Ας υποθέσουμε ότι δεν πληρώνετε τους παίκτες σας και παραπονιούνται για αυτό το γεγονός, αφού περιμένουν εβδομάδες για να λάβουν ανάληψη, εξαπατημένοι από το σπίτι ισχυριζόμενοι ότι πλήρωσαν, μπλοκάρουν τους λογαριασμούς τους αδικαιολόγητα, επαληθεύονται λογαριασμοί και με κανονικά μοτίβα στοιχημάτων, προφανώς θα περισσότερα χρήματα για ορισμένες πολυτέλειες των ιδιοκτητών του Pedalada10, όπως φαίνεται εδώ στο Facebook του CMO του Pedalada10, https://www.facebook.com/findprash. Εξακολουθώ να πιστεύω ότι συμβαίνει ότι κάποιοι ή κάποιοι κακόβουλοι υπάλληλοι, πρόθυμοι να πετύχουν στόχους κέρδους, προσπαθούν να εντυπωσιάσουν τα αφεντικά με ψεύτικα κέρδη, εις βάρος των μη πληρωμών προς τους χρήστες και του αποκλεισμού λογαριασμών, τελικά, αν το κάνουν Μην πληρώνετε τους παίκτες, το σπίτι κερδίζει πολύ περισσότερα.
Let's say you don't pay your players and they complain about this fact, after waiting for weeks to receive a withdrawal, being deceived by the house claiming that they paid, have their accounts blocked unjustifiably, accounts verified and with regular betting patterns, obviously it will more money for certain luxuries of the owners of Pedalada10, as can be seen here on Facebook of the CMO of Pedalada10, https://www.facebook.com/findprash. I still believe that it is happening that some or some malicious employees, eager to hit profit goals, are trying to impress the bosses with false profits, at the expense of non-payments to users and blocking of accounts, after all, if they don't pay the players, the house earns much more.
Digamos que você não paga seus jogadores e estes ao reclamarem de tal fato, após aguardarem por semanas receber um saque, sendo enganados pela casa afirmando que pagou, tem suas contas bloqueadas de forma injustificada, contas verificadas e com padrões de apostas regulares, obviamente irá sobrar mais dinheiro para certos luxos dos donos da Pedalada10, como pode ser constatado aqui no facebook do CMO da Pedalada10, https://www.facebook.com/findprash. Ainda creio, que está acontecendo de algum ou alguns funcionários mal-intencionados, ávidos por bater metas de lucro, estejam tentando impressionar os chefes com falsos lucros, às custas de não pagamentos aos usuários e bloqueios de contas, afinal senão pagam aos jogadores, a casa ganha muito mais.
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: