Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοBacanaPlay Casino - γενική συζήτηση

BacanaPlay Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 2)

 από Anonymized436
9.362 προβολές 36 απαντήσεις |
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Οπότε πλέον έχω αφαιρέσει όλα τα όρια παιχνιδιού και περιμένω άλλες 7 μέρες. Εάν μετά από αυτό δεν αφαιρεθεί τίποτα, τότε θα επικοινωνήσω ξανά μαζί σας.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Ok, it doesn't sound good. Because the way I see it, once you set limits in this casino it's like set for the lifetime...

We should get a chance to alter those limits within a reasonable time period.

Wish you a happy ending, what else can I say? 🙏🤞🤞

Γειά σου,

Είχα αποκλειστεί μέσω του OASIS λόγω του εθισμού μου στον τζόγο. Συνέχισα να παίζω και να καταθέτω στο www.bcanaplay.de μετά την απαγόρευση. Πλέον είμαι αποχή και απαιτώ τις καταθέσεις μου από το καζίνο από τότε που με απαγόρευσαν από το OASIS. Το καζίνο έχει γερμανική άδεια και έχει μπει στη λίστα επιτρεπόμενων από τον Μάρτιο του 2023. Απαγορεύτηκα στις 22 Μαρτίου 2023. Κατά τη γνώμη μου, το καζίνο δεν έχει συμμορφωθεί με τη νομική του υποχρέωση, η οποία είναι δική σας ευθύνη ως κάτοχος γερμανικής άδειας, να πραγματοποιήστε μια σύγκριση με το αρχείο κλειδώματος OASIS κάθε φορά που συνδέεστε. Ως εκ τούτου, ζητώ επιστροφή όλων των πληρωμών από τότε που έγινε ο αποκλεισμός.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hello, I'm sorry for such a loss. You did what you could to restrict yourself from online casinos, and yet it is now not enough.

I believe you should turn to the licensing authority. Or at least submit a complaint here on Casino Guru - care to try? Let me know, please.

Just allow me to say this casino is not licensed in Germany, check out the review.

You know, I'm not very familiar with the obligations OASIS holds when it comes to complaints. Maybe you should advise me on this subject a bit. More importantly, is there any support anyone in a similar situation can officially turn to, perhaps?


Dear Radka, I have tried to file a complaint here at Casino Guru but I cannot choose the casino and not were I live (it states that I live in Puerto Rico). The Casino is licensed in Germany since March 2023 (it is on the Whitelist). I am desperate to get this money back and would like to try everything possible. I already filed a complaint to the licensing authority. Please advise how I can file a complaint here - Thank you!


That is strange - both.

According to the review, this casino does not accept players from Germany at all:


Furthermore, it is hidden from players from this country. I suspect this is due to the local GGL regulations which prevent us from listing unlicensed casinos on the same page as licensed ones. 🙁 This is the second case I come across this week.

I fear this is the main reason. So, try to contact GGL, I guess.

I'm sorry, we must obey complicated local German restrictions.

Ενημέρωσα το GLL πριν από περισσότερους από δύο μήνες - καμία αντίδραση!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

This is hardly a surprise, I'd say. If I'm not mistaken, the main purpose is to set legal requirements and then enforce their probability. I'm not even sure whether the GGL usually responds to the public.

Honestly, I do not know for sure.😕

Έκανα την κατάθεση σε αυτό το ψεύτικο καζίνο στις 5/02/2024 κέρδισα 850 μέχρι σήμερα δεν με πλήρωσαν, απλώς κουτσές δικαιολογίες, τόσα πολλά παράπονα σαν τα δικά μου, οι δικαιολογίες που δίνουν είναι αυτές filefilefile

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hello. Sorry you have to go thru this situation and I can see, that you have already submitted a complaint here 👈, where Petronela is actually waiting for your reply. Could you update it, please, whenever possible? Do do that, just use the link above 👆.

Did you get any explanation from the support, why you should wait, and request the withdrawal later, perhaps? 🤔 Have you had any successful withdrawal before, at this casino, or was this your first attempt? Please keep us updated regarding this issue.


