Καλό απόγευμα.
Έκανα την άμεση κατάθεση στην κάρτα της Τράπεζας μου, έστειλα όλα τα έγγραφα που μου ζήτησαν, είπα συνεχώς ότι χρειάζονταν όλο και περισσότερο, έπειτα άφησε την κατάθεση, αλλά για R $ 500.00, ανοησία, cross-platform παιχνίδι, ανόητο αυτόν τον τρόπο, εντελώς αμφισβητήσιμη πλατφόρμα, για να μην αναφέρω επικίνδυνο. Ενώ παίζαμε καλά, όταν ήθελα να αποσυρθώ ότι ήρθε η παράλογη και όλες οι πιθανές δικαιολογίες για να μην μπορώ να αποσύρω, εξακολουθούσα να με εμποδίζει να μην κάνω ούτε τα $ 500.00 που έπρεπε να αποσυρθούν. Αποκρούστε στο άκρο.
Good afternoon.
I made the direct deposit on my Bank card, sent all the documents I was asked, kept saying they needed more and more, then released the deposit but for R $ 500.00, nonsense, cross-platform game, I was never treated and made of silly this way, completely questionable platform, not to mention dangerous. While I was playing, all right, when I wanted to withdraw that came the absurd and all possible excuses for I can not withdraw, still blocked me to not even make the $ 500.00 that required to withdraw. Rogue to the extreme.
Boa tarde.
Fiz o depósito direto no meu cartão do Banco, enviei todos os documentos solicitados, continuei dizendo que eles precisavam cada vez mais, depois liberei o depósito, mas por R $ 500,00, absurdo, jogo multiplataforma, nunca fui tratado e feito de bobo dessa maneira, plataforma completamente questionável, para não mencionar perigoso. Enquanto eu estava jogando, tudo bem, quando eu queria me retirar, veio o absurdo e todas as desculpas possíveis, porque eu não posso me retirar, ainda me impediu de nem mesmo ganhar os US $ 500,00 necessários para me retirar. Vampira ao extremo.
Αυτόματη μετάφραση:![](https://static.casino.guru/res/202502141249/images/svg/translated-by-google.svg)