Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΓενική συζήτηση για τα τυχερά παιχνίδιαΒοηθήστε παρακαλώ Η Mostbet είναι κλέφτες

Βοηθήστε παρακαλώ Η Mostbet είναι κλέφτες

 από Andreia2024
5.758 προβολές 30 απαντήσεις |
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Έχω κάνει ήδη μια καταγγελία, αλλά δεν την έχουν δεχτεί ακόμα.

Έχω ήδη παρακαλέσει την Mostbet να με αποκλείσει και δεν θα το κάνουν.

Έχω ξοδέψει ήδη όλα μου τα χρήματα και η απώλεια είναι ήδη 700 ευρώ.

βοηθήστε με παρακαλώ, δεν θα διαγράψουν τον λογαριασμό μου και ο εθισμός δεν θα μου επιτρέψει να σταματήσω.

Βοήθησέ με!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Σήμερα ήταν άλλα 700 ευρώ.

Δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω λόγω του εθισμού!

Υπάρχουν ήδη 1400 ευρώ που κατέθεσα και ξόδεψα αφού ζήτησα αυτοαποκλεισμό.

Βοηθήστε με παρακαλώ

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Άλλα 100 ευρώ.

Έχω ήδη καταθέσει 1500 ευρώ μετά το αίτημα αυτοαποκλεισμού!

Ξόδεψα όλα μου τα λεφτά! Αυτό το κλέφτικο καζίνο μου κατέστρεψε τη ζωή.


Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Είμαι εθισμένος στο παιχνίδι.

Παρακάλεσα την Mostbet για αυτο-αποκλεισμό.

Αφού ζήτησαν, μου επέτρεψαν να καταθέσω και να ξοδέψω άλλα 1500 ευρώ!

Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να κάνω.

Βοηθήστε με παρακαλώ.

Το Casino Guru έχει αξιολογήσει αυτόν τον ιστότοπο ως υψηλής ασφάλειας, αλλά το κάνει επίτηδες για να κρατήσει τα χρήματά μας.

Έμεινα χωρίς τίποτα, ούτε λεφτά να φάω!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I'd like to focus on the most pressing part:

First, you need to do everything within your power to stop making deposits. Ask someone you trust to change your password both to the casino and to the email through which the password is reset.

I know this is a desperate situation, yet part of the responsibility also lies in your hands. Decent casino needs a few days to process your request, which means you need to hold on for some time on your own.

I briefly made it through your complaint, and you know this is not the tool that closes your account immediately upon the request, it's more of a tool to investigate whether both parties did their best to reduce the harm.

I'm sorry to see you are so overwhelmed!

Just to be sure, did you mention your gambling addiction to the support?

One way or another, try to stay out of any casino. You can always try to set limits on your payment options (cards, bank accounts) to prevent additional deposits. Please try that at least.

Είπα ξεκάθαρα ότι είμαι εθισμένος!

Η Mostbet το εκμεταλλεύτηκε αυτό!

ξέρουν και ήξεραν.

δεν είναι αξιοπρεπείς και εσύ Radka δεν καταλαβαίνεις τίποτα για τον ψυχαναγκαστικό τζόγο από ότι βλέπω.

αφαιρέστε αυτό το Καζίνο από τις λίστες σας και καταχωρίστε το ως απάτη.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

My advice is to seek help from a specialist psychologist. The casino is made to take people's money, not give it away!

If you continue like this you will not lose only 1500 euros. You will sell all your property and lose it.

The money you gave for gambling could have been invested and started your own business. And the casino didn't take the money from you, you voluntarily gave it.

Give up while it's time! It's about to get a lot worse!

And I don't think this is the place to share how you spent 1500 euros on a casino but there is nothing to eat! This is not a small amount of money. There are people who live on 200-300 euros a month and manage to distribute their money.

Έχεις δίκιο, αλλά αυτό είναι ασθένεια!

Παίρνω θεραπεία με ψυχίατρο και φάρμακα, αλλά η Mostbet συνεχίζει να στέλνει email που με παρασύρει να παίξω.

Δεν ξέρω τι άλλο να κάνω! Έπεσα εντελώς σε κατάθλιψη και έμεινα με ΤΙΠΟΤΑ

συνεχίζουν να βλάπτουν την υγεία μου.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


Did you ask to close your account, for example, forever with no possibility to reopen?

As i know you can also say that you have gambling problems and ask them to close the accont across the casinos with the same license

Ναι, τους έχω ζητήσει χίλιες και μία φορές, μάλιστα έχω παρακαλέσει.

Με άφησαν να συνεχίσω να καταθέτω και να παίζω και συνεχίζω να στέλνω 3 email κάθε μέρα που με δελεάζουν να παίξω.

