Καλησπέρα Joao,
Κανείς δεν αναφέρθηκε σε παράνομη πράξη εκ μέρους σας, το τμήμα ασφαλείας αποκλείστηκε από τον λογαριασμό για τις διαπιστωθείσες μη συμμορφώσεις.
Κανένα τμήμα ασφάλειας δεν θα σας δώσει λεπτομέρειες και είναι λογικό. Αυτή είναι η διαδικασία, παρόλο που η απαίτηση για αποκλεισμό μπορεί να είναι ακόμη και νόμιμη και προσπαθήστε να καταλάβετε γιατί.
Θα σας δώσω μόνο το παράδειγμα της πρώτης ερώτησης που έθεσα στο τμήμα αυτό και δεν έλαβα συγκεκριμένη απάντηση που έπρεπε να κλιμακώσω. Με αποτέλεσμα να προκληθεί μια διακλαδική σύγκρουση που επιλύθηκε μόνο από μια σοβαρή συνάντηση. Σημειώστε ότι εκείνη τη στιγμή ήμουν επίσης αναστατωμένος από την έλλειψη απλής διευκρίνισης. Η συνάντηση είχε ως αποτέλεσμα την αίσθηση της έλλειψης επισκόπησης της κατάστασης, διότι μου εξηγήθηκε ότι όταν ασχολούμαι με την ασφάλεια, κάθε πληροφορία που παρέχεται σχετικά με τις ενέργειες που έχουν αναληφθεί θα μπορούσε να οδηγήσει στη μάθηση για όσους προσπαθούν να εξαπατήσουν το καζίνο.
Όχι ότι σκέφτηκα ότι ήταν η περίπτωσή του, αλλά ήταν ακόμη και το ζήτημα εκείνο το διάστημα που είχα ανατραφεί, αν σε εκείνη την περίπτωση το είχα μεταδώσει στον παίκτη που αμφισβήτησα, όπως ο Joao επειδή μπλοκάρει το λογαριασμό του, θα ήμουν δίνοντάς του πληροφορίες για το πώς θα ανιχνευόταν και με τον οποίο ο παίκτης θα ήξερε τι να αποφύγει σε μια επικείμενη απάτη.
Συνεπώς, η διαδικασία είναι ότι δεν υπάρχει καμία διευκρίνιση από το τμήμα ασφαλείας. Το αν είναι άδικο για εσάς δεν θα ξέρει ποτέ, αλλά οι διαδικασίες δεν θα αλλάξουν από αυτή την άποψη.
Τώρα σημειώστε ότι αυτό που μας κατηγορείτε δεν είναι καθόλου σοβαρό, αρχικά ισχυρίζεστε ότι είμαστε απάτη ακριβώς όπως κατηγορείτε τους Tangiers και περισσότερο ότι τέτοιες scamming ασκείται από πολλές χαρτοπαικτικές λέσχες.
Ο John δεν είχε καμία πραγματική απώλεια εάν είχε κάνει μια κατάθεση και τώρα ο λογαριασμός είχε κλείσει και δεν επιστράφηκε θα είχε νόημα στον ισχυρισμό του ότι πήραμε χρήματα από αυτόν.
Δεν συμβαίνει.
Θα ήθελα επίσης να σας διαφωτίσω σχετικά με αυτό που ισχυρίζεστε ότι είναι η MBway η οποία με τη σειρά της δημιουργεί μια εικονική κάρτα MBNet που δεν σας επιτρέπει να λαμβάνετε πληρωμές. Αυτός είναι ο περιορισμός της επεξεργασίας τραπεζών εκτός καζίνο.
Ως εκ τούτου, θα είχε μόνο την επιλογή να αποσύρει την τραπεζική μεταφορά.
Ελπίζω ότι αυτές οι παρατηρήσεις σας έχουν φωτίσει εσάς και όλους τους αναγνώστες.
Αν μετά από όλα αυτά εξακολουθείτε να αισθάνεστε λανθασμένα, λυπάμαι, αλλά δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε τίποτα περισσότερο από την πλευρά μας.
