Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΣυζήτηση ΠαραπόνωνMad rush casino

Mad rush casino

 από Tigern
27.066 προβολές 126 απαντήσεις |
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According to the casino, withdrawals should be fast, I personally experience the opposite.

Someone else with

same opinion?

Cainot in general has very, very 🧐 low Rtp.

it is not possible to reach support in the chat, you have to email them.

same guys behind, mountgold, refuelcasino, raptorcasino etc etc… chasing people with gamblingproblems. If u close acount on raptor with curucao licens, they send u mail to play on their Mga casinos, and then they dont need to take responsibilly for kerrin you play sins its a difrent licens

Γειά σου

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I hade 4500 euro on cashout. Stupid as i am i did fall for their discusting stalling. 3 days and not verificated.. i am leaving casinos without swedish licens. 85% of them are scammers

Γειά σου

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hi, do you have a problem or would you like to say something about this particular casino in question ? 

I hade 4500 euro on cashout. Stupid as i am i did fall for their discusting stalling. 3 days and not verificated.. i am leaving casinos without swedish licens. 85% of them are scammers

Hello, is the money still there in your player account or have you already lost it ? 

As far as verification is concerned, we give casinos 14 days to solve this process because it is very important. 3 days I would say is not a disaster yet. However, if you have money and the verification cannot be completed successfully, let us know and we will try to help.

Nevertheless, as you pointed out, I agree with your opinion and I would also prefer to stay with casinos that are licensed in your country. This will reduce the risk of problems arising. 

No. I did what they was waitng for. Thats why they stall it funny on their site it says instan vergication and whitdrawals..what can i espekt from a casino wich is located on a flat in Estonia

We can conclude that madrush casino is not an instant casino. Not when it comes to witdrawal

I happily closed my account there and it took me 8 days with a lot of hassle before my withdrawal was approved. we're talking 20 euros 🤣

This is not okay


Είχα 4500 ευρώ. Αφού έλαβαν τα έγγραφα, σταμάτησαν να απαντούν. Αλλά δεν εκπλήσσομαι, ο Tekzia που είναι ο ιδιοκτήτης αυτών των καζίνο είναι ένα σωρό απατεώνες. ελέγξτε που πάνε οι καταθέσεις, πάνε σε κάποιο κατάστημα στην Αφρική

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

No. I did what they was waitng for. Thats why they stall it funny on their site it says instan vergication and whitdrawals..what can i espekt from a casino wich is located on a flat in Estonia

I think we should focus on the important. The end of the year and the beginning of the new year are usually marked by delays of any sort. That's quite common knowledge.

Three days are acceptable, especially for new accounts. I would not be so harsh on judgment myself, but I understand your feelings.

May I know more details about your delayed verification, please?

Have you received an update? Perhaps some additional account check perhaps?

Feel free to let us know, because the casino is soon to be reviewed, but for the community, it might be quite unknown.

Thank you!

We can conclude that madrush casino is not an instant casino. Not when it comes to witdrawal

I happily closed my account there and it took me 8 days with a lot of hassle before my withdrawal was approved. we're talking 20 euros 🤣

This is not okay

Was also full verification involved? Honestly, withdrawals may be close to instant, but verification is usually the most lengthy process.

But I agree that 8 days for 20€ is quite an effort! 😀


No verification involved.


Ήταν πολλά τα λεφτά. Αν ήταν 500-1000 ευρώ δεν θα με ένοιαζε τόσο. Το καζίνο απαντά σε email μόνο τη νύχτα. Δεν έχω ακούσει περισσότερα γιατί θα κλείσω τον λογαριασμό εκεί.. Η επαλήθευση ενός πελάτη πήρε 2-3 μέρες το 2010-2011 σήμερα υπάρχουν προγράμματα που το κάνουν σε 2m. Αυτό δεν είναι ότι παίρνει χρόνο, απλώς ήθελαν να στοιχηματίσω τα κέρδη, και το έκανα, αλλά κατά κάποιο τρόπο ήταν η επιλογή μου στο τέλος. Αποφάσισα να σταματήσω να παίζω σε αυτά τα καζίνο χωρίς άδεια στη Σουηδία. Θα παίξω μόνο στο καζίνο paynplay στη Σουηδία.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

I'm sorry to hear that, and nothing I would care to add would help you out. But I'm glad to hear you'll keep up with the locally licensed casinos. Should be much safer. 🙏


No verification involved.

Okay... Now that it's Monday, any luck getting the money or updates? 🤔

Περίμενα 3 μέρες για την απόσυρσή μου από το Madrush θα πάρω τα χρήματα ή είναι απατεώνας

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Όλα καταλήγουν στο να το αναβάλουν μέχρι να κουραστείς και να τα παίξεις. Παλιά και γνωστή τακτική. Έτσι το κάνουν τα πιο βρώμικα καζίνο εκεί έξω και έχετε παίξει σε ένα από αυτά. Το έκανα κι εγώ.. αν πάρεις τα λεφτά, κλείσε τον λογαριασμό και μην τους ξανακοιτάξεις tbx... Αληθινοί κλέφτες, ψεύτες και απατεώνες. Διαφημίζονται ως στιγμιαίο καζίνο, αλλά αυτό που εννοούν είναι ότι μόνο η κατάθεση είναι άμεση

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Δεν πήρες τα λεφτά σου από εκεί;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Όταν ζητήσατε απόσυρση από εκεί, τι συνέβη;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

We can conclude that madrush casino is not an instant casino. Not when it comes to witdrawal

I happily closed my account there and it took me 8 days with a lot of hassle before my withdrawal was approved. we're talking 20 euros 🤣

This is not okay

Πήρατε τα χρήματά σας από το mad rush casino;

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