Έκανα κατάθεση με ΑΤΜ και πέρασε αμέσως, έκανα ανάληψη με sepa και εγκρίθηκε σε 10 λεπτά
Αυτό το καζίνο εγκρίνει αναλήψεις σε 10 λεπτά. Πολύ καλό πράγματι
και δεν ζήτησαν αμέσως επαλήθευση εγγράφων. Συνιστώ αυτό το καζίνο
Έχω παίξει σε άλλα καζίνο και διαρκεί από 1 ημέρα έως 3 ημέρες, εδώ ήταν μόνο 10 λεπτά!!!
I deposited by ATM and it went through instantly, I withdrew by sepa and it was approved in 10 minutes
This casino approves withdrawals in 10 minutes. Very good indeed
and they didn't ask for document verification right away. I recommend this casino
I've played at other casinos and it takes between 1 day and 3 days, here it was only 10 minutes!!!
Depositei por multibanco entrou no momento, levantei por sepa foi aprovado em 10min
Este casino aprova levantamentos em 10minutos. Muito bom mesmo
e não pediram para já verificação de documentos. Aconselho o casino
Já joguei noutros casino e. Demora entre 1 dia a 3 dias aqui foi apenas 10minutos!!!