Δυστυχώς πρέπει να πω ότι ήταν πολύ ευγενικοί μέχρι που πλήρωσα το πρώτο (και τελευταίο) 350 ευρώ.
Έπαιξα live BJ και είχα υπόλοιπο 1350 μετά από περίπου δέκα χέρια
Προσπάθησα να κάνω ανάληψη και μετά από περίπου 6 μέρες, αφού ενέκριναν τα έγγραφα ασφαλείας μου, έκλεισαν τον λογαριασμό μου και μου έδωσαν πίσω μόνο τα αρχικά 350 ευρώ. Είπαν ότι χρησιμοποίησα παράνομες στρατηγικές για να κερδίσω. Εμ. Ζήτησα λοιπόν μια εξήγηση αλλά μου είπαν ότι δεν χρειάζεται να μου τη δώσουν. Ποια είναι όμως η συμπεριφορά;
Τα 1000 ευρώ τα θεωρώ κυριολεκτικά κλεμμένα από εμένα.
Τι βαθμολογία λοιπόν μπορούμε να δώσουμε σε έναν κλέφτη; Λέω κάτω από το μηδέν. Εσείς?
Unfortunately I must say that they were very kind until I paid the first (and last) 350 euros.
I played live BJ and had a balance of 1350 after about ten hands
I tried to withdraw and after about 6 days, after having approved my security documentation, they closed my account and only gave me back the initial 350 euros. They said I used illegal strategies to win. Uhm. So I asked for an explanation but they told me they don't have to give it to me. But what is the behavior?
I consider the 1000 euros literally stolen from myself.
So what score can we give to a thief? I say below zero. You?
Purtroppo devo dire che sono stati gentilissimi fino a quando ho versato i primi (e ultimi ) 350 euro.
Ho giocato a BJ live ed avevo un balance di 1350 dopo circa una decina di mani
Ho provato a prelevare e dopo circa 6 gg, dopo aver approvato la mia documentazione per la Security, mi hanno chiuso l'account e mi hanno dato indietro solo i 350 euro iniziali. Hanno detto che ho usato strategie illegali per vincere. Uhm. Allora ho chiesto spiegazioni ma mi hanno detto che non sono tenuti a darmele. Ma che comportamento è?
Considero i 1000 euro letteralmente rubati a me stesso.
Pertanto ad un ladro che punteggio possiamo dare? Io dico sotto zero. Voi?