Γεια σας ευχαριστώ για την απάντηση...
Οπότε βασικά στον ιστότοπο του καζίνο 888 τα έγγραφά μου εξακολουθούν να επαληθεύονται από την 28/01/2025...μέχρι σήμερα δεν υπάρχει ακόμη επαλήθευση!
Βέβαια στην ουσία είχα βάλει τα έγγραφα πριν μου ζητήσουν, αφού μου ζήτησαν τα έγγραφα έβαλαν ημερομηνία 28/01.
Κέρδισα στις 27/01.
Έκανα τα πάντα με τον λογαριασμό PayPal στο όνομά μου ... ποτέ δεν είχα λογαριασμό στο 888 στην Ιταλία ποτέ δεν έπαιξα κανένα μπόνους εκτός από το καλωσόρισμα στο συμπλήρωμα, αλλά από ό,τι έχω δει τα κέρδη είναι πραγματικά γιατί δεν παίζονται με το μπόνους ... και η ανάληψη υπάρχει όπως στην επεξεργασία προφανώς γιατί αν δεν δεχτούν την επαλήθευση δεν θα τα πάρουν ποτέ!
Προσπάθησα να γράψω ένα email αλλά τίποτα, κανένα ίχνος τους... φαίνεται σαν εφιάλτης... Άλλαξα τα κέρδη παραπάνω γιατί μιλάμε για 31 χιλ.
Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να κάνω, κανείς δεν είπε τίποτα, απλά με συγχαίρουν για τη νίκη, ζήτησαν έγγραφα και τέλος, αλλά από εδώ και πέρα καμία άλλη πληροφορία!
Έχω όλα τα στιγμιότυπα, ακόμα και αυτά πριν από τη νίκη ως ιστορία αλλά και μετά με το παιχνίδι... Θα ήθελα να πιστεύω ότι είναι θέμα χρόνου... ε, έχω διαβάσει τόσες αρνητικές κριτικές που με κάνουν να σκέφτομαι να περιμένω το πολύ 1 μήνα μετά τον οποίο θα αναλάβω δράση για να προστατευτώ και να πάρω τα χρήματά μου!
Γιατί είναι απαράδεκτο ένα καζίνο σαν αυτό να έχει άδεια εδώ ... και αν όχι. Θα πληρώσουν θα πάω μακριά...
Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να πω!!
Hi thanks for the reply...
So basically on the 888 casino website my documents are still being verified from 01/28/2025...to date still no verification!
Of course, in fact I had put the documents before they asked me, after they asked me for the documents they put the date 01/28.
I won on 01/27.
Done everything with PayPal account in my name ... never had an account with 888 in Italy never played any bonus other than the welcome one on the top-up but from what I've seen the winnings are real because they are not played with the bonus ... and the withdrawal is there as in processing obviously because if they don't accept the verification they will never take them!
I tried to write an email but nothing, no trace of them... it seems like a nightmare... I changed the winnings above because we are talking about 31k...
I don't know what else to do, no one said anything, they just congratulated me on the win, requested documents and that's it, but from now on no other information!
I have all the screenshots, even those before the win as a history and also after with the game... I would like to believe that it is a question of time... well I have read so many negative reviews that it makes me think of waiting a maximum of 1 month after which I will take action to protect myself and get my money!
Because it is unacceptable that a casino like this has a license here ... and if not. They will pay I will go far ...
I don't know what else to say!!
Ciao grazie per la risposta...
Allora praticamente sul sito del 888 casino i miei documenti risultano ancora in verifica dal 28.01.2025...ad oggi ancora nessuna verifica!
Certo anzi io avevo messo i documenti prima che me lo chiedessero loro dopo che mi hanno richiesto i documenti hanno messo come data 28.01..
Io la vincita lo fatta il 27.01
Fatto tutto con PayPal conto intestato a me ...mai avuto un conto con 888 in Italia mai giocato qualche bonus se no quello di benvenuto sulla ricarica ma da quello che io ho visto la vincita e reale perché non è giocata con il bonus ...e il prelievo sta lì come in elaborazione ovviamente perché se non accettano la verifica non si prenderanno mai!
Ho provato a scrivere una mail ma nulla nessuna traccia di loro ..mi sembra un incubo...ho modificato sopra la vincita perché parliamo di 31 k ...
Non so più cosa fare nessuno dire nulla si sono solo congratulati per la vincita richiesto documenti e basta ma da qui in avanti nessun altra informazione!
Io ho tutte le screenshot addirittura anche quelle prima della vincita come cronologia e anche dopo con il gioco...vorrei credere che si tratta di tempo ...mah ho letto talmente tante recensioni negative che mi fa' pensare di aspettare massimo 1 mese dopo di che provvedere per tutelarmi e prendere i miei soldi !
Perché è inadmisibile che un casino così ha la licenza qua ...e se no. Pagheranno arriverò lontano...
Non lo so più che dire!!
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