στις 20/05/2022 στις 00:18:16 Ξεκινάω τη συνεδρία μου στην υποδοχή Esqueleto Explosivo 2 του Thunderkick, αφού έχω κάνει πάνω από 150 περιστροφές στο στοίχημα 0,50 η υποδοχή αποσυνδέεται στις 00:28:23: κανένα πρόβλημα σύνδεσης ή αλλιώς, σίγουρα υπάρχει πρόβλημα μαζί τους.
Παίρνω ένα στιγμιότυπο οθόνης της αποσυνδεδεμένης σελίδας του παιχνιδιού και μόλις επιστρέψω στο σπίτι εμφανίζεται το μήνυμα Betflag "Το εισιτήριο έχει κλείσει σωστά": η συνεδρία μου έχει κλείσει αυθαίρετα, χωρίς να μπορώ να κάνω τίποτα.
Επικοινωνώ με τη βοήθεια εξηγώντας το πρόβλημα και ζητάω επιστροφή χρημάτων μεταξύ της διαφοράς του υπολοίπου εισόδου και εξόδου και επιπλέον αποζημίωση αφού λόγω του προβλήματός τους έχω χάσει τη δυνατότητα να κάνω μια πιθανή νίκη.
Αφού με αγνόησε για μεγάλο χρονικό διάστημα και αφού επικοινώνησε με την τηλεφωνική υποστήριξη όπου ο βοηθός μου λέει ότι το παράπονο έχει προωθηθεί στο Play N 'Go, (κατασκευαστής του κουλοχέρη είναι η Thunderkick, επομένως δεν είναι σαφές γιατί ανέφερε το Play N «Πήγαινε) μου εστάλη ένα email που δηλώνει ότι στο γύρο ID 277654315002, δηλαδή το τελευταίο σουτ που έγινε στην υποδοχή, η πιθανή νίκη είναι ίση με 0.
Αμφισβητώ μερικά πράγματα σε αυτό το σημείο:
- Ο υποδεικνυόμενος γύρος είναι παρών στο ιστορικό και επομένως το μπλοκ κουλοχέρη ήταν επόμενο, επομένως πιθανά κέρδη θα μπορούσαν να προκύψουν στις ακόλουθες περιστροφές, εάν η κουλοχέρη δεν είχε αποσυνδεθεί αυθαίρετα (από αυτές).
- Στο pdf στο οποίο υποδεικνύεται η λήψη, υποδεικνύεται η λάθος ώρα, δηλαδή 00:28:00, σε αυτό το λεπτό έγιναν τρεις λήψεις: 277654259802 στις 00:28:03, 277654573502 στις 00:28:16, στις 231705 00: 28: 23.
- Στο ίδιο pdf υπάρχουν δύο εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι: ο πρώτος είναι αυτός https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.5000000, το should mostrare il replay del round) è questo https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.500000%20EUR&accountBalanceBefore=154.660000%20EUR&providerGameRoundId=3c672427edf5e1ffce1857e0174b6fbfd2e4c43a0b07270b8c00a8cd83b4b18716e34edbf79915ed41e10dc613c1bebb&playerId=464971&gameRoundStatusCode = ΟΛΟΚΛΗΡΩΘΗΚΕ & trackingServiceUrl = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fgame-p1.thunderkick.com% 2Fmonolith & operatorId = 3071 & currencyIso = EUR & Ημερομηνία έναρξης = 2022-05-19T22% 3A28 & end2T2-02 παιχνίδι = = ebf3baed-45c3-d3ba-45-d3ba-45c3-45-d3b45-game s1-g27 & replay = true , και τα δύο δεν έχουν δεδομένα.
Όταν, υπό το φως αυτών των αναληθών δεδομένων, επιβεβαιώνω την επιθυμία να λάβω επιστροφή χρημάτων και αποζημίωση ίση με 5000 φορές το ποντάρισμα, αρχικά ζήτησα από το καζίνο να βρει ένα σημείο συνάντησης ζητώντας 100 ευρώ σε πραγματικό μπόνους, σημείο συνάντησης προφανώς όχι βρέθηκαν.
