Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΥπεύθυνος ΣτοιχηματισμόςΛόγω επιθεώρησης της δήλωσης ζημιών

Λόγω επιθεώρησης της δήλωσης ζημιών

 από ludwig.1a
1.806 προβολές 6 απαντήσεις |

Αποκλείστηκε ο λογαριασμός παίκτη. Δεν είναι πλέον δυνατή η προβολή των συναλλαγών. Το καζίνο δεν θα μου δώσει τη δήλωση απώλειας.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Dear user,

I saw your user review submitted on this casino, which provided more detailed views on the subject so hastly described here on the forum.

It says:

"I played at the kingmaker casino and lost a lot in a short space of time. I then learned that every casino must have player protection and that is exactly what I did not see here.

So I asked the casino to give me the appropriate compensation. Because of this, my player account was immediately blocked and I can no longer see my transaction losses. I have written to the casino several times asking them to send me my transactions by email, which they are obliged to do. But I am always just put off. An online casino is not allowed to refuse to play with a player. I have had very bad experiences because of this and therefore steer clear."

You are most likely about to be quite displeased; the casino is not responsible for your losses; you are at least until you inform the casino about the potential gambling issue and hence ask your account to be permanently closed without an option to be reopened. Even in such a case, though, the casino won't give you back your losses.

Responsible or safer gambling limits or tools are not the "excuse" for players to recover losses; these tools help players to maintain balance and prevent losing more than a reasonable sum or budget.

With all due honesty, if you insisted on being refunded for your losses just because you could not see the "player protection," I understand why your account has been closed and further communication is not possible.

Please do not gamble if you do not want to lose. This review, in my opinion, is more about your unhealthy mindset than it is about the unfairness of casinos.

I advise you to become more acquainted with the way things typically operate in order to avoid similar problems: Responsible Gambling Tools and Practices 👈👈

I suppose that I have never heard of "loss statement." Could it possibly be a term related to the GGL requirements for casinos that hold a German license?

Dear user,

I saw your user review submitted on this casino, which provided more detailed views on the subject so hastly described here on the forum.

It says:

"I played at the kingmaker casino and lost a lot in a short space of time. I then learned that every casino must have player protection and that is exactly what I did not see here.

So I asked the casino to give me the appropriate compensation. Because of this, my player account was immediately blocked and I can no longer see my transaction losses. I have written to the casino several times asking them to send me my transactions by email, which they are obliged to do. But I am always just put off. An online casino is not allowed to refuse to play with a player. I have had very bad experiences because of this and therefore steer clear."

You are most likely about to be quite displeased; the casino is not responsible for your losses; you are at least until you inform the casino about the potential gambling issue and hence ask your account to be permanently closed without an option to be reopened. Even in such a case, though, the casino won't give you back your losses.

Responsible or safer gambling limits or tools are not the "excuse" for players to recover losses; these tools help players to maintain balance and prevent losing more than a reasonable sum or budget.

With all due honesty, if you insisted on being refunded for your losses just because you could not see the "player protection," I understand why your account has been closed and further communication is not possible.

Please do not gamble if you do not want to lose. This review, in my opinion, is more about your unhealthy mindset than it is about the unfairness of casinos.

I advise you to become more acquainted with the way things typically operate in order to avoid similar problems: Responsible Gambling Tools and Practices 👈👈

I suppose that I have never heard of "loss statement." Could it possibly be a term related to the GGL requirements for casinos that hold a German license?

Υποθέτω ότι έχετε πρόβλημα με τις απόψεις ή τις γνώσεις άλλων ανθρώπων. Εάν κλείσει ένας λογαριασμός και δεν μπορώ πλέον να δω τις συναλλαγές μου, μπορώ να ζητήσω να αποδεσμευτούν γιατί τα καζίνο είναι υποχρεωμένα να το κάνουν και έχω το δικαίωμα να το κάνω, ακόμα κι αν έπαιζα υπερβολικά. Αυτό είναι που με απασχολεί και έχω επίσης το δικαίωμα να προσπαθήσω να λάβω επιστροφή χρημάτων ως χειρονομία καλής θέλησης. Γνώμη μου, ενημερωθείτε πρώτα πριν απλώς επαναλάβετε τη γραπτή σας δήλωση.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I apologize, but from the standpoint of fair gambling, I do not think the casino needs to give you a refund based on what you have said thus far. I only meant to explain the negative mindset that could hurt you in the future. Requesting a gesture of goodwill is a form of pleading and, if denied, should not lead to anger. This is my opinion.

The term "loss statement" is another thing I respectfully ask you to explain. For instance, you seem more motivated to stick with your current viewpoint.

But I will not bother you any longer. If you are willing to treat people the way you want to be treated, I will be here for you.

Ευχαρίστως! Βρισκόμουν σε μια μονάδα θεραπείας απεξάρτησης σε απόσταση 400 χλμ. από το σπίτι για 8 εβδομάδες. Σήμερα θα πάω σπίτι. Πάντα συμπεριφέρομαι καλά στους άλλους ανθρώπους και θα ήθελα να μου φέρονται καλά και εγώ. Σε ευχαριστώ που μου έγραψες με καλά γράμματα. Είμαι εθισμένος στον τζόγο. Είναι μια ασθένεια και δυστυχώς όχι ευχάριστη. Το εν λόγω καζίνο έχει μπλοκάρει τον λογαριασμό μου, κάτι που είναι εντάξει. Δικαιούμαι μόνο τα δεδομένα μου και αυτό ακριβώς ζητάω εδώ και καιρό. Και αν μου γράφεις όπως είσαι τώρα, τότε δεν νιώθω παρενόχληση. Σας ευχαριστώ;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I wish you only the best! Hold on; take good care of yourself, please. 💚

Happy homecomming!

Ευχαριστώ πολύ 👍

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

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