Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΥπεύθυνος ΣτοιχηματισμόςΘέλω να κερδίσω περισσότερα. Δεν αντέχω άλλο να χάσω

Θέλω να κερδίσω περισσότερα. Δεν αντέχω άλλο να χάσω

 από macacozico123
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Βοηθήστε με να βγάλω χρήματα

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Παρακαλώ βοηθήστε με, απλά χάνω..χάνω!!!

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I assume you need to stop playing in order to stop losing money.

Do whatever you can to get restricted from casinos, and seek out professional help if you can't help yourself.

Start with this page dedicated to problem gamblers, because you sound like you really have a problem!

Έγινε επεξεργασία

I assume you need to stop playing in order to stop losing money.

Do whatever you can to get restricted from casinos, and seek out professional help if you can't help yourself.

Start with this page dedicated to problem gamblers, because you sound like you really have a problem!

I agree! If your goal is to make money, then I'm sorry my friend but gambling is not the answer. Also if you're looking for fun, I still think gambling is not for you because it seems like it's giving you more stress than fun.


Hi, I assume you're speaking from personal experience am I right? It is certainly not gambling to make money because it always ends up the other way around, with the player losing everything. It takes a strong will when someone decides to play in a casino to know when enough is enough. 

And sometimes it can be fun, but it's certainly not fun to lose everything. 😥


Υποθέτω ότι δεν θα μπορείτε να σταματήσετε αν κερδίσετε. Παίζω εδώ και πολύ καιρό και είμαι πειθαρχημένος γιατί αγόρασα ένα καλό σύστημα ρουλέτας ALL-6 και είχα ένα καλό αποτέλεσμα στο τέλος του μήνα από τις 23 Μαΐου, παρόλο που έχασα μέρες ενδιάμεσα. Αν δεν βάλεις όριο στον εαυτό σου, πάντα θα χάνεις.

Οι ακατάλληλες σκέψεις σχετικά με τους στόχους κέρδους θα σας κάνουν επίσης να χάσετε. Εάν κερδίσετε 30€ ή περισσότερα σε μια ώρα, θα πρέπει να σκεφτείτε ότι θα πρέπει να δουλέψετε για λίγο.

Έγινε επεξεργασία
Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I think it's a very thin line to realise that and stop playing if you just keep losing and failing. It's definitely not fun and players can lose a lot of money. I definitely agree that you need to set some limits, but it's probably not as easy as it seems and not every casino offers such limits. 

However, I would like to ask you not to write everywhere about this system because it seems to me as if you advertise it, which is not allowed here. You can contribute your opinion to the discussions without having to post this system everywhere. I hope we understand each other.

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