Τέλος, λαμβάνω αυτό το email από την υποστήριξή τους:
«Γεια σου Alessandro,
το αίτημα για αποζημίωση απορρίπτεται, καθώς αν είχα συνεχίσει την περίοδο παιχνιδιού, κανείς δεν μπορεί να προβλέψει το αποτέλεσμα των επόμενων Γύρων.
Το μήνυμα σφάλματος διέκοψε τη συνεδρία του παιχνιδιού, αλλά δεν οδήγησε σε οικονομικές ελλείψεις: επισυνάπτεται το ιστορικό περιόδου σύνδεσης
Σε κάθε περίπτωση, θα αποζημιωθείτε για το ποσό που χάσατε επειδή αναγνωρίζεται ότι μπορεί να σας ενόχλησε η επιδεινωμένη εμπειρία παιχνιδιού.
Η βοήθειά μας είναι στη διάθεσή σας.
Η ομάδα BetFlag».
Στο συμβόλαιο τυχερών παιγνίων τους και στη τσάρτερ υπηρεσιών δεν υπάρχει περίπτωση αυτού του τύπου, επομένως η σχετική νομοθεσία πρέπει να βρεθεί στο Νόμο.
Από το τελευταίο email που ελήφθη φαίνεται ξεκάθαρα ότι ανέλαβαν την ευθύνη για το λάθος, επομένως θεωρήθηκαν υπεύθυνοι για το ίδιο (στην πραγματικότητα υπήρχε αποζημίωση ως η διαφορά μεταξύ του υπολοίπου εισόδου και εξόδου από την υποδοχή).
Αυτό που θα ήθελα να επισημάνω είναι ότι, αν και το καζίνο έχει αναγνωρίσει την "ενοχή" του, τα ρευστοποιεί όλα με το εξής: "αν είχα συνεχίσει τη συνεδρία του παιχνιδιού, κανείς δεν μπορεί να προβλέψει το αποτέλεσμα των επόμενων Γύρων". και "Το μήνυμα σφάλματος διέκοψε τη συνεδρία του παιχνιδιού αλλά δεν οδήγησε σε οικονομικές ελλείψεις."
Με ποια έννοια δεν οδήγησε σε οικονομικές ελλείψεις; Αυτό δεν είναι απώλεια ευκαιρίας;
Το γεγονός και μόνο ότι δεν ήταν δυνατό να προβλεφθεί ακριβώς το αποτέλεσμα των επόμενων Γύρων δεν αγνοεί το γεγονός ότι υπήρχε μια συγκεκριμένη πιθανότητα να επιτευχθεί μια ορισμένη νίκη.
Σε ό,τι με αφορά, η συμπεριφορά του καζίνο ήταν κατάφωρα άδικη και αυτή είναι η τελευταία μου προσπάθεια πριν πάω στο δικαστήριο.
Good morning,
on 20/05/2022 at 00:18:16 I start my session in the Esqueleto Explosivo 2 slot of Thunderkick, after having done over 150 spins at bet 0,50 the slot disconnects at 00:28:23: no problem of connection or otherwise, certainly a problem with them.
I take a screenshot of the disconnected game page and once back in the home the Betflag message appears "The ticket has been closed correctly": my session has been closed arbitrarily, without my being able to do anything.
I contact the assistance explaining the problem and requesting a refund between the difference in the balance of entry and exit and in addition a compensation since due to their problem I have lost the possibility of making a potential win.
After ignoring me for a long time and after contacting the telephone support where the assistant tells me that the complaint has been forwarded to Play N 'Go, (the manufacturer of the slot is Thunderkick, so it is not clear why it has cited Play N'Go) an email is sent to me stating that in the round ID 277654315002, that is the last shot made in the slot, the potential win is equal to 0.
