το όριο μετατροπής ήταν 25 ευρώ, θα ήταν 40 ευρώ.

Οι όροι του καζίνο δεν είναι απολύτως σαφείς με αυτό, αν και υποδεικνύουν τα όρια μετατροπής, πουθενά δεν αναφέρει ποιο υπόλοιπο παίζεται πρώτο και στα προηγούμενα μπόνους ήταν πρώτο το πραγματικό υπόλοιπο. Μου αφαίρεσαν τα κέρδη με πραγματικό υπόλοιπο επειδή είχα ενεργό μπόνους.

Επιπλέον, πολλοί από τους όρους είναι στα αγγλικά και η σελίδα έχει πολλά λάθη, είχα προβλήματα με προσφορές που εμφανίζονται στη σελίδα που δεν είναι πλέον διαθέσιμες, δηλαδή δεν την ενημερώνουν σωστά. Επίσης αυτή τη στιγμή, έχουν μια προώθηση μιας ρουλέτας ανά κατάθεση και έκαναν λάθος την προώθηση, είναι λάθος (έχουν το μικρότερο έπαθλο στη ρουλέτα VIP και το μεγαλύτερο έπαθλο στην κανονική ρουλέτα, έκαναν λάθος). Έχουν και τα υπόλοιπα αρκετών διανομέων με λάθη, όταν παίζεις σε CLP το υπόλοιπο πολλαπλασιάζεται επί 100, δηλαδή αν έχεις 10.000 CLP, δηλαδή περίπου 10 ευρώ, το υπόλοιπο φαίνεται σαν να είχες 1.000.000. Δεν μπορούν να διορθώσουν αυτό το σφάλμα που εμφανίζει λανθασμένα το υπόλοιπο.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Κλέφτες... Τελευταία μέρα εκεί...3.500€ είναι πολλά... ποτέ ξανά


Thank you, now I understand the issue, I guess. We usually call that "mixed funds."

I see the main problem here: "nowhere does it say which balance is played first, and in previous bonuses it had been the real balance first."

In my opinion, it would be much easier to avoid a similar situation if the process is specified in the terms.

If your winnings were voided due to confusing terms or events the casino can't logically explain, I would suggest complaining.

Please go through this guide 👈 to get some idea about how we handle complaints. It's completely free, all you need to invest is your time and cooperation.

I'll be here for your opinion.

By the way, thanks for the other insights too. Did you perhaps summarize your thoughts to the casino's support? I'd say it's a great feedback.

Κλέφτες... Τελευταία μέρα εκεί...3.500€ είναι πολλά... ποτέ ξανά

Is this supposed to be your loss? Well, I'm sorry. But in the long term, casinos always win. It's better to play only for fun and don't expect regular returns.

Έγινε επεξεργασία

Hello SuperBoss,

My account with you is fully verified. I made a withdraw request to my Skrill account (same account that I made my deposit with) on February 12th. Today (February 20th) in chat I was told it can take up to 21 days. Are you for real???? I have played on many other casino sites and never ever have I heard 21 days for a simple withdraw. Do you think any of us new players will stay and play on your site when there are so many other options available???

Feel free to contact me directly at: suatb94@hotmail.com

Looking forward hearing back from you!



Hey, I haven't seen a casino representative in this thread, so I don't suppose anyone from the casino would answer you.

However, I have learned that you have problems with the withdrawal, which can take up to three weeks. I would like to add that we give casinos 14 days to resolve all withdrawal issues, so if you have a problem withdrawing after that time, be sure to let me know. 

Also did the casino say why it should take up to 21 days and what is the reason for that ? 


Hello Jaro, Thank you for your reply.

I spoke again with the SuperBoss chatsupport (Ores) and see below our chat:

Now I’ll check the information on your question, Suat.

As far as I can see, your winnings are being verified. This is a check on the provider side. It is needed to make sure that the winnings were obtained without using any prohibited schemes or hacking methods. Typically, the verification takes no more than 5 working days, while according to the regulations, the provider reserves the right to verify up to 21 days. I ask you not to worry and please wait. We are interested in resolving the issue as quickly as possible, but for our part we cannot influence the speed of the solution in any way.

As you can see again they write 21 days which is unheard of.

What would be your recommendation as my next step?




Frankly, until the game provider reaches a decision there is little you can do. In my opinion, it is obvious the next course of action will be based on that outcome.

I imagine the waiting is terrible, yet we need to know whether you pass the check. Because if you do, there is no need to be concerned about it, right?

Hello! Whn you deposit and play there is no problem when it is time for withdrawal problems starting.. i deposit via visa but i cannot withdrawal with visa or bank transfer my winnings, only with crypto... I have made my withdrawal with crypto wallet 3 hours ago .. still nothing.. I will update.


Hi, I see you had to choose a different method to withdraw. On the one hand I'm sorry, but on the other hand I'm glad you didn't have a problem with it and tried to get out via crypto. Has your withdrawal been processed and the casino sent the money, or is it still pending ? You'll probably have to be a bit patient and see when the money arrives. If not I will wait for your update.

Hi, no because now they want to first deposit via crypto and then withdraw, i dont even know how to buy crypto and make a deposit but evn then how i know that this is not just another trick to get another deposit to them and then find somthing else that i have to doin order to w/d my winnings, i dont know what to do.... this is a bad casino that holding your winnings...



Well, I imagine you feel quite lost...

At least, I would say the first deposit normally works as a verification, so it's pretty common, though I'd like to know what they intend to verify on cryptocurrency.

I suggest you pick a good crypto wallet, but more importantly, do some research on how to use it correctly, whether you could buy crypto directly, or in the form of an auction, and so on.

As a beginner, I would ask Google "how to start with crypto payment" and then I would sort out the information.

You can also visit the forums or groups focused on cryptocurrencies. Just be cautious; the internet is full of "great trading opportunities" or dedicated experts.

Thanks, issue have been resolved with the casino and I took the winnings !


Well, that makes me happy, from what I've seen it didn't take very long to resolve this situation, so my question is, will you stay to play in this casino ? 🙂

I noticed you addressed about ten players with this friendly recommendation. Pardon my manners, but could you support it with a screenshot showing your successful withdrawals?

You know, gambling is a very competitive industry, and even though I have no reason not to believe you, I prefer to be straight. Players usually don't act like this, so your cooperation is appreciated.

The last time I saw such a high level of quite similar engagement, no screenshots were provided.

I appreciate your understanding and upholding transparency. 🙏


It is easy to deposit 💵 (ready any time to take your money ) when comes to withdraw and verification is hard and takes forever.

Hi I want to cash out but i cannot it says that i have an active gift, and there is no chat.


Hi, did you try to write them an email ? When you have a gift activated, is there a bonus section in your profile or somewhere you can look to see what's going on ? Have you taken or activated something similar to what they describe ? 

I'll wait for an answer ? 

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