Ήμουν παίκτης για πάνω από 3 χρόνια, και πάντα είχα δίκιο, υπέβαλα όλα τα έγγραφα και έπαιζα πάντα κουλοχέρηδες, κατέβαζα και έκανα αναλήψεις. Και από τη μια μέρα στην άλλη μου έκλεισαν τον λογαριασμό με την αιτιολόγηση:
13.5 Η Εταιρεία μπορεί να τερματίσει τον Λογαριασμό σας, συμπεριλαμβανομένου του ονόματος χρήστη και του κωδικού πρόσβασής σας, - αμέσως χωρίς προηγούμενη ειδοποίηση:
Προσοχή λοιπόν, δεν είναι ψεύτικα, αν δουν ότι βγάζεις λεφτά θα σου κόψουν τον λογαριασμό από τη μια μέρα στην άλλη και με αυτή τη δικαιολογία!
I had been a player for over 3 years, and I was always correct, I submitted all the documentation and I always played slots, deposited and made withdrawals. And from one day to the next they blocked my account with the justification:
13.5 The Company may terminate Your Account, including your username and password, - immediately without prior notice:
So be very careful, they are not fake, if they see that you are making money they will cut your account from one day to the next and with that justification!
Era jogadora a mais de 3 anos, e sempre fui correta, entreguei toda a documentação e sempre joguei em slots, depositei e fiz levantamentos. E de um dia para o outro bloquearam me a conta com a justificação:
13.5 A Empresa poderá encerrar Sua Conta, incluindo seu nome de usuário e senha, - imediatamente sem aviso prévio:
Por isso muito cuidado que eles nao sao figdinos, se ele vem que voce esta a ganhar dinheiro eles cortam a sua conta de um dia para o outro e com essa justificação!