Έτσι το παρείχα, αλλά λένε ότι δεν δέχονται το έγγραφό μου, (ταυτότητα) επειδή είναι πράσινο ή τοπικό έγγραφο, θέλουν διαβατήριο και δεν έχω διαβατήριο, επειδή δεν είναι υποχρεωτικό, το μόνο έγγραφο που εμείς οι Βραζιλιάνοι έχουμε την ταυτότητα ή την ταυτότητα, αλλά δεν το δέχονται, αυτό το έγγραφο στέλνω σε όλα τα site και το εγκρίνουν όλοι, όταν δεν το εγκρίνουν, είναι λόγω κακής εικόνας ή με προβληματισμό , αλλά πάντα το δέχονται! Αλλά σε αυτή την περίπτωση yalla, δεν θα δεχτούν το έγγραφό μου!
So I provided it, but they say they don't accept my document, (ID) because it's green or a local document, they want a passport, and I don't have a passport, because it's not mandatory, the only document that we Brazilians have is the ID or identity card, but they don't accept it, this document I send to all the sites and they all approve it, when they don't approve it, it's because of a bad image or with a reflection, but they always accept it! But in this yalla case, they won't accept my document!
Então forneci, porém eles dizem que não aceitam meu documento, (ID) pois é em cor verde ou documento local, eles querem um passaporte, sendo que eu não possuo passaporte, pois não é obrigatório, o único documento que nós brasileiros temos obrigatoriamente é o RG ou identidade, mais não aceitam, esse documento eu envio para todos os sites e todos aprovam, quando não aprovam, é por imagem ruim ou com reflexo, mais sempre aceitam! Mais nesse caso do yalla, eles não aceitam meu documento!
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: