Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοPelican Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Pelican Casino - γενική συζήτηση

 από 66c7ktpj6f
3.693 προβολές 26 απαντήσεις |
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Αν θέλετε να συζητήσετε οτιδήποτε σχετικό με το Pelican Casino, όπως τα παιχνίδια του, τα μπόνους του, τις μεθόδους πληρωμής του, τα ζητήματα με τον λογαριασμό σας, τις δυνατότητες υπεύθυνου στοιχηματισμού, ή οτιδήποτε άλλο, μπορείτε να το κάνετε εδώ.

This site is terrible,

the bonus is locked until you make the play through. So you are using your own money,

then if you do make the cash out limit, they will make excuses not to pay you and give you your deposit back only.

eg, add $25 play a bonus, win $100, your account is $25 and your bonus you can’t use is $100. You make the play thought, $3000min and they then give you the $100. Try to cash it out, the team will then find a way not to pay you.

stay away.

I registered just to leave this. That is how bad I rate this site.

Έγινε επεξεργασία

Hello, I'm quite sorry about the situation you've been in. It's kind of inconvenient when you first have to wager your money as a bonus and then when you manage to complete it, you can't withdraw it. 

May I know what the casino gave you as a reason for not being able to withdraw money ? Have you already had a verified account here ? Did you end up losing all your money or do you still have some in your casino account ?  

netent game 100% fake.


Hey, how did you find out that they have fake games from this provider ? 

According to our review, I found out that this casino also has fake games but from the game provider Novomatic. 

Let me know.

I understand house always win,but I thing these casino rigged slots,I make here a lot and lot of deposits because I like the bonuses for exmp 300 procent deposit match - but my max win was x60 bet,also money if u win in tournament you need to wager your reward x30 for withdrawal,thats never gonna hapen because evrey game just eat your money like nothing,and thats hapen constatly with evrey game if someone have difreent experince at this caisno please let me know


Hi, did you also find out what RTP the games you play have ? I didn't see any mention of fake games in our review so yeah.

The tournaments you mention are so great for gaming but if I always had to reroll 30 times what I've won I probably wouldn't be so tempted to participate. You've never been able to manage it ? 


Yes ofc I check RTP of games,I played that games at others casino and some games look difrente at pelican casino - is similar like original. Check for exmp game book of ra at pelican casino or bet on red casino

Also anothers games lucky lady charm,book of fallen itc... Also is immposible to evrey time when you play max win is maybe x50 or x60 belive me I gambling more then 6-7 years🙂


And in what specific ways do they differ, for example ? If you feel that you can't win more, I would go to a casino where I had better experience. Do you think you would do the same ? 


Αυτό συνέβη σε μένα, έκανα αρκετές καταθέσεις, υπήρχε μία που κατάφερα να κερδίσω το rollover, μου είπαν ότι είχα πολλούς λογαριασμούς και δεν πλήρωσα, και ο casinoguru είπε ότι το παράπονό μου ήταν αβάσιμο.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Αυτό το καζίνο δεν θα σας πληρώσει ακόμα κι αν κερδίσετε, έχουν πάντα κάποια δικαιολογία, δεν ξέρω καν γιατί η βαθμολογία τους είναι τόσο υψηλή.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Υπάρχουν ψεύτικα παιχνίδια με σκορ άνω του μέσου όρου, πηγαίνετε φιγούρα;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I also had a win, and they blocked the account for multi-account. I didn't write complaints, because I don't see the point.

Υπάρχουν ψεύτικα παιχνίδια με σκορ άνω του μέσου όρου, πηγαίνετε φιγούρα;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Well, in your case I saw that you had multiple accounts with your relatives, which is a violation of the rules. You were even taking no deposit bonuses and stuff like that, so even though you probably don't like this justification, it's a basic thing that you should take care of in the casino to avoid any unpleasantness. 

So at the very least it's a lesson for the future. 

I also had a win, and they blocked the account for multi-account. I didn't write complaints, because I don't see the point.

Hello, if you think that the casino has accused you falsely and that this is not true, then I would definitely file a complaint. In the case of the other player, it was a bit different and you can look at his complaint. 

So how was it in your situation?


Πρέπει να πάω να ρωτήσω όλους τους συγγενείς μου, ρε, έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο έτσι κι έτσι, μαμά έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο των κλεφτών, ρε αδερφέ έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο που δεν πληρώνει, εγώ; πρέπει να ρωτήσω όλο τον κόσμο αν κάποιος από τους συγγενείς μου έκανε λογαριασμό στο καζίνο που δεν πληρώνει;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Μίλησα για τα ψεύτικα παιχνίδια, δεν μίλησα για τον λογαριασμό μου, είπα ότι αν υπάρχουν ψεύτικα παιχνίδια πώς είναι η βαθμολογία πάνω από το μέσο όρο, εάν υπάρχουν ψεύτικα παιχνίδια το Καζίνο παραβιάζει τους όρους και τις προϋποθέσεις, απλά ήθελα να μάθω , δεν ήταν θέμα αναφοράς των ψεύτικων παιχνιδιών στις αρμόδιες αρχές;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Η αλήθεια είναι η εξής: η βαθμολογία του casinoguru για αυτό το καζίνο είναι πάνω από το μέσο όρο, η βαθμολογία των παικτών για αυτό το καζίνο είναι 1,0.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

If you agree to the casino's Terms and Conditions, then it must be clear to you what multiple accounts means. Try doing this at multiple casinos and you will see that the result will be exactly the same. 

As for the fake games, do you have any proof that this is the case? That's definitely important to start some investigation. Did you report it somewhere? It's a pretty serious accusation, so it would need something to back it up. 

Πρέπει να πάω να ρωτήσω όλους τους συγγενείς μου, ρε, έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο έτσι κι έτσι, μαμά έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο των κλεφτών, ρε αδερφέ έκανες λογαριασμό στο καζίνο που δεν πληρώνει, εγώ; πρέπει να ρωτήσω όλο τον κόσμο αν κάποιος από τους συγγενείς μου έκανε λογαριασμό στο καζίνο που δεν πληρώνει;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hey there.

This is exactly why we at Casino Guru do not take such an event as "player's fault" until the casino proves there was unethical effort behind this. Simply put, as long as you gain no advantage over the casino, we say the casino should evaluate each circumstance individually and fairly decide whether the player had bad intention upon creating an account, for instance, to missuse welcome bonuses exclusive to new registrations.

Again, this is exactly the reason why Jaro suggested the complaint to you. 😉 It was good advice; I would certainly pay attention to the offered support.

A team of experts explains our position on a daily basis to casinos in order to assist players who are caught in the middle.

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