Ομάδα Bondibet
Good afternoon Joao,
No one referred to any unlawful act on your part, the security department blocked the account for nonconformities found.
No security department will give you any details and it makes sense. This is the procedure, even though the claim for blocking may even be legitimate and please try to understand why.
I will just give you the example of the first time I questioned that department and in not getting a concrete answer I had to escalate the situation. Resulting in provoking a cross-departmental clash that was only resolved by a serious meeting. Note that at that time I was also upset by the lack of a simple clarification. The meeting resulted in my feeling of a lack of overview of the situation because it was explained to me that when dealing with security any and all information provided about the actions taken could result in learning for those who try to defraud the casino.
Not that I thought that was his case, but it was even the question at the time that I had raised, if in that case I had transmitted it to the player I was questioning, like Joao because they had blocked his account, I would be giving him the information of how would have been detected and with that this player would know what to avoid in an upcoming fraud.
Therefore the procedure is that there is no clarification from the security department. Whether or not it is unfair to you will never know but the procedures will not change in this regard.
Now note that what you accuse us of is not at all serious, you first claim that we are a scam just as you accuse Tangiers and more that such scamming is practiced by several casinos.
John had no real loss if he had made a deposit and now the account had been closed and not refunded would make sense in his claim that we took money from him.
It's not the case.
I would also like to enlighten you as to what you claim to be MBway which in turn generates an MBNet virtual card that does not allow you to receive payments. This is a limitation of non-casino bank processing.
Hence it would only have as an option to withdraw bank transfer.
I hope these comments have enlightened you and all readers.
If after all this you still feel mistaken, I am sorry but nothing more can be done on our part.
Bondibet Team
Boa tarde João,
Ninguém se referiu a qualquer acto ilegal da sua parte, o departamento de segurança bloqueou a conta por inconformidades encontradas.
Nenhum departamento de segurança lhe irá dar qualquer detalhe e faz sentido. É o procedimento, mesmo que até possa ser legítima a reclamação para o bloqueio e por favor tente perceber o porquê.
Vou-lhe apenas dar o exemplo da 1ª vez que eu questionei o referido departamento e ao não obter resposta concreta tive de escalar a situação. Resultando em ter provocado uma crispação entre departamentos que foi apenas resolvida por uma séria reunião. Note que nessa altura eu também estava inconformado pela falta de um simples esclarecimento. Da reunião resultou o meu sentimento de falta de visão global das situações porque me foi explicado que ao se lidar com segurança toda e qualquer informação fornecida sobe as acções tomadas pode resultar numa aprendizagem para quem tenta defraudar o casino.
Não que creia ser o seu caso, mas até era na questão que na altura levantava, se naquele caso tivesse transmitido ao jogador que questionava, tal como o João porque lhe tinham bloqueado a conta, estar-lhe-ia a dar a informação de como teria sido detectado e com isso esse jogador iria saber o que evitar numa próxima fraude.
Por isso o procedimento é que não há qualquer esclarecimento da parte do departamento de segurança. Se é ou não injusto no seu caso nunca saberemos mas os procedimentos não irão se alterar neste aspecto.
Agora note que o que nos acusa não é de modo algum sério, primeiro afirma que somos um "scam" assim como acusa o Tangiers e mais afirma que tal acto "scamming" é praticado por diverso casinos.
O João não teve perda efectiva nenhuma, se tivesse feito um depósito e agora a conta tivesse fechada e não fosse reembolsado faria sentido na sua afirmação de que lhe tiramos dinheiro.
Não é o caso.
Gostava também de os esclarecer quanto ao que afirma ser o MBway que por sua vez gera um cartão virtual MBNet que não permite receber pagamentos. Esta é uma limitação de processamento bancário não do casino.
Daqui que apenas teria como opção de levantamento transferência bancária.
Espero que estes comentários tenham o esclarecido a si e a todos os leitores.
Se após tudo isto ainda se sente enganado, lamento mas nada mais que possa ser feito da nossa parte.
Equipa Bondibet
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