Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοYabby Casino - γενική συζήτηση

Yabby Casino - γενική συζήτηση (σελίδα 7)

 από vince1
31.683 προβολές 132 απαντήσεις |
1...6 7

Hello and thank you. Do you have any experience with this casino or not so much ? Have you read what the player went through ?

Feel free to write something yourself if you feel like it. 🙂

I have had zero issues with Yabby, My KYC was super quick, and their payouts are ridiculously fast, they are also at the top of my list of all my casinos. I appreciate your suggestion to keep all the messages so everyone could read how the entire process unfolded.


So I'm glad if you don't have any problems. What payment method do you use for withdrawal ? Is there anything in this casino that you can't find elsewhere ? 

As for the conversation with the other player, I know what he's been through and since his opinion has changed over time, I thought it would be fair for the players to see everything. The important thing was that it all worked out well in the end. 🙂

Κέρδισα 154 ευρώ με τα μπόνους τους με παράλογο τζίρο (πρώτη φορά στη ζωή μου). Μετά από ελέγχους για ανάληψη επαναφέρουν το υπόλοιπό μου.

Λέγοντας μου ότι έπαιξα live...δεν μπόρεσες καν να μπεις..λένε ότι έπαιξα προοδευτικά τζακ ποτ....όχι σοβαρό site..να βάλουν μπλοκ για τυχαία κλικ..άσε τα μπόνους ήσυχα..αυτοί μπλοκάρετε τυχόν κέρδη με μη ρεαλιστικούς τζίρους...δέχεστε μόνο δωρεάν περιστροφές..μοιράστε το ποσό που κερδίσατε σε υψηλά στοιχήματα μεταξύ 10 και 20 στοιχημάτων...αν κάνετε μπόνους θα έχετε την ευκαιρία διαφορετικά απλά χάνετε χρόνο.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hi there!

Well, decent enforcement of bonus rules is a very tricky field. Some casino representatives claim it is not possible to restrict all games one is not allowed to play with a bonus. Others just leave this information visible in the terms, which seems enough for the casino but may result in a terrible user experience for players. The same goes for the progressive jackpot games.

The way I see it, your situation was such a bad surprise. Many casinos would void your winnings instead, so in my opinion this was the better outcome.

When it comes to insane wagering requirements, how many times do you need to wager the winnings? According to bonuses presented on our site, it is 40x. If I may say, one can hardly find a lower amount these days.

In any case, as long as the wagering is a tool to lower players' chances to withdraw from the bonus winnings, dividing the total amount into 10 higher bets is a logical suggestion yet forfiet by the max bet rule, which is set to prevent this scenario. No wonder finding a decent bonus to benefit the play rather than add more limitations became more complicated. What is your general experience?

Υπάρχουν πολλά καζίνο που έχουν αυτόματα μπλοκ στα μέγιστα στοιχήματα και αγοράζουν μπόνους ή κουλοχέρηδες που έχουν σβήσει και μόλις ξεπεράσετε το μέγιστο κέρδος τους εμφανίζεται ένα αναδυόμενο παράθυρο. Άλλοι έχουν ξεχωριστό πραγματικό υπόλοιπο και υπόλοιπο..και εσείς αποφασίζετε ποιο ταμείο θα παίξετε..αυτό είναι το κορυφαίο..αν δεν ακύρωναν το υπόλοιπο μπόνους σας με την ανάληψη..νομίζω ότι όποιος υιοθετήσει αυτή τη μέθοδο σίγουρα θα γίνει νούμερο ένα στον κόσμο. Προφανώς, μόλις επαληθευτεί η πρώτη απόσυρση, τα υπόλοιπα θα πρέπει να είναι άμεσα.

Δεν θέλω να πω ότι τα θέλουμε όλα δωρεάν. Ξέρουμε ότι στο τέλος ακόμα και με rtp 99,99% το σπίτι κερδίζει πάντα. Παίζω 30 χρόνια και μπορώ να πω μόνο τώρα ότι στα διεθνή site υπάρχει πλάκα. Στην Ιταλία είναι μια νομιμοποιημένη απάτη. Ένα rtp 65% σαν το vlt στα μπαρ... αδύνατον να παίξεις... και επειδή υπάρχει πολύ υψηλή φορολογία.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

That's exactly my opinion.

The way I see it, the best casinos are not just fair and square but care enough to provide excellent user experience, which also includes adjusting the platform to keep the players less stressed by something completely avoidable. Like the aforementioned rules, for instance, they should be enforced at the software level, meaning the website shouldn't let players place higher bets than the limit or access restricted games.

I also agree that the casino always wins in the end, especially when players keep playing regularly. I wonder now: in Italy is a tax fee applied directly to every spin like it was (or perhaps still is) in Germany?

That was a very poor choice because, even though the original idea was a noble one, the financial effect was terrible. Adding a direct tax to each spin rapidly lowers the RTP. As an unfortunate result, the players are put under a recognizable disadvantage. Thus, no wonder players who are aware of this side effect don't want to play in officially licensed casinos in their countries.

Is it similar to the AAMS-licensed sites?

Ναι, AAMS.

Σκέτη υποκρισία..

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:


I think the intentions were good, but when a law is made based solely on a theoretical understanding of a complex subject, this is what could happen quite easily....

Yabby is a crap site.2 times today I had 2 good bonus games,however the game froze,so I goto live shit support and he says I can cancel the last spin and will lose what I won for fake.These guys are a joke and I'm don't like playing here anymore.This is how they screw u.I bet a bunch of migrants run the site.Thats how they are until today when trump kicks them outa this country.mybe site will be fixed by an American engineer.. Not a stupid migrant.


When you say that the game froze, could it happen because of poor internet quality, by any chance? Or do you believe that it is the casinos fault somehow? 🤔

Just trying to figure out what could cause it, you know.

Yabby casino and casino extreme were two of my favorite casinos due to their bonus program for frequent depositors, although I'd rarely win one. Still it was good. Suddenly they are acting like bottom feeders over 100$ withdrawals after thousands deposited? Garbage. And they closed my account for I dont know what reason. But I'm glad.F. yabby casino~


Could you perhaps tell us more about the closure of your account? Maybe we'll be able to help you out.

Did the casino close it with the money inside?

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