Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοOcean Breeze Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Ocean Breeze Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 5)

 από Sabsta
31.611 προβολές 100 απαντήσεις |
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I moved your post to the Ocean Breez casino general discussion thread so you can read it all.

Well, you should be concerned, this casino has a reputation of 0 out of 10, simply because it is unfair, possesses no license, and treats players badly.

See for yourself: https://casino.guru/ocean-breeze-casino-review#tab=js-tab-detail-homepage


Top of all no complaints submitted in 2022 was answered by the casino's staff. So there is nothing we can do to help.

If you manage to get your winnings and even when not, you should run away from this site.

Έγινε επεξεργασία

Γεια ,

Δυστυχώς δεν ήξερα.

ας δούμε τι θα γίνει μέσα στις 21 εργάσιμες ημέρες που μιλάνε.

αλλά είμαι πραγματικά λυπημένος, γιατί αν δεν πληρώσουν είναι άδικο, έπαιξα, κέρδισα τα χρήματα που κέρδισα είναι άξια.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


I'm sorry you have to learn the lesson this way 😔.

Feel free to browse our website to find a suitable and safe casino.

It may be good if you read this article about how to choose a proper casino.

Do not be sad, now you know how things works a bit. 🙂


Seriously, I'm afraid that nothing is going to happen during the 21 working days based on the experience of other players. They just give you this time frame to get rid off you for 3 weeks. Some people lose their winnings during that time so they don't need to deal with them anymore.


Τους έχω μιλήσει αρκετές φορές και πάντα λένε ότι είναι εντός της προθεσμίας που πρέπει να περιμένω.

Τα 600,01€ είναι σε αναμονή, τώρα έκανα τα μαθηματικά και στις 5/5/2022 είναι 21 μέρες. Είναι πραγματικά απογοητευτικό για το καζίνο να το κάνει αυτό με πελάτες, 1 εβδομάδα για αποδεκτή πληρωμή, αλλά 21 εργάσιμες ημέρες είναι σουρεαλιστικό. Θα περιμένω και θα παραπονεθώ μέχρι να έχω τα κέρδη μου.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Even though it's good you are so persistent,

in this case, they will probably ignore any attempt to solve any issue and will keep you waiting.

This is not the casino, this is a scam company, I'm afraid.


Γεια ! Πόσες ημέρες λάβατε την πληρωμή σας από το ocean breeze;

Περιμένω από 4/6/2022.

🙁 λένε πάντα ότι είναι μέχρι 21 ημέρες.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Και εγώ από το OCEAN breeze cazino στης 24/5 πήρα τα χρήματά μου μετά από ένα μήνα 700 εύρο


Well, that's something!

I'd not dare to be so optimistic. Congratulation! 😀

Still, I urge you to play elsewhere, Ocean Breeze hit the bottom:



Congrats! You're definitely one of the lucky ones. You can be really happy 🙂

Είμαι πολύ θυμωμένος, με κοροϊδεύουν 42 μέρες περιμένοντας... Και είναι και αγενείς στο chat, κρίμα, είναι εγκληματίες.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Το να εκμεταλλεύομαι τέτοιους ανθρώπους είναι κάτι που δεν δικαιολογώ, αλλά ας στοιχηματίσω ότι θα τους βρω; Αυτή τη φορά πήραν το λάθος κοτόπουλο, εγκληματίες και απατεώνες, πρέπει να αγοράσουν σημαντικά φάρμακα με τα χρήματα που μας εξαπάτησαν όλους

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Sadly, I would not expect anything else from the casino with a reputation of 0 out of 10...

Check the details here.

I can say that I'm sorry you picked such a truly bad casino, next time kindly pay more attention to preparation. Check every casino you plan to play in. 🙏

I would not expect payment myself.

Το Ocean Breeze δεν είναι απλώς αργό με τις πληρωμές.

*Έλαβα ένα απροσδόκητο μπόνους όταν είχα μεγάλο ποσό παιχνιδιού στον λογαριασμό μου. Με αυτόν τον τρόπο χρειάστηκε να μεταφέρω ένα πολύ υψηλό ποσό πριν γίνουν ξανά διαθέσιμα τα χρήματα.....φυσικά ο λογαριασμός άδειασε καθώς η "απόσβεση" τους είναι εξαιρετικά χαμηλή.