I dispute a few things on this point:
- The indicated round is present in the history and therefore the slot block was subsequent, so potential winnings could have come in the following spins, had the Slot not been arbitrarily disconnected (from them).
- In the pdf in which the shot is indicated, the wrong time is indicated, that is 00:28:00, in that minute three shots were made: 277654259802 at 00:28:03, 277654573502 at 00:28:16, 277654315002 at 00 : 28: 23.
- In the same pdf there are two external links: the first is this https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.500000, the second (which should mostrare il replay del round) è questo https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.500000%20EUR&accountBalanceBefore=154.660000%20EUR&providerGameRoundId=3c672427edf5e1ffce1857e0174b6fbfd2e4c43a0b07270b8c00a8cd83b4b18716e34edbf79915ed41e10dc613c1bebb&playerId=464971&gameRoundStatusCode= COMPLETED & trackingServiceUrl = https% 3A% 2F% 2Fgame-p1.thunderkick.com% 2Fmonolith & operatorId = 3071 & currencyIso = EUR & startDate = 2022-05-19T22% 3A28 & endDate = 2022-05-19T22% 3A28 & gameSessionId = ebf3baed-45c3-d3ba-45-d3ba-45c3-45-d3b45-game s1-g27 & replay = true , both have no data.
When, in the light of these untruthful data, I reaffirm the desire to obtain a refund and compensation equal to 5000x the stake, I initially asked the casino to find a meeting point by asking for 100 euros in real bonus, a meeting point obviously not found.
Lastly, I get this email from their support:
"Hi Alessandro,
the request for compensation is rejected, as if I had continued the game session, no one can predict the outcome of the following Rounds.
The error message interrupted the game session but did not result in financial shortages: the session history is attached
In any case, you will be compensated for the amount lost because it is recognized that you may have been bothered by the deteriorated gaming experience.
Our assistance is at your disposal.
The BetFlag team ".
In their gaming contract and in the service charter there is no case of this type, therefore the relevant legislation must be found in the Law.
From the last email received it seems clear that they took responsibility for the error, therefore they were held responsible for the same (in fact there was compensation as the difference between the entry and exit balance from the slot).
What I would like to point out is that, although the casino has acknowledged its "guilt", it liquidates everything with: "if I had continued the game session, no one can predict the outcome of the following Rounds." and "The error message interrupted the game session but did not lead to financial shortfalls."
In what sense did it not lead to economic shortfalls? Isn't this a loss of chance?
The mere fact that it was not possible to predict exactly the outcome of subsequent Rounds does not ignore the fact that there was a concrete possibility of making a certain win.
As far as I am concerned, the behavior of the casino was grossly unfair and this is my last attempt before going to court.
Thank you.
il 20/05/2022 alle ore 00:18:16 inizio la mia sessione nella slot Esqueleto Explosivo 2 della Thunderkick, dopo aver fatto oltre 150 giri a bet 0,50 la slot si disconnette alle 00:28:23: nessun problema di connessione o di altro tipo, certamente un problema che riguarda loro.
Faccio uno screenshot alla pagina del gioco disconnesso e una volta tornato nella home il Betflag appare il messaggio "Il ticket è stato chiuso correttamente": la mia sessione è stata chiusa in modo arbitrario, senza che io potessi far nulla.
Contatto l'assistenza spiegando il problema e chiedendo il rimborso tra differenza di saldo di entrata ed uscita e in più un indennizzo dato che a causa di un loro problema ho perso la possibilità di effettuare una potenziale vincita.
Dopo avermi ignorato a lungo e dopo aver contattato l'assistenza telefonica in cui l'assistente mi dice che il reclamo è stato inoltrato a Play N' Go, ( la casa produttrice della slot è Thunderkick, quindi non si capisce il motivo per cui abbia citato Play N'Go) mi viene inviata una mail dove viene indicato che nel round ID 277654315002, ovvero l'ultimo tiro effettuato nella slot, la vincita potenziale è pari a 0.