Καμία απόσυρση ήταν η πρώτη και η τελευταία φορά

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Αυτό το καζίνο έχει άδεια στη Γερμανία και δεν συμμορφώνεται με την ισχύουσα νομοθεσία. Είμαι σε συζητήσεις μαζί τους για μήνες και σας έχω αναφέρει επίσης στο GLL, αλλά καμία απάντηση... Είναι πραγματικά υπόγειο πώς συμπεριφέρεται αυτό το καζίνο. Αγνοεί τις κλειδαριές OASIS.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Το προωθώ με διάφορους τρόπους εδώ, παραπονεθείτε εδώ tic Tok YouTube για να μην πέσει κανείς πια σε αυτήν την απάτη

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Είναι πραγματικά καιρός για κάποιον - ήλπιζα το Γκουρού του Καζίνο - να αναλάβει δράση. Πρόκειται πραγματικά για απάτη πελατών και πλήρη παραβίαση της υποτιθέμενης προσέγγισης του υπεύθυνου παιχνιδιού.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

withdrawal? Not sure what you speak of. there was no withdrawal, get the company marbles out of your mouth so we can understand. you want credit for a withdrawal that did not occur? or should I be waiting months until I forget spending thousands finally paid off and my biggest bank account is the casino that is processing my "withdrawal" (or picking at their bungholes, IDK).

Being a company stooge is only cool when surrounded by your bosses. We ALL know this, even bosses. Trust me. But thanks for the input, and if I have it all wrong, be advised, I truly dont give two shakes of a rats tail, just warning people,

"winning" is not winning and getting paid by any of these RASCALS standards and it's a very expensive learning curve. Just know you won't be paid for weeks most likely folks. if EVER, until you get savvy AF on bonus language. I'm a contract lawyer and continue to study the gimmicks that are written FOR these proud recievers of your deposits, the street hustle shell game shysters, online gaming operators, and the slots are set accordinly. You can win! don't get me wrong, I have won A LOT. But getting paid is different.

Incidentally, it takes about $15o,ooo to 5 million to set up a casino. Hardly much at all for people to duplicate sites. "families" and no collateral waggered on possible debt is required. Licensed? maybe, but there are creative ways someone without an MBA and a Law degree can figure out easily. It can be done for much less with legite intent, if you are savvy to online advertising exposure techniques and resources and have a skilled group helping. And I'm sure it takes more than 5M if you want to corner some serious white space and nail a niche or several and boost the player rosters. Then it get's interesting! but I'll leave it at that for now.

Long live Fibonacci Y'all !




Είναι πραγματικά καιρός για κάποιον - ήλπιζα το Γκουρού του Καζίνο - να αναλάβει δράση. Πρόκειται πραγματικά για απάτη πελατών και πλήρη παραβίαση της υποτιθέμενης προσέγγισης του υπεύθυνου παιχνιδιού.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


I found this in your latest complaint about BaccanaPlay, which said"

"In the past, we have handled license-related cases, but we have received guidance suggesting that it is best for players to directly contact OASIS https://www.en.oasisfloral.de/contact/. Regrettably, we are not privy to the specific procedures and methods OSASIS employs to verify eligibility for refunds among registered users. While we have our own self-exclusion procedures, OASIS operates independently and employs its own set of criteria, which we are not acquainted with. Consequently, it is beyond our ability to assess such cases.

If there are any further developments regarding your case in the future, please don't hesitate to contact me at nikolas.b@casino.guru, and I will update this thread accordingly. Once again, I wish we could offer more assistance.

Kindly inform me of your preferred course of action."

Thus, we have no authority to take any actions as you suggested. I'm sorry.

I agree that the gambling industry could use more practical tools to prevent further gambling harm. Did you know Casino Guru is working on it via our project called "GLOBAL SELF-EXCLUSION INITIATIVE"?

Yet, it takes time, a great deal of resources, and worldwide cooperation.

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