Αρχική σελίδαΦόρουμNews Casino GuruΣυζήτηση για το άρθρο: KSA slaps LCS Limited with €2m fine, operator fights back
Συζήτηση για το άρθρο: KSA slaps LCS Limited with €2m fine, operator fights back

Συζήτηση για το άρθρο: KSA slaps LCS Limited with €2m fine, operator fights back

3 min. read
Η KSA επέβαλε πρόστιμο 2 εκατομμυρίων ευρώ στην LCS Limited για εικαζόμενες παραβιάσεις της ολλανδικής νομοθεσίας για τα τυχερά παιχνίδια. Ο χειριστής έχει αποδοκιμάσει αυτούς τους ισχυρισμούς και θα ασκήσει έφεση κατά της απόφασης.
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1.574 προβολές 7 απαντήσεις |

i think , the just try to get the lisence,pay the fine,and get better trying to rebuild a a trusted side. if they not willinng to accept it. As a player i would be very carefull to even consider to play there ,Trust is the main priority from the casino to the customer, if its not there, ignore it.


Hello, and thank you for this feedback.

Do you possess your very own experiences with Sons Of Slots Casino? Honestly, I hope you don't - since its safety index seems like a very good warning.

I'm surprised to see this site has acquired a Malta license, though.



No , I have not,I tried plenty, of sides,infact playing on a side for 20 years now and never ever won anything bigger as !000£, I know the GURU can not know all of the Casinos,but some of them real nut , if i do not feel good in there where ever i go i have tried to close it which has lots of problems, so i just leave and do not touch it again, so many casinos are jumping out of nowhere, over the last couple of month, wow. and come bk to winnning , its nice it helps special if disabled and with the prices going up it deffently helps. so its great to hear from GURU what happend out there and also get heard from what ever negative report comes up ! Thank youRadka


Hi there!

I must admit, we could use a whole army of specialists to keep up with freshly established casinos! Thus, I really appreciate your feedback, and I also think you made a few good points! The gambling industry is a particularly complicated environment at least for me. 🙂 Luckily, there are still honest players who wish to share warnings with us or support other members proactively. We do our best to inform the masses by providing a neutral space for discussion. Casino Guru News covers the field worldwide, and I hope you find this project informative.

This is what matters.

We are glad to have you here 😉


Hi Radka

Thank you for ur reply.

I do find your Page amazing walking through, before i was always looking or writting to the gambling organisation in Gibraltar sadly never get Reply bk. so i stopped writting. on some sides i been over the last 9 month soon thee game stops or freezes up or there is on error, or the game jumps i do report it but always same answers whih side are u on, clean your cookies exetera, I do know there is nothing wrong with my lap regular check it every day, mind wish know awee bit more of computer technoligy,mind I must ask , those games are they get checked before they go online?


but since Oct 2022 if it says dopple line it only counts 1 but not 2- still get the 2line but monewise goes -dopple line 2+2=4 not 2=2=3 so it would be origional, 40 pence not 20, nor 30 pence and its always on slingo xxxtreme, maybe it is my lap maybe the game has this nicknack its not only on one side its on 4 sides, thas why i am asking do they get checked ?





Nice to hear that!

You know, when it comes to computer or IT in general - operating systems, lagging, browsers, cookies, hashes, errors, and glitches, it is quite a jungle I'd say. 😀

I fear I can't provide further insight; such situations require advanced skills and deeper analyses. Vaguely seen among chat operators, but I do not blame them.

May I have just a little suggestion? Recently, we added a new feature - now you can comment on your favorite games available for free in the Casino Guru Free Games Section. So, If you are interested in this, just find the game and ask these questions directly on the same page😉.

See results for the keyword "slingo":


What do you think about that?

Έγινε επεξεργασία

Good morning

Wow that is a great Idea! And u right I think i have to be re-born to learn the jungle of computer technoligy,lol

thank you for yor Reply have a good evening Radka



Good day to you too!

I'm glad you found the games library interesting.😉

And don't worry about computers; with the current speed of technological progress I'm pretty sure many others will be far from the line quite soon 😀.

Just joking...

By the way, have I mentioned our free slot tournaments? Well, all are right here:


Enjoy your day 😊

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