Contesto alcune cose su questo punto:
- Il round indicato è presente nella cronologia e quindi il blocco della slot è stato successivo, ergo potenziali vincite sarebbero potute arrivare nei giri successivi, se non fosse stata arbitrariamente (da loro) disconnessa la Slot.
- Nel pdf in cui viene indicato il tiro è indicata un'ora sbagliata, ovvero 00:28:00, in quel minuto sono stati effettuati tre tiri: 277654259802 alle 00:28:03, 277654573502 alle 00:28:16, 277654315002 alle 00:28:23.
- Nello stesso pdf sono presenti due link esterni: il primo è questo https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.500000, il secondo (che dovrebbe mostrare il replay del round) è questo https://d10seqx7f7ksi7.cloudfront.net/common/tracking/tk-s1-g27/operator/tracking.html?gameRoundId=277654315002&totalBet=0.500000%20EUR&accountBalanceBefore=154.660000%20EUR&providerGameRoundId=3c672427edf5e1ffce1857e0174b6fbfd2e4c43a0b07270b8c00a8cd83b4b18716e34edbf79915ed41e10dc613c1bebb&playerId=464971&gameRoundStatusCode=COMPLETED&trackingServiceUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fgame-p1.thunderkick.com%2Fmonolith&operatorId=3071¤cyIso=EUR&startDate=2022-05-19T22%3A28&endDate=2022-05-19T22%3A28&gameSessionId=ebf3baa4-d3ba-458a-9ed4-f6f30193c45a&gameId=tk-s1-g27&replay=true , entrambi sono sprovvisti di dati.
Allorché, alla luce di questi dati poco veritieri ribadisco la volontà di ottenere un rimborso e un indennizzo pari a 5000x la puntata, inizialmente avevo richiesto al casinò di trovare un punto di incontro chiedendo 100 euro in bonus reale, punto di incontro ovviamente non trovato.
Per ultimo ricevo questa mail dalla loro assistenza:
"Ciao Alessandro,
la richiesta di un indennizzo è respinta, in quanto se avessi proseguito la sessione di gioco, nessuno può prevedere l'esito dei Round successivi.
Il messaggio di errore ha interrotto la sessione di gioco ma non ha determinato ammanchi economici: in allegato la cronologia della sessione
Si risarcisce in ogni caso l'importo perso perché si riconosce che possa esserti infastidito a causa dell'esperienza di gioco deteriorata.
La nostra assistenza è a Tua disposizione.
Il team di BetFlag".
Nel loro contratto di gioco e nella carta dei servizi non è prevista una fattispecie di questo tipo, dunque la normativa di riferimento va riscontrata nella Legge.
Dalla ultima mail ricevuta pare chiaro che loro abbiano preso responsabilità dell'errore, dunque si siano ritenuti responsabili dello stesso (di fatti c'è stato il risarcimento come differenza tra saldo di entrata ed uscita dalla slot).
Ciò che mi preme far notare è che, nonostante il casinò abbia riconosciuto la sua "colpevolezza", liquida il tutto con: "se avessi proseguito la sessione di gioco, nessuno può prevedere l'esito dei Round successivi." e "Il messaggio di errore ha interrotto la sessione di gioco ma non ha determinato ammanchi economici".
In che senso non ha determinato ammanchi economici? Non è questo un danno da perdita di chance?
Il solo fatto che non fosse possibile prevedere esattamente l'esito dei Round successivi non prescinde dal fatto che ci fosse la concreta possibilità di effettuare una determinata vincita.
Per quanto mi riguarda il comportamento del casinò è stato gravemente scorretto e questo è il mio ultimo tentativo prima di ricorrere alle vie legali.
Αυτόματη μετάφραση: