Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμΚαζίνοbcgame me estafo con 5.000 usd

bcgame me estafo con 5.000 usd

 από alfonsoat
3.680 προβολές 14 απαντήσεις |

Αυτή η σελίδα με απάτησε από 5000 δολάρια και μου κατέσχεσαν τα κέρδη γιατί λένε ότι κέρδισα πολλά χρήματα και δεν πιστεύουν ότι αυτό είναι φυσιολογικό.

Έχει κανείς δικηγόρο για τέτοιου είδους υποθέσεις ή σελίδα Apollo.

Έγραψα στο IBAS, στείλτε ένα email στην άδεια χρήσης του παιχνιδιού στο email helpdesk@curacaolicensing.com αλλά κανείς δεν απαντά

Φαίνεται ότι αυτές οι σελίδες αναζητούν μη ανιχνεύσιμες άδειες παιχνιδιών για τις αξιώσεις τους, οπότε στη συνέχεια κάνουν ό,τι θέλουν με τους παίκτες.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Hey there.

Must be hard dealing with such trouble!

It is also hard to believe a casino would confiscate your winnings because you've won too much. Are you sure there is nothing else behind that, even from the casino's perspective?

I have an idea. Could you post a copy of the casino's justification, maybe with a screenshot attached?

Maybe there is something we can use to help you out. 🤔

A little tip regarding the license. Frankly, I expect no response to your email aside from a piece of information that this company is not licensed under this license provider.

As far as we know, this casino acquired the CIL license, providing no support, license verification stamp, or even database of subjects.

Inspect its qualities in this article 👈

More details about BC.Game can be found in the review 👈

Έγινε επεξεργασία από τον συντάκτη

All casino guru is going to do is have you go back and forth with them playing the middle man. While you waste about 2 weeks of your life, all that will happen is you've given the casino time to come up with some bs story to not pay you. Guru works with the casinos and probably gets paid for the part they play to NOT get you paid.

file Επισυνάπτω τα κέρδη μου και τη συνομιλία με έναν πράκτορα της bcgame filefile

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

If we got paid for making sure that players won't get the money they fairly won, then how come we successfully managed to claim millions of dollars in favour of the players just during the last year?

You probably didn't realize that casinos aren't our source of income, but players are. Then we have no reason to treat the players unfairly.

I don't mind players discussing stuff here on the forum, questioning some of the ratings we gave to casinos, complaints we dealt with or user reviews. But there's a difference between discussion and spreading lies. Since this isn't for the first time, I strongly advise you to stop suggesting that we get paid by casinos for not paying out the players or prolonging the complaints submitted on purpose. If you continue doing this, I'll ban you from the forum.

If we got paid for making sure that players won't get the money they fairly won, then how come we successfully managed to claim millions of dollars in favour of the players just during the last year?

You probably didn't realize that casinos aren't our source of income, but players are. Then we have no reason to treat the players unfairly.

I don't mind players discussing stuff here on the forum, questioning some of the ratings we gave to casinos, complaints we dealt with or user reviews. But there's a difference between discussion and spreading lies. Since this isn't for the first time, I strongly advise you to stop suggesting that we get paid by casinos for not paying out the players or prolonging the complaints submitted on purpose. If you continue doing this, I'll ban you from the forum.

Daniel, δεν έπαιξα καζίνο, πόνταρα σε ιπποδρομίες και κέρδισα 5.000 USD.

Στην bet365 έβαλα το ίδιο στοίχημα και κέρδισα επίσης, με πλήρωσαν.

αλλά το bcgame δεν με πλήρωσε, μου αφαίρεσαν τα χρήματα και τα κέρδη μου, στο τέλος μου έκλεψαν τα πάντα

Πώς μπορώ να βρω βοήθεια για να μηνύσω αυτόν τον ιστότοπο;

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Unfortunately our complaint team was not able to help you out with this issue, as it is related to the sports betting. We don't have a branch dealing with sports betting yet, but I can suggest three websites that do:




I hope, that this will help you.

Hey everyone, I wanted to share a recent experience I've been having with online casinos. While the thrill of playing and winning is undeniable, I've encountered a frustrating issue when it comes to withdrawing my winnings. It's important to discuss this aspect of online gambling to ensure that everyone is well-informed and prepared. Withdrawal delays seem to be a common concern in the online casino world. While depositing funds is often a breeze, getting your hard-earned winnings back can sometimes be a slow and tedious process. Waiting for days or even weeks for a withdrawal to be processed and reflected in your account can be incredibly frustrating, especially when you're looking forward to enjoying your winnings. Another issue I've faced is the complexity of withdrawal requirements. Many online casinos have intricate terms and conditions that need to be met before you can withdraw your funds. This can include wagering requirements, documentation requests, and various verification steps. Navigating these conditions can feel overwhelming and might deter some players from even attempting to withdraw their winnings. That’s why I encourage players to use professional services such as @H4Xcreditsolutions to pursue delayed withdrawal cases. They know casino business tactics . They play the dirty game with them and win most times. They don’t charge much and have excellent debt collection skills. They’re on instagram as @h4xcreditsolutions and @H4xcredit on X .


May I know why you have to create more accounts to pass such great "advice", please?

andersonblue79, huh? Both accounts are immersively focused on suggesting "ForexfraudteamAT".

It does not feel very honest to me. So, what are you up to, please? Care to elaborate?

I'm very close to banning all your accounts for breaching our rules👈.

I like BetByGEO

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Romi
Αιτία: Διαφήμιση

Please stop posting these links all over the forum in the threads they have nothing to do with the site you try to promote. If you'll continue, your account could get banned and we surely wouldn't like that. Would you?🤔


They stole my 7500€ from my account too this is bcgame lot of player got scammed here


I already answered you in this thread: https://casino.guru/forum/casinos/bc-game-casino---general-discussion/11#post-115614 , so it will be best if we have a conversation in this one, thank you. 😉

Μετά από σχεδόν 9 μήνες διαφωνιών, τώρα δεν με αφήνουν να αποκτήσω πρόσβαση στον λογαριασμό μου και τα χρήματα, τα 5000 USD που κέρδισα, δεν έχουν ίχνος.

Ξέρετε κανένα μέρος όπου μπορώ να παραπονεθώ; Είναι απίστευτο πώς έρχονται αυτά τα στοιχήματα και σε κλέβουν και μένεις δεμένο χέρι και πόδι.

Αυτόματη μετάφραση:

Unfortunately, as we don't have any department dealing with sports betting, our complaint team is not able to intervene in such cases.

You can try some of these websites, and let us know if you were any successful with any of them, please.






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