Καληνύχτα Ντάνιελ, πώς είσαι; Έχω εγκριθεί όλα τα έγγραφά μου (ταυτότητα, απόδειξη διεύθυνσής μου, απόδειξη πληρωμής) φωτογραφία και βίντεο με τα πάντα, έκανα ανάληψη 30.000 BRL και εξαφανίστηκαν καθώς το ποσό ανάληψης δεν επεξεργαζόταν ούτε καν στο υπόλοιπό μου Παραπονέθηκα και απείλησα νωρίτερα σήμερα και είπαν ότι ήταν αποτυχία συστήματος, και μου επέστρεψαν τα 30.000 στον ισολογισμό μου, αμέσως μετά έκανα ξανά ένα βίντεο που έκανα ανάληψη 30.000 BRL και άλλο ένα 20.000 BRL, μόλις μπήκα πάλι μόλις τώρα εξαφανίστηκαν με την απόσυρσή μου των 30.000 BRL και μόνο τα 20.000 BRL είναι υπό επεξεργασία, και τα 30.000 δεν πήγαν στον ισολογισμό, απλώς εξαφανίστηκαν, άλλο πράγμα και αναμονή πληρωμής άλλο και εξαφανίζονται με το ποσό ανάληψης που εκκρεμεί, δεν είναι έγκλημα; Έχω τα πάντα καταγεγραμμένα και φωτογραφία Φοβάμαι ότι εξαφανίζονται με την αξία χωρίς να δίνουν ικανοποίηση Δεν το έχω δει ποτέ αυτό, και τώρα είδα στη φήμη τους ότι υπάρχει ένας τύπος που εξαπατήθηκε επίσης θα είχες καμία επαφή μαζί τους να με βοηθήσει
Good night Daniel, how are you? I have all my documents approved ( my ID , my proof of address , my proof of payment ) photo and video of everything , I made a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and they disappeared as the withdrawal amount was not being processed and not even on my balance I I complained and threatened earlier today and they said it was a system failure , and they returned the 30,000 on my balance sheet , right after that I made a video again me making a withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and another one of 20,000 BRL , I just entered again just now they disappeared with my withdrawal of 30,000 BRL and only the 20,000 BRL is in processing, and the 30,000 did not go to the balance sheet, it just disappeared, one thing and waiting for payment another and disappearing with the pending withdrawal amount, isn't that a crime? I have everything recorded and photo I'm getting scared they're disappearing with the value without giving satisfaction I've never seen this, and now I saw in their reputation that there's a guy who was deceived too would you have any contact with them to help me
Boa Noite Daniel , tudo bem ? Tenho todos os meus documentos aprovados ( minha identidade , meu comprovante de endereço , meu comprovante de pagamento ) foto e vídeo de tudo , fiz um saque de 30.000 BRL e eles sumiram como o valor do saque não estava em processamento e nem no meu balanço eu reclamei e ameacei hoje cedo e eles falaram que foi uma falha do sistema , e devolveram os 30.000 no meu balanço , logo após isso fiz um vídeo novamente eu fazendo um saque de 30.000 BRL e outro de 20,000 BRL , acabei de entrar agora pouco novamente eles desapareceram com meu saque de 30.000 BRL e só consta o de 20.000 BRL em processamento , e os 30.000 não foi pra o balanço simplesmente sumiu , uma coisa e aguardar o pagamento outra e sumir com o valor do saque pendente isso não é crime ? Tenho tudo gravado e foto to ficando com medo eles andam sumindo com o valor sem dar satisfação nunca vi isso , e agora vi na reputação deles que tem um cara que foi enganado também você teria algum contato deles para em ajudar
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