Γεια σου Cristina, σε ευχαριστώ πολύ για την γρήγορη απάντησή σου.
Ναι ναι ο λογαριασμός μου έχει επαληθευτεί γιατί έχω ήδη στείλει όλα τα έγγραφα και έχω κάνει ήδη ανάληψη πριν από αυτήν την "ατέρμονη πράξη"!
Με την πρώτη απόσυρση ήταν και γρήγορες γιατί το επεξεργάστηκαν σε 4 εργάσιμες, γι' αυτό περίμενα την ίδια αντιμετώπιση και με αυτό.
Αλλά προφανώς ήμουν υπερβολικά αισιόδοξος.
Θα περιμένω λίγο ακόμα και θα σας ενημερώσω αν υπάρχουν εξελίξεις.
Σας ευχαριστώ πολύ για την υποστήριξή σας και να έχετε μια όμορφη μέρα
Hi Cristina, thank you very much for your quick response.
Yes yes my account has been verified because I have already sent all the documents and already made a withdrawal before this "never ending act"!
With the first withdrawal they were also fast because they processed it in 4 working days, that's why I expected the same treatment with this one too.
But evidently I was too optimistic.
I will wait a little longer and let you know if there are any developments.
Thank you so much for your support and have a nice day
Ciao Cristina grazie mille per il rapido riscontro da parte tua.
Si si il mio conto è stato verificato perché ho già inviato tutti i documenti e già fatto un prelievo prima di questo "interminabile in atto"!
Con il primo prelievo sono stati anche veloci perché l'hanno evaso in 4 giorni lavorativi, ecco perché mi aspettavo lo stesso trattamento anche con questo.
Ma evidentemente ero troppo ottimista.
Attenderò ancora e ti farò sapere in caso di sviluppi.
Grazie mille per il supporto e buona giornata
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