Καλή μέρα,
Συνάντησα την επαφή σας ενώ έψαχνα για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τον ιστότοπο του Sportpesa και σας γράφω με την ελπίδα ότι ίσως μπορέσετε να δώσετε κάποια διευκρίνιση. Πριν από ένα μήνα περίπου, εγγράφηκα στο site και αμέσως μετά την επαλήθευση του λογαριασμού μου και την φόρτισή του κανονικά, είχα κερδίσει και έκανα ανάληψη με τον τρόπο πληρωμής που επιβεβαίωσαν οι ίδιοι, για ένα συγκεκριμένο ποσό. Μετά από λίγες μέρες, καθώς τα χρήματα δεν είχαν έρθει ακόμα, επέστρεψα στον ιστότοπο και είδα ότι πιστώθηκε εκ νέου. Κάλεσα την κακή εξυπηρέτηση πελατών τους και μου είπαν ότι υπήρχε σφάλμα διακομιστή και έπρεπε να το ξανακάνω. Οπότε έκανα ξανά την απόσυρση, αλλά τα χρήματα ακόμα δεν βγαίνουν. Προσπάθησα να συνδεθώ ξανά για να ελέγξω αν πιστώθηκε ξανά και ο ιστότοπος δεν είναι προσβάσιμος! Επικοινώνησα ξανά με την εξυπηρέτηση πελατών και μου είπαν ότι τα χρήματα επιστράφηκαν στον λογαριασμό μου λόγω σφάλματος διακομιστή (πάλι!) και ότι έπρεπε να κάνω ξανά την ανάληψη. Ανέφερα ότι ο ιστότοπος δεν ήταν προσβάσιμος και είπαν ότι ήταν υπό συντήρηση και δεν ήξεραν πότε μπορούσε κανείς να έχει πρόσβαση. Τώρα, αυτό που συνέβη με την απόσυρση δύο φορές είναι ήδη σοβαρό, αλλά ο ιστότοπος δεν μπορεί καν να έχει πρόσβαση πλέον και δεν παρέχουν άλλες πληροφορίες. Ήθελα να μάθω εάν γνωρίζετε τυχόν προβλήματα με τον ιστότοπο και τι είδους μπορεί να είναι, για να καταλάβω πώς μπορώ να πάρω πίσω τα χρήματά μου και πιθανώς πώς και σε ποιον να αναφέρω τον ιστότοπο για απάτη.
Ευχαριστώ εκ των προτέρων,
Άννα Ντι Μπενεντέτο
Good day,
I came across your contact while I was searching for information about the Sportpesa website and I'm writing to you in hopes that you might be able to provide some clarification. About a month ago, I signed up to the site and immediately after verifying my account and having recharged it properly, I had a win and made a withdrawal with the payment method confirmed by them, for a certain amount. After a few days, since the money hadn't arrived yet, I went back on the site and saw it was re-credited. I called their poor customer service and was told that there had been a server error and I needed to redo it. So I redid the withdrawal, but the money still isn't coming through. I tried logging back in to check whether it was re-credited again, and the site is inaccessible! I contacted customer service again, and was told that the money was returned to my account due to a server error (again!) and that I had to make the withdrawal again. I reported that the site was unreachable and was told it was under maintenance and they didn't know when one could access it. Now, what happened with the withdrawal twice is already serious, but the site can't even be accessed anymore and they don't provide any other information. I wanted to know if you're aware of any issues with the site, and what kind they might be, to understand how to get my money back and potentially how and to whom to report the site for fraud.
Thanks in advance,
Anna Di Benedetto
ho trovato il vostro contatto mentre cercavo informazioni sul sito Sportpesa e vi scrivo sperando che mi possiate dare qualche chiarimento. Mi sono iscritta al sito un mesetto fa circa e subito, dopo aver verificato il mio conto gioco e aver regolarmente ricaricato, ho avuto una vincita e ho fatto un prelievo, con il metodo di pagamento da loro confermato, di una determinata cifra. Dopo qualche giorno, siccome i soldi non erano arrivati, sono tornata sul sito e ho visto che erano stati riaccreditati. Ho contattato telefonicamente il pessimo servizio clienti e mi è stato detto che c'era stato un errore del server e che lo dovevo rifare. Rifaccio dunque il prelievo ma i soldi continuano a non arrivare. Provo a rifare l'accesso per controllare che non siano stati riaccreditati e il sito risulta inaccessibile! Ricontatto il servizio clienti e mi viene detto che i soldi sono tornati sul mio conto per un errore del server (di nuovo!) e che devo rifare il prelievo. Gli segnalo che il sito è irraggiungibile e mi dicono che è in manutenzione e che non sanno quando si potrà accedere. Ora, già è gravissimo quello che è successo col prelievo per ben due volte, ma adesso non si può più nemmeno accedere e loro non danno nessun'altra informazione. Volevo sapere se a voi risulta che il sito abbia dei problemi, e di che genere, per capire come fare per riavere i miei soldi e a chi e come eventualmente segnalare il sito per truffa.
Grazie in anticipo
Anna Di Benedetto
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