*Για περίπου 4 μήνες προσπαθούσα να αποκλειστώ τον εαυτό μου από το site τους. Έχω στείλει περίπου 25 email, συνομιλώ μαζί τους. Τις φορές που απαντά η υποστήριξη, θα πρέπει να επικοινωνήσετε με έναν "Philip" αλλά δεν συμβαίνει τίποτα.

Όταν μπλόκαρα τον εαυτό μου και έβαλα περιορισμούς σε όλους τους ιστότοπους τυχερών παιχνιδιών με τους οποίους ήρθα σε επαφή, η Ocean Breeze φαίνεται να είναι ανατριχιαστική όταν δεν μπορεί να αναλάβει την ευθύνη για τα αιτήματα των πελατών τους να περιορίσουν τον τζόγο τους.

Θα συνιστούσα να ΜΗΝ χρησιμοποιείτε τις υπηρεσίες τους. Ελπίζω να εξαφανιστούν από την αγορά το συντομότερο δυνατό.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hi, in order to understand your situation better, I would like to ask what do you mean that your account has been emptied? Do you mean that you lost the money before you managed to close the account?

As far as the blocking is concerned, I am sorry that the casino is not able to close your account and I think they should handle similar situations much more professionally as it is a serious topic.   

In the context of responsible gambling, we have a well written guide that might be useful for you as well, just click here and you might come across some helpful information.

Do you have similar problems with other casinos as far as blocking is involved ? Alternatively, when you mentioned slow payouts, do you still have a problem with them as well ?


Thanks for your reply.

On one occasion, I received an inexplicable bonus while having a large amount of money in the gaming account.

As an explanation, they wrote that I was a good customer and would be assigned this. However, I was in the process of withdrawing my money, but with this bonus it was locked in turnover requirements.

Since Ocean Breeze has by far the worst payback I've ever experienced, it was very quick to get rid of the more than SEK 30,000 (about 3,000 euros) that was in the account. On several occasions I checked if the amount was withdrawable but there was not a single occasion until the money ran out. Felt like your robbery!


Oh, I see and it's strange in my opinion. 

However, I would like to draw your attention to the safety index of this casino, which can be viewed by clicking here. I don't think anyone wants to come across a casino like this and I recommend that you avoid this specific one.  

In addition I want to ask you, if you did accept the bonus the casino offered you? Or did you get the bonus automatically? 

If the bonus was automatically credited to you and you didn't accept it, then it's unfair of the casino from my point of view. 

I am also sorry that you lost the money before you managed to withdraw it successfully and I hope that this situation will not happen again. 

Hopefully, your situation will be seen by other players who will be as careful as you will be after this experience. Am I right?

This scam-office isn't closed.. yet..

So they don't care about complaints here. They don't have license so it's not possible to claim complaint at regulator.

Isn't there any solution when a casino just doesn't perform withdrawal without any reason? I guess when it's about obvious fraud activity it should be a method.. at least to punish them. This company have a registration address: OCEANBREEZE TECH LTD Address Šermukšnių g. 01106 Vilnius,... I guess it remains one method to punish them to submit a collective online report to Vilnius police department. I don't know what will be the final result, but it should at least will make their lives a little bit worse.


Hi again!

I tried the link we have saved in our system, and it truly seems one can register an account with them again!

Oh, that's just bad.

I will inform the Data Team about that.

Based on my understanding of your enthusiasm for research, I ask you to look up "how to close a scam casino" on Google. By no means do I intend to offend you; I simply want you to experience firsthand what it is like to sue an unlicensed, dishonest casino. 🙁 Many of these websites are practically untouchable, particularly if the owner is unlisted and unreachable—or, more accurately, does not reply—because the business is merely a plate in the main hall of the building.

However, if you find anything useful on this topic, please share it with the community!


I have 2 intentions

1. Punish them

2. Prevent people fall into their trap

As for money I really don't care about a measly couple hundreds and don't expect to receive them anymore.

I had a email to Vilnius police department several months ago they responded me. I had no time to prepare documents and send them+ I guessed it couldn't help, and they just may not start the case because the suspected criminal act may not be considered as committed in the territory assigned to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Lithuania. Why? Yes, their owner office is located in Vilnius, but they could operate in other countries depending where their hosting or servers are located and other factors. However if we have several c compliants at a time it may give a result. I can find their message text in my mail and if someone of victims here have extra time to coordinate the process, it would be easier.

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