Όταν μπήκα σε αυτήν την αίθουσα παιχνιδιών, έβαλα την κατοικία μου στη Ρουμανία όπως είναι στον πίνακα ανακοινώσεων και η χώρα στην οποία βρίσκομαι είναι η Γερμανία με έγκυρο συμβόλαιο, τους έδωσα ό,τι μπορούσα για να τους αποδείξω ότι δεν έφυγα η χώρα και είναι ακόμη μάταιο μόνο να με καλέσετε για ανάληψη του υπολοίπου, έφτασα στη Ρουμανία τον Δεκέμβριο και θα τους μηνύσω επίσης για απάτη και εξαπάτηση, φίλε έβαλα όλα τα υπόλοιπα κέρδη σε κίνδυνο όταν έδωσα να κάνω ανάληψη όλων των χρημάτων από ο λογαριασμός δεν ήταν δυνατό, αλλά όταν έβαλα χρήματα στο καζίνο, ήταν δυνατό πώς τα έβαλα, ήθελα να βγάλουν ένα μεγάλο ποσό, δεν έχω τίποτα να κάνω για να βάλουν τα μούτρα τους και να κανονίσουν για όλα τα χρήματα να σταλούν στον λογαριασμό μου ακριβώς τη στιγμή που τους ζήτησα να τα βγάλουν, δεν ήθελαν
When I entered this game room, I put my residence in Romania as it is on my bulletin board and the country where I am located is Germany with a valid contract, I gave them everything I could to prove to them that I didn't leave the country and it's still in vain only to call me to withdraw the balance, I arrived in Romania in December and I will also sue them for fraud and deception, ami put all the balance wins in jeopardy when I gave to withdraw all the money from the account it was not possible but when I put money in the casino, it was possible how I put it in, I wanted them to take out a large amount, I have nothing to do for them to put their face forward and arrange for all the money to be sent to my account exactly when I- I asked them to take it off, they didn't want to
Când am intrat pe aceasta sala de joc mi-am pus reședința pe care o am in România cum este și pe buletinul meu și țara unde mă aflu este Germania cu un contract valabil le-am dat tot ce se putea mai mult a le demonstra că eu nu am părăsit țara și tot degeaba numai a numi retrage soldul, ajuns in România prin decembrie îi voi da și în judecată pentru fraudă și înșelăciune ami pune tot soldul câștigă în pericol când am dat să scot toți bani din cont nu sa putut dar când am băgat bani in casinou sa putut cum i-am băgat așa îi vroiam scoși e o sumă mare n-am ce să fac să-și pună obrazul înainte și să facă rost că toți bani să mii trimită în cont exact in data când m-am rugat de iei sa mi scoată nu au vrut
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: