πριν από 2 έτη
Γεια σας, έχετε ακούσει για το Bet Amulet; Αν ναι, τι λέτε για αυτόν; Αύριο είναι η μέρα που θα λάβω τα κέρδη μου από εκεί, τότε θα επιστρέψω να σας πω....
Hello, have you heard about the Bet Amulet? If so, what do you say about him? Tomorrow is the day to receive my earnings from there, then I'll be back to tell you....
Olá, já ouviram falar sobre o Amuleto bet? Caso sim o que me dizem dele? Amanhã é dia de receber meus ganhos de lá, aí volto para contar....Grata