Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοHeybets Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Heybets Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 13)

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68.507 προβολές 398 απαντήσεις |
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Fake reviews do a lot to give a false view.

But if you take a look on the ongoing complaints here you will find that the casino is very slow with resolving problems and don't respond often which delays a lot of complaints.

Mine has been brought to their Licensor pending a reply from them ( which is over 2 months now without a result yet)


Δυστυχώς δύσκολα θα πάρουμε τα χρήματα μας όπως καταλαβαίνω. Εγω είμαι ακόμα στη φάση που μου ζήτησαν φωτογραφία ταυτότητας και selfie στην οποία να κρατάω και την ταυτότητα. Εσένα σου τα έχουν ζητήσει αυτά ;

The customer service representatives are scammers, and it seems unlikely that I'll be proven wrong. They do not respond on live chat, and their email responses come after about 10 days. Typically, when they do respond, they ask for something different. Even though the account is initially verified, they later request additional verification with a selfie. The next stage is asking for the source of funds. When you send this document, they reject it, stating that it needs to be in English. If you send another document in English, such as a bank statement, they reply that they will forward it to the relevant department and update you. I have deposited a total of 2300, and I have around 5700 USD in my betting account. The initial withdrawal request was made on December 6th. There has been no update for the past 10 days.

Honestly, it would be more honest if they just blocked my access to the account instead of deceiving and misleading me, having obtained so many of my personal documents, which I haven't shared with any other service.

They are unforgivable.


Πωπω καμία ελπίδα δε βλέπω να υπάρχει δυστυχώς 🙁

Ναι είναι η πρώτη επανάληψη που ζήτησα.

Το αίτημα ανάληψης έγινε πριν 20 ημέρες.

Το πρώτο έγγραφο το ζήτησαν πριν 15 μέρες και το έστειλα την ίδια ημέρα. Μετά από μια βδομάδα και ενώ εγώ έστειλα στο chat και ρώτησα για την πορεία της ταυτοποίησης μου ζήτησαν επιπλέον έγγραφο. Έστειλα και εκείνο αμέσως. Από τότε έχουν περάσει άλλη μια βδομάδα και κανένα νέο τους ένα στέλνω κάθε μέρα στο chat δεν παίρνω απάντηση.

Συνολικά έχουν περάσει 14 ημέρες στη διαδικασία ταυτοποίησης.


Hello. I actually can understand you are really frustrated now, especially if you don't get any answers from the support, what exactly is the issue with the verification process, or the documents you have already submitted. So let's see what can our complaint team do with your case, and if the casino is willing to communicate with them. Just, please, have some patience and try to fully cooperate whenever it comes to providing all the details regarding your case. 🙏


Έκανα και καταγγελία σε αυτούς εδώ στη σελίδα σας. Τους έστειλα και σήμερα, το διάβασμα και φυσικά δεν έδωσαν καμία απάντηση.


Fake reviews do a lot to give a false view.

But if you take a look on the ongoing complaints here you will find that the casino is very slow with resolving problems and don't respond often which delays a lot of complaints.

Mine has been brought to their Licensor pending a reply from them ( which is over 2 months now without a result yet)

Hello. May I ask, which reviews, or better say, which sites are you referring to, when you say: "Fake reviews do a lot to give a false view"? 🤔 For instance, we, here in Casino Guru, always read carefully all the reviews and our team carefully "investigate", if I could call the process of approving the reviews that, every and each of them. That way we try to exclude all the fake ones, as you say, and do not allow those to get thru. And due to the impossibility of revealing all the shortcomings of user reviews, these are not included in the safety index of the casinos.

There might be some delays in resolving complaints, which can occur due to many different "obstacles", I could say. In my opinion, the more important point, though, is, they actually do get resolved in most cases.

Sorry you have to go thru that long waiting with your complaint and hope it will get resolved. 🙏

Hi. Why will casino.guru not approve my complaint? I have sent proof that shows that they have intentionally delayed the verification process with 6 months. There everggoing proof of wealth check will never end.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

The customer service representatives are scammers, and it seems unlikely that I'll be proven wrong. They do not respond on live chat, and their email responses come after about 10 days. Typically, when they do respond, they ask for something different. Even though the account is initially verified, they later request additional verification with a selfie. The next stage is asking for the source of funds. When you send this document, they reject it, stating that it needs to be in English. If you send another document in English, such as a bank statement, they reply that they will forward it to the relevant department and update you. I have deposited a total of 2300, and I have around 5700 USD in my betting account. The initial withdrawal request was made on December 6th. There has been no update for the past 10 days.

Honestly, it would be more honest if they just blocked my access to the account instead of deceiving and misleading me, having obtained so many of my personal documents, which I haven't shared with any other service.

They are unforgivable.

Hello. If you like to reply to some specific post or person, try next time to use the "reply" button, please, so that way the person you are answering to is notified.

