Καλησπέρα, αυτό το καζίνο περιορίζει τα αιτήματά μου για ανάληψη στα 500€ την ημέρα. Αυτή τη φορά, κατέληξα να παίζω τα χρήματα που ήθελα να κάνω ανάληψη και τα έχασα, παρόλο που προσπάθησα αρκετές φορές να κάνω το αίτημα ανάληψης! Δεν ήταν χρήματα για το κέρδος. ήταν 200€ που ήθελα να κάνω ανάληψη, που ήταν ακριβώς αυτό που είχα καταθέσει την τελευταία φορά. Λόγω των ορίων ανάληψης τους, δεν έκανα την ανάληψη και κατέληξα να παίξω τα χρήματα. Περιορίζουν τις αναλήψεις, ισχυριζόμενοι ότι είναι για την ασφάλεια των πελατών… Αναλήψεις;;; Θα πρέπει να περιορίζουν τις καταθέσεις για να προστατεύσουν τον πελάτη — αυτό θα ήταν το σωστό!
Λόγω αυτού του ορίου ανάληψης, μπορούσα να κάνω ανάληψη μόνο 30 € από τα χρήματα που προσπάθησα να κάνω ανάληψη. Παρόλο που οι όροι και οι προϋποθέσεις τους αναφέρουν 10.000 € καθημερινά, με περιόρισαν στα €500. Ιδού ο όρος που αναφέρουν τα 10.000€ καθημερινά: 6.11. Μπορείτε να κάνετε ανάληψη του μέγιστου ποσού των 10.000 Ευρώ (ή του ισοδύναμου στο νόμισμα του λογαριασμού σας) σε οποιοδήποτε 24ωρο και του μέγιστου ποσού των 50.000 Ευρώ (ή του ισοδύναμου στο νόμισμα του λογαριασμού σας) σε περίοδο 30 ημερών, εκτός εάν έχει συμφωνηθεί μεγαλύτερο ποσό από εμάς. Επιπλέον, η VIP μου κατάσταση αναφέρει 1.600€ για αναλήψεις! Μου είπαν για το όριο των 500 ευρώ μόνο την ημέρα που ήθελα να κάνω ανάληψη των χρημάτων μου και δεν τα κατάφερα.
Good evening, this casino is limiting my withdrawal requests to €500 per day. This time, I ended up playing the money I wanted to withdraw and lost it, despite trying several times to make the withdrawal request! It wasn't profit money; it was €200 I wanted to withdraw, which was exactly what I had deposited the last time. Because of their withdrawal limits, I didn't make the withdrawal and ended up playing the money. They limit withdrawals, claiming it’s for customer security… Withdrawals??? They should be limiting deposits to protect the customer—that would be the right thing to do!
Because of this withdrawal limit, I could only withdraw €30 of the money I tried to withdraw. Even though their terms and conditions mention €10,000 daily, they limited me to €500. Here is the term where they mention the €10,000 daily: 6.11. You may only withdraw the maximum amount of Euro 10,000 (or the equivalent in your Account currency) in any 24 hour and maximum amount of Euro 50,000 (or the equivalent in your Account currency) in a 30 days period unless a larger amount has been agreed by us. Additionally, my VIP status mentions €1,600 for withdrawals! They only told me about the €500 limit on the day I wanted to withdraw my money and couldn’t.
Boa noite, este casino anda-me a limitar os meus pedidos de levantamento em 500€ por dia. Desta vez acabei por jogar o dinheiro que queria levantar, acabei por perder o dinheiro, mesmo após tentar por diversas vezes fazer o pedido de levantamento! Não era dinheiro de lucros, eram 200€ que queria levantar que era exatamente o que tinha depositado da ultima vez. Por causa dos limites de levantamentos de dinheiro deles. não fiz o levantamento e acabei por jogar o dinheiro. eles limitam o levantamento dizem eles: por segurança do cliente... Levantamento??? eles deviam era limitar os depósitos para proteger o cliente, isso estaria correto!
Por imposição desse limite só consegui levantar 30€ do dinheiro que tentei levantar. Apesar de nos termos e condiçoes falarem em 10mil euros diários, eles limitaram-me a 500€ deixo aqui o termo onde eles falam nos 10mil euros diários: 6.11. You may only withdraw the maximum amount of Euro 10,000 (or the equivalent in your Account currency) in any 24 hour and maximum amount of Euro 50,000 (or the equivalent in your Account currency) in a 30 days period unless a larger amount has been agreed by us. Além disso no meu status vip, falam em 1600€ de levantamento! Os 500€ só me falaram no dia em que eu queria levantar o meu dinheiro e nao conseguia.
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