Έμεινα με ΤΙΠΟΤΑ! Καταστρέφουν εμένα και τη θεραπεία μου!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


I contacted Mostbet live chat. I wanted to know if I have an addiction can I self-exclude or if i wish if they will close my account. First they gave me information to show me that the casino is safe and they can pay out any winnings. After some time they answered my question about self-exclusion and account deactivation and wrote the following.


"Dear User, If you are addicted, then we will close your account with your permission. "

Then I don't see any problem with the casino deactivating your account. What is the casino's response when you ask to close the account? Are you sure you're not doing something wrong?

Στην περίπτωσή μου, ρωτάω και απαντούν λέγοντας ότι θα ήθελαν να συνεχίσω μαζί τους και μετά ζητούν πολλούς κωδικούς και λένε ότι στέλνουν email που δεν φτάνουν ποτέ.


Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

As far as I was able to translate what I wrote, I see the following:

After you ask them to delete your account due to addiction, the casino says that they are sorry and they would be happy for you to stay with them.

Then you send a message that is not delivered (may be due to lost internet connection). Then you insult them and write again that you want them to delete your account.

Therefore, the casino responds to you and asks you to provide the following:

1. Full name

2. Date and amount of last deposit.

What happened next after he provided the necessary information? I don't see anything wrong. The casino follows all safety measures. They also respond kindly and quickly.

My advice is to write an email that you want your account to be deactivated. Also in this email to provide the information that the casino asked you for. You don't need to visit the site and get tricked to play.

Here is your casino email


Here is the phone number of the casino.

+44 20 3318 2927

I wish you luck and success in dealing with your addiction.

Είπα ξεκάθαρα ότι είμαι εθισμένος!

Η Mostbet το εκμεταλλεύτηκε αυτό!

ξέρουν και ήξεραν.

δεν είναι αξιοπρεπείς και εσύ Radka δεν καταλαβαίνεις τίποτα για τον ψυχαναγκαστικό τζόγο από ότι βλέπω.

αφαιρέστε αυτό το Καζίνο από τις λίστες σας και καταχωρίστε το ως απάτη.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I understand that this is a difficult situation for you, but what Radka wrote are very good recommendations and you should definitely apply them to avoid further unpleasant situations.

As for the emails, as has already been said, give the password to someone you trust so that you can't get to it and not be afraid to go there to play when they keep sending you emails. Or try blocking the email address where you get offers from them.

Our team will try to help you, but it's not overnight because there are a lot of complaints and you're not the only one. 

But I hope that everything you are going through can be resolved soon.

Γιατί δεν απαντούν στο παράπονό μου;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Have you received a response from jaro. It is clearly written there:

Our team will try to help you, but it's not overnight because there are a lot of complaints and you're not the only one. 

So wait for a response from the CG team in charge of handling complaints. I sincerely hope they help you.

Also listen to the advice of jaro

give the password to someone you trust so that you can't get to it and not be afraid to go there to play when they keep sending you emails. Or try blocking the email address where you get offers from them.

And keep us posted on what happens with your case.

DjDero είσαι επίσης εθισμένος στο παιχνίδι; Πώς το ελέγχεις αυτό??

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I was addicted years ago. But I saw that there was no point and all I was doing was wasting my life. Then I thought that the lot of free time I had made me play. And because I love animals SO MUCH, I set myself a goal every time I want to play to find a stray animal to feed. I started helping animals and elderly people which made me feel happy. That's how I found many friends and especially my current wife.

In my spare time, I learn to repair different types of equipment, which has become my hobby.

For some time I have been trying to help gambling addicts to stop or at least limit their gambling. And to my delight it works. 🥳

My friend, I want to tell you that if I hadn't stopped in time, gambling would probably have killed me. I'm sure you have the the power to quit. Find something that makes you happy. Show people that you have the will to quit.

If you want, you can write to me on WhatsApp, Viber, Messenger or Instagram. If you can't solve the problem yourself, I can try to help you. You can share everything that troubles you with me if you have no one to talk to.

Η Mostbet συνεχίζει να μου στέλνει email για να ανακτήσω τον κωδικό και τον λογαριασμό μου!!! Δεν θα με αφήσουν ήσυχο, συνεχίστε τη θεραπεία μου.

Γιατί δεν μου δίνουν τα χρήματά μου πίσω;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Συνεχίζουν να στέλνουν email και βλάπτουν δραστικά την υγεία μου.

Αυτό το καζίνο πρέπει να χαρακτηριστεί ως πολύ κακό και ασεβές προς το νόμο.


Αυτόματη μετάφραση:
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