I can see from your words, that you have been thru a not really pleasant experience at this casino, and I can understand that it can be quite overwhelming. I will keep my fingers crossed for your case to be hopefully resolved. 🙏


Hi Romi,

On this platform it sometimes occur that when a casino has a bad reputation that somehow random users post 1/2 very good reviews which in many cases don't match with complaints of other players etc.

Outside this platform you see with rogue casinos that they spam certain review sites (like trustpilot for example) with a super rating to hide the low reviews.

Έκανα και καταγγελία σε αυτούς εδώ στη σελίδα σας. Τους έστειλα και σήμερα, το διάβασμα και φυσικά δεν έδωσαν καμία απάντηση.


Geia sou. You have done very well to submit a complaint and I am sure, that our team will do their best to get it solved. I can see, that the live chat is not very useful, so what about contacting the support by email? Have you tried that, perhaps? I would say, you have nothing to loose, to ask them. Maybe you will get some answers. 🤷‍♀️


Γεια. Η απάντηση είναι πως δε τους έχει στείλει email. Το έκανα μόλις τώρα. Θα ενημερώσω για την όποια εξέλιξη αν και δεν περιμένω πολλά πράγματα από αυτούς.

Hi. Why will casino.guru not approve my complaint? I have sent proof that shows that they have intentionally delayed the verification process with 6 months. There everggoing proof of wealth check will never end.

Hello. I'm sorry you have find yourself in this situation and I have seen your complaint, which unfortunately was rejected due to sports betting: "As your case is sports betting related, unfortunately, we don't have a branch dealing with sports betting yet. If you didn’t know that yet, our Casino.guru complaint forum deals with complaints regarding online casinos and online casino games only. Although we have received some information from the casino, we wouldn't be able to advise you correctly as we don't have enough insight into sports betting. We wouldn't be able to judge competently all the pros and cons, therefore, we have to reject your complaint. Thank you for your understanding." I can suggest three websites that have a branch dealing with sports betting:




I hope they will be able to help you with your issue. If you ever have any issues regarding casino games, we will be glad to assist you.

Hi Romi,

On this platform it sometimes occur that when a casino has a bad reputation that somehow random users post 1/2 very good reviews which in many cases don't match with complaints of other players etc.

Outside this platform you see with rogue casinos that they spam certain review sites (like trustpilot for example) with a super rating to hide the low reviews.

Hey. Thank you for clarifying that. I do understand what you mean, indeed, but in my opinion, in every casino, there could be players with good and bad experiences. Could it be the reason for those mixed reviews, what do you reckon? 🤔 It is understandable that to write a positive review is difficult for a player with a complaint about a given casino, but of course we know about efforts not only by players, but also by casinos to improve the overall impression, for example by rewarding such reviews. We are quite different from other sites, the user rating has nothing to do with the calculation of the safety index, precisely so that the safety index is not influenced by such attempts.

Don't know much about how do other sites process the reviews, to tell you the truth, therefore I can not say if you are wrong or right here. I would like to believe, that they are fair and transparent in the same way, as we always try to be, here in Casino Guru.

Γεια. Η απάντηση είναι πως δε τους έχει στείλει email. Το έκανα μόλις τώρα. Θα ενημερώσω για την όποια εξέλιξη αν και δεν περιμένω πολλά πράγματα από αυτούς.

Great, thanks for the information. Will wait for the update.


I made a deposit worth 12 000$. I placed two bets worth 100$, correct. How about the tens of thousands I placed on casino? You are suppose to help casino players. In my case you are failing. I have screenshots of communication with heybets for 6 months. Never has sportsbetting been a topic (I can send you the communication). It is only you, casino.guru, which is fixated on these two small sportbets. The other third party arbiter sites you listed, does not process complaints with heybets. You are my only hope for a fair process.


It is sad you feel this way, yet if the Complaint Team decided the merit of your issue is bound to sports betting, take it as a fact, please. I saw you try to submit the complaint many times, and in my opinion, you should let go.

Romi provided you with alternative webs/forums focused on sports betting, try them at least, please.

Because I can't do anything else. 🙁 I', sorry.

But my complaint is not focused on sportsbetting... Your statement is false. I can send you communications with the operator as proof if you still dont agree with me.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

Now the request from me this.

Is safe to provide informations like this with them ?

Do they have the right to ask for such a thing?

Also to other people who asked for the specific supporting document, what was the continuation of the discussions?


Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

But my complaint is not focused on sportsbetting... Your statement is false. I can send you communications with the operator as proof if you still dont agree with me.

Pardon me, but your opinion is hardly objective. You asked us for free help, the Team reviewed the case and decided the issue was related to sports betting. I'm sorry, but that's it.

It would be best if you transferred your energy to the sites we recommended to you instead of insisting on your point of view. Please acknowledge that we can't help you here.

Do you really believe saying "Your statement is false" will help you change